Yours was the one I could understand, kinda.. lol. I'm still not even sure that it is. I'm on it now. I don't see any video's, there are some google advertisements but those are everywhere, it's just the genres of stories. I see how COULD be, but I don't really see why it IS, I guess.
Hmm, oh well. Best not argue with the mods. I'll just remember next time to mention the name of the site rather than linking it.
Kinda sad that even when it had the support of moderators, supporters and senior members, one person can decide that it deserves to be deleted. Hopefully someone will start it again, I guess links aren't strictly essential. Might be worth sending a message to the site owner regarding it, see what his thoughts on it are.
I was thinking we could try this again. Only this time let's make sure we only post the name of the story and the author without any links. I think that was the only major issue last time.