I am going to be writing a scene in which the two MC's get arrested in Italy on suspicion of being involved in a drug ring. I need to know what Italian police say when the make an arrest.
watch detective montalbalno on youtube also be aware that there are various different law enforcement arms in italy , so wording may differ between them
also on the wording - there's no Italian version of Miranda or PACE so pretty much they'll say "you're under arrest" , or similar. Also Italian police , particularly caberneri are pretty physical so for a drug bust you could expect kicking in of doors and general violence towards suspects You could also have a look at the books by Lorenzo Carcatera , in particular 'paradise city' which has several arrest scenes set in Naples - i'm away from home or I'd have a look for you
My experiences with the Italian police have not been cheerful. I would up with a large gun stuck in my throat. I think they are fairly - ah - assertive.
I looked up on google using - famous Italian criminal trials Italian arrest procedures Rights of the accused in Italy Criminal law reform in Italy Rights of the accused in Italy