My apologies if this is the wrong forum. I found this particular writing forum via NaNoWriMo; I'm an English Major working on my undergrad thesis and I need help. My topic is how the process of writing autobiography affects the writer's perceptions about his/her life-story and identity. I'm hoping that this area of the relationship between writer and writing (autobiographical or otherwise) will be built upon in further research. I'm looking for people who have written their autobiography* or are in the process of writing one (published or not) to participate in a brief survey about the process. There are less than ten questions, so it shouldn't take long to fill out. If you have written (or are currently writing) an autobiography please take a few moments to complete my survey to tell me about your work. Or if you know someone who would be interested in participating, please pass it on. Thank you so much! Misha *Note: my project is primarily focused on autobiography, but authors of memoir, creative non-fiction, and heavily autobiographical fiction are also welcome to participate.
i filled it out, but you need to be more specific in the places i mentioned, that were too ambiguous to answer...
Yes, thank you for your feedback Mammamaia, I made a few tweaks that should hopefully clear up those ambiguities.