People who refer to their children as the 'kiddos'. People who hang 8-packs of soda bottles on the sides of their shopping carts at the supermarket.
People who wear their rucksacks in confined crowded spaces. Especially when they walk up the aisle of a crowded plane.
Not blind, exactly. If you can show me many news stories about dogs attacking a child where the dogs are some other breed, I'll re-consider.
Shopping carts taking up a car's space in the parking lot of the supermarket, twenty feet away from a place where the store wants you to put them.
My friends in the veterinary trade tell me that chihuahuas are the worst offenders, and that if pit bulls aren't raised as fighting dogs, they're less likely than other breeds to be aggressive. For years, they were considered a good family dog. (Remember the Little Rascals and their pit bull?) I'll grant you that they can be very protective if they feel their humans are being threatened, and that they can do severe damage when they do go ballistic.
Yes, people who know a lot more about dogs than I do will often tell you it isn't the breed, it's the owner, which is why this is in the '...but shouldn't' thread. That said, my challenge remains, though I should have said 'killing', rather than 'attacking' a child. I have to believe chihuahuas are rarely lethal, unless there are enough of them to get you down and tug away at your jugular.
I'm just salty cause my city banned them and I saw an adorable Pit Bull at the shelter that I wasn't legally allowed to adopt. I'm aware that pit bulls have higher incidents of attacking and killing -- 10 out of 15 dog bit fatalities this year have been by pit bulls. But if it's of any interest: Spoiler: Vicious Dogs: The Antisocial Behaviors and Psychological Characteristics of Owners (Discussion) Each year, 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs, of which 386,000 are seriously injured and over 200 die. Several dog breeds have been labeled “vicious” or of “high-risk” for aggression. To date, only one empirical study has examined the characteristics of persons who choose to own their high-risk dogs (6). Barnes et al. reports that owners of Akitas, Chow-Chows, Dobermans, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Wolf-mixes endorsed approximately 10 times more criminal convictions than owners of nonvicious dogs. Further, vicious dog owners reported more crimes involving aggression, children, alcohol, and domestic violence than owners of nonvicious dogs. The current research sought to replicate and extend these findings with a college sample. The present study compared nondog owners and owners of vicious, large, and small dogs on engagement in criminal behavior, general personality traits (i.e., impulsive sensation seeking, neuroticism-anxiety, aggression-hostility, activity, and sociability), psychopathy, and attitude towards animal maltreatment. Results indicate that the vicious dogs in the sample were more likely to be male (compared to large and small dogs) and female participants were more likely to own small dogs (compared to large and vicious dogs). As hypothesized, a significant difference in criminal behavior was found based on dog ownership type. Owners of vicious dogs were significantly more likely to admit to violent criminal behavior, compared to large dog owners, small dog owners, and controls. The vicious dog owner sample also engaged in more types (i.e., violent, property, drug, and status) of criminal behavior compared to all other participant groups. Personality traits were examined and vicious dog owners were significantly higher than controls on impulsive sensation seeking. Examining psychopathic traits, owners of high-risk dogs endorsed significantly more characteristics of primary psychopathy (e.g., carelessness, selfishness, and manipulative tendencies) than small dog owners. Comparing owners of vicious dogs to other groups, no significant differences were found regarding secondary psychopathy (e.g., impulsiveness or self-defeating behaviors) or attitudes towards animal maltreatment. Among the college sample, the vicious dogs were predominantly male and weighed 68 pounds. The owners had more self-reported overall criminal behaviors as well as violent criminal behavior. They endorsed significantly more sensation seeking and primary psychopathic traits. Several limitations of this study must be noted. This sample is composed of only college student dog owners, and therefore, the results most directly apply to them. The authors also attempted to recruit a community sample from the StudyReponse project via an Internet survey. Unfortunately, of the 1500 questionnaires distributed, just 262 responded and only 13 individuals were owners of vicious dogs. Therefore, we had an inadequate sample to replicate these findings. Future research in this area would be strengthened by examining a sample of community dog owners of diverse educational, sex, and ethnic backgrounds. Validity of results would have also been enhanced with more detailed information regarding the dogs. For example, participants were not queried as to their certainty regarding the dog breed. Further, information regarding the dog’s history of abuse, placement in a pound/humane society, and informal or formal training would add depth to data and related findings. Research could also explore whether owners of two or more vicious dogs differ from owners of one vicious dog on various psychological and behavioral attributes. This could not be explored in the current study because only 10 participants reported owning multiple vicious dogs. Findings of this study generally support the results of Barnes et al. (6). With the abovementioned limitations, further research is needed to explore the results that owners of vicious dogs do differ from others in terms of antisocial behaviors and psychopathic traits. Future research could use criminal records, or interviews (direct or collateral) to further examine antisocial and psychopathic attributes of vicious dog owners. This begins to clarify who chooses to own high-risk or vicious dogs. It also suggests that vicious dog ownership may be a simple marker of broader social deviance, which invites further research. Ragatz, L., Fremouw, W., Thomas, T. and McCoy, K. (2009), Vicious Dogs: The Antisocial Behaviors and Psychological Characteristics of Owners. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54: 699–703. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2009.01001.x Sorry about jumping down your throat, I got heated and forgot about the "but shouldn't" part. I really wanted that pit bull at the shelter...
I could link a few articles on here about how legislation targeting certain dog breeds has been proven to increase dog bite statistics though peoples preconceived notions about the dogs (Those who buy them because of the notoriety and those who interact the dogs incorrectly for the same reason.) So if it makes you feel any better, your stance against those dog breeds is actively causing more dog bites. Also, what bothers me that shouldn't is my barber wanting to start a conversation while cutting my hair.
I think there should be a pogrom against people who use idioms and quotations incorrectly. Seriously, it's the path less traveled.
I strongly agree with this. Barbers are bad enough but I get it way worse because I don't trust those fucking butchers with my gorgeous flowing locks and I have to go and make conversation with people who do women's hair and over there, let me tell you, there isn't a lot of overlap in our social spheres.
Threads that should be light-hearted and then quickly derail off the tracks, into a ditch... filled with lava... and fire-proof cobras...
Tonight I asked hubby what he wanted for dinner. Anything. Cooks 'anything'. I don't like rice. You know I don't like rice! Husband has dummy spit and sulks for rest of evening. You said anything. Rice is anything. Don't say 'anything' when you'd rather have anything but rice.
People that are shallow bug the shit out of me. (Granted judgy people are asses anyways). Needing a license to buy certain things. Sure you can buy all the equip. you want but not some of the peripherals due to safety regs. (Medical Fetish gripes). Adverts that tell me I am less of a man for not buying a product. Fuck off with that shit. Wal-mart, and its Wal-martians! People that want to hire me, but have no clue on what the hell is needed for a carpet job. Close minded persons. Yep that about covers it.
Dude what were you trying to buy? I can only speak for this country but you can buy stirrups and speculums and medical restraints and all the fetishistic stuff you want. Hell you can buy canulas and needles and suture kits, all the sharp stuff, plus urethral sounds and cathatars and really weird stuff. You just go online and buy that shit and it's yours.