Hey, I was just replying to a thread when my connection got wonky and doubled my post. This wasn't the first time to have happened, it has happened numerous other times, far too many for me to count. Every time I do so, I have to edit and type in a meek 'sorry, double post, please delete' because there isn't a delete function for me to just erase it. I'm just wondering, would it be a good idea to let posters be able to delete their own posts if they end up double-posting by accident? It might save the mods time from having to go to the double-post and delete it. What do you think? Good idea?
. Other forums I frequent where that is an option won't allow deletion if there's a following post (for obvious reasons.) If we can delete our own posts - great.
I would only support member deletion of posts under restricted conditions: 1. Member deletion is blocked 15 minutes after posting. That;s plenty of time to correct mistakes, while preventing members from taking pot shots and then covering their tracks. 2. No member deletion if other members have replied in the same thread, regardless of whether the responses have been deleted or moved. 2. No member deletion of the first post of a thread. 3, Member deletion is a soft delete only, so the deleted post remains available to inspection by the moderators.
I think a soft delete is the best option. I can see why having a full on delete accessible to members is an issue. I've seen people post highly inflammatory things then just delete it later once they'd accomplished their goal of working everyone into a frenzy. The only problem I can foresee with a soft delete is it becoming a burden on the mods.
Yes. I've seen plenty of hit and run attacks, including provocations left up just long enough to piss off an intended target. Even with soft delete it can be hard for the mods to spot the post if the target doesn't remember which thread it was in. It is a pain to deal with that type of coward, even though I knew how to track them. Better not to even let them think they can be "clever" in the first place. Double posts are a nuisance, but as a mod I usually cleaned them on sight without any fuss,