If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns about this RPG/Story then feel free to post any of them here. Note: Everyone who is part of the story will be working on the same side as the others and will be fighting against an active environment as well as NPCs that are brought into the story. I have tried to make clear all of the rules and the basics , but of course there are things I may have overlooked- if so, please let me know. Thanks. Feel free to sign up for it on the actual thread by providing a character bio.
Could you possibly describe the Deaf Ones in greater detail, so I won't be guessing as to your idea? You could PM me, or just post it here.
I don't mean to sound needy, but could you give a little more info on the Sahrias or are we free to just make things up? I'm working on putting together a character now, but I don't want to conflict with anything you have in mind.
Yup, you bet it is. Character is posted. I just worked around the Sahrias stuff. Now where is our GM? He hasn't been online in a few days and I find that troubling. Maybe he's abandoned us!!! *panics* just kiddin'... sort of...
Omg, I didn't see this! I want to join in! Is it too late?!?! edit: I am working on a character! edit2: I posted a character! Thought you could use more diversity anyway - no one is playing a dwarf, and no one EVER plays female dwarves! Also, I thought I'd introduce the Rune Magic system (as it should be general Teledring-ian knowledge, especially for those who are educated): There are two types of Runeforgers - Destructive or Protective. Generally, Runeforgers focus on one or the other. Iris' focus is Protection, but she has also learned a fair bit of Destructive. How it works is basically you draw symbols (runes) on material - predominantly stones for transport purposes - with a rune-inscribing tool (usually a blade) and then these can be activated by calling the rune's name. The runestone is destroyed afterwards. However, you can imbue armor with the runes by preserving them through forging and blacksmithing. The other limitation is that the runes have only been able to work when Dwarves use them - the magic behind them is tied into Dwarvern blood. I hope this gets started!!
Sorry everyone for not posting on here recently, had some internet issues. The Saharias are a magical race yes- if you want a helpful image picture one of the Avatar's from James Cameron's movie- just shorter, and ditch the blue skin- more of a murky peach color and more humanlike. Their appearance can vary greatly based on where they are born and the ammount of mana available during their birth so get creative if you wish . As for the Deaf Ones- they are an elite group of righteous vigilantes if you will. Much like a black ops taskforce. They were issued by the protector (and military leader) of a previous King of the four realms. (Before the First War) Their reason for existing is to take care of problems in a quiet and unnoticable manner to avoid political interference and to not cause a commotion amongst the people of Teledring. Because a civil war is taking place- the King's council (The current king is a Human with a diverse council) believes it is in his best interest to deal with the problem without a rulebook. The Deaf Ones are to do whatever they must to complete their mission and trek through Teledring- in this case they must get that ring in the armory of the Jurian Nile, for it is their only chance. I also made the first post on the forum- so have a look And on that note- I think we have a fair number of signups so I shall consider it closed for now, yes? Good Bio's everyone- if you have any other editing to be done then do so post haste and if you have any other questions feel free to ask on the discussion forum I created. The strengths/weaknesses/bio will add a good flavor to the story so consider those especially- the more info the merrier.
Seems I joined right at the last minute! Brandogg, do we all know about the task? (Those of us present at the meeting.)
Yes sir- we are all certain of the task but it has been some time since the Deaf Ones have met. The last time was before the Deathbringer was defeated during the First War. We have been briefed but we do not know much about each other aside from a name or two. The task is the only thing we as the Deaf Ones have in common. Let's get this show on the road and give em' hell.
A quick question: Are there there other Deaf Ones at this meeting, besides our characters? I presume the Elf Balendraum was speaking with is an NPC, right? Oh, and another thing: Is Benei our leader or just another Deaf One? I wasn't entirely sure if she was standing up as an authority figure or just introducing herself to us as equals. I think it's the latter, but I want to make sure I'm not disrespecting her in any way. no more questions, I promise... at least not for a while.
Hey, did I join too late? I've been trying to join for days but I've just been a bit lazy about it so I just did it today.
Vamp, if you don't mind me asking, what is a character who isn't a fighter and carries no weapons and whose greatest strength is his bright personality in a group of elite fighters, killers, and warriors?
Well, I figured he could learnto fight y'know? It's not even really that he can't fight it's just that he doesn't want to.
I see what you mean. Just felt out of place amongst shadow chimeras, lightning assassins, and rune magic dwarves. Be my guest though, it should be interesting.
Sorry for the double post, but I felt I should say something. Earphone, I don't know if Hawken particularly minds, but you did just have her character speak for her. That would be taking control of another character, and while in this case it is fairly innocent, I would appreciate it if you didn't do that with my character. Its not a good habit to get into since some GMs, (read "me") greatly dislike such things. Try to be careful of that.
Yeah, controlling others' characters is generally not a good thing, Earphone. Usually the only time you should find yourself writing another character's dialogue is when you're quoting something s/he said in a previous post. If you want to engage in conversation you should first have your character speak, then wait for someone to respond, rather than creating a response for them. You also wrote that Theo took a seat, which wasn't quite what I had in mind, but doesn't bother me any in this instance since he didn't have much more to say anyhow. I don't mean to be Mr. Rule Guy, but that's how I've always seen things done and it usually makes things go smoother. If roleplaying is done differently here, by all means enlighten me.
Yeah... Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away when writing. I'll try not to let it happen again.
Well, her description said bad guy. I thought Branddog requested that we keep to good characters, but he never requested a change...
Yuuuup. He said in the opening post of this discussion thread: It's totally possible she may have a change of heart and switch sides (but I doubt it) or be taken along as a prisoner of war (more likely, I think) and ultimately end up as "one of us." I'm not sure if he simply overlooked Rosalis's alignment by accident or if they have something planned out. In my opinion, it makes things more interesting having an enemy in our midst. But that's up to the GM. In the meantime, anybody feel like posting? We could strike up some conversation to pass the time.