Today I wanted to bring up lockheed martin's new FORTIS exoskeleton. It's a highly sustainable innovative improvement and supposedly helpful in building aircrafts and engineering flight systems. But what do you think will come of the future with these exoskeletons? They're obviously for military purposes only, so would you think people will start selling it at high prices? Or others will try to sell it to another country? It's a very interesting mechanical device. Share your thoughts!
I disagree about their use being only for the military. I see very little in the way of military application. I see much greater application in industry and in the field of medicine as an additional option in the field of prosthetics. Clearly not actually a prosthetic, but as a tool for individuals suffering from muscle wasting diseases and other such infirmities. It's an unpowered device, so any sort of "Edge of Tomorrow" scenario is out of the picture, at least within our lifetime. The battlefield answers as much to economics as to tactics and strategy and a ridiculously priced piece of easily damaged tech like that does not make sense for foot soldiers. If it did, you would have seen it already years ago. Science Fiction has a very bad habit of not paying attention to economics.
Well, I don't know who Alex Jones is, but I was a soldier and I can tell you that I would NOT strap myself into such a contraption on the battle field. I get knocked sideways by a blast that I would have survived with just bruising on my own, but now I'm strapped into this piece of shit that is bent and damaged and now I can't get it off because the elbow joint is fucked up and won't even let me reach for my other hand to undo it, and now, yes, I am most certainly dead as the enemy finds me alive, rather bruised, but trapped in this thing. No. I would never, ever, EVAH wear such a thing into battle. Fuck that. Some of the coolest seeming shit science fiction dreams up just doesn't make sense in real life. That's why no flying cars. It's not that we can't build them; it's that humans are too stupid and dangerous to drive them.
That wasn't aimed at you, dude. And Alex Jones is a conspiracy theory nut who thinks the US government are putting poisons in children's milk and are working with the Free Masons to take over the world or ... something. He's an idiot, quite frankly.
Haven't you played the new Call Of Duty? Exoskeletons are the perfect tool for warfare! They mean you can double jump and boost stomp your enemies!