Through the eyes of a dragon... is it any good. My mum said I should read it, do you agree??? Fantasy Girl xx
I read that book over 6 years ago and it still pops into my head at random moments. It's a fairytale setting but has "real" characters. And it has Flagg. Gotta love Flagg
it's actually The Eyes of the Dragon. It was the last book I read in fact, my third book from King. I liked it mainly for its characters, Flagg, Roland, Penya, and most of all Thomas. I felt that it was little too cliche and resorted to the obvious too much. The book is also quite short, but that's because not that much actually happens directly. Events that could be fascinating are simply mentioned briefly, and are not very original in the first place. Also the main protagonist, Prince Peter, is woefully one dimensional and has absolutely no faults. yeah King, that's realistic! my thoughts on the book as a whole? It's just alright. Worth a read, as it is quite short, but don't be expecting anything too deep or detailed. Which is strange for King's writing, as he often starts babbling with overly detailed descriptions way too much in other novels.
A great book IMO. I read it quite late.. but it has it all.. a fairy tale with my personal favourite badass Flagg.