Hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong place or something, I'm new to the forums and after reading some of the role play that you guys are doing wanted to get involved. Before I can feel comfortable doing that however I just wanted to make sure I have everything straight about what the can and can'ts are for Role Play. Ok my first question is in regards to writing scenes with another person's character involved. When it says in the rules that you can't control another person's character to what extent does that go? How do you write a scene if you can't control one of the character's choices? That's my main question and if somebody could explain how this works that would be awesome. As you answer, more questions will probably come up so I appreciate your patience with the new guy
Well as I see it there are two ways to work a scene with another writer or writers. (An important side note is that you really shouldn't control another writer's character in any way unless given permission by that person. No one likes it when you touch their stuff without asking!) The first way to carry out a scene is to write your character's action or dialogue and then leave it open ended for the other player to respond. For example lets say character A (We'll call him Jimmy Sixes, notorious gunslinger in the West) gets a little riled by character B (He can be Bobby Boyce, jolly piano player in The Drunken Squirrel). The writer for Jimmy Sixes decides that he will throw a punch at Bobby Boyce, but he only writes the punch being thrown, not landing. It's now up to the writer for Bobby Boyce to decide whether the punch lands or misses. In this case the writer decides to allow the punch to hit, and writes the punch landing and the after effects. Bobby falls from his stall and loses a couple of teeth, before angrily shouting, "What on God's green Earth did you do that for!?" To which the writer for Jimmy Sixes responds, "Your face disagreed with me." Personally, I am not a fan of this style because it means creating lots of very short posts between two or more writers, rather than having something meaty to read but it does have it's benefits. It means you can respond quickly and effectively. Now the second way of approaching this is something we in the business like to call a Collab post. This a collaborative post in which you and another writer or writers start a conversation privately through the forums private messaging system, and work together to create a scene involving your characters. Because it is private between you and another writer you can discuss ideas and plot developments without annoying or sharing it with others. If you don't like something in the post you can work together to change it so all are happy. Eventually you come to the same place that multiple posts get you, albeit slightly slower. I prefer these because you can suggest ideas for other characters, without offending anyone. If they don't like your idea for their character they can simple say, "No thanks, but how about trying this instead..." etc, etc. Again if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask, everyone on the forum is friendly and willing to help Ta! Your Friendly Neighbourhood Fox
Once again Mr Fox thanks for the detailed reply. So is the style of the writing (segment or collab) up to the GM or players? Oh and is there anyway to get the p at the end of my name removed quickly, it was a typing error
Not sure about the name typo, sorry! You would have to talk to the forum admins, I'm sure someone else in the RP forum would be better equipped to answer this question. The style is up to your preference really. You can either just reply in the post or instigate a collab with someone else. Generally speaking if someone tries to instigate a collab with you then 99% of the time you accept, unless in special circumstances. Most people tend to see collabs as a way of getting to know the other writers and also a sign that they would like to work with you and your writing skills.
*raises hand* Also, if you need to practice with anyone I am perfectly willing to help @Master Attanp (sorry about that typo but yeah the admins should help) so you know roughly what you are doing by the time you really get rp'ing.
That would be awesome Keitsumah! Thanks for all the support guys! By the way how do you do the @Person thing (Noob over here )
When you want to tag a person in a post, just write "@person name" such as @Master Attanp Uusually, a little window will pop up where you wrote the name and allow you to select the correct user. It creates a hyperlink to the user's profile and alerts that someone mentioned them by name in the thread.
@Master Attanp Welcome to Role Play! It sounds like everyone else beat me here lol, but if you need anything else, just let me or one of the other RPers know (You can usually identify us by the signature badge ), or check out the FAQ!
The Fourth hath spokn wise words. All bow down and praise his glorious name. Oh! bless us mighty Fourth, as we pray for thee and thy glorious Narwhal.
Wow, I just noticed it worked then @A.M.P. My phone didn't show that. Thanks though, and I'm happy to be here guys. I'm looking forward to trying out Rp.
Lol, yeah we are a very tight-knit community. Some may see that as intimidating but we are very welcoming and it actually helps those of us who may be.... (okay im pointing at myself here) in need of someone who can keep us in line as for writing (@Macaberz ) then again, that's just my own weakness. You will also see that we all have drastically different writing styles, and if u stick around long enough you will end up with a pair or someone who u like to collab with preferably. (aka: Me and Mac when we did TOE, and Jess and King.) But all in all, we're just here to have a good time.
@Master Attanp , Keit's right when she says "we here are a tight-knit group." and we love adding new people to our RP community. Feel free to ask any of us for help or send us a pm if you want to do a collab. Hopefully we'll be getting more games going again with the coming of summer. I myself am thinking of starting another in the coming weeks. My two-cents of advice would be, don't be afraid to make mistakes. We'll correct you kindly if need be but the important thing is to have fun and you'll learn quickly along the way.
@lixAxil you made my Narwhal smile. @Master Attanp, what everyone else said. @everybody else, you all make me feel like a good captain of this little ship. Things keep going just fine even if I'm not around for a couple days. I call that a win.
I've been secretly peeking in here and wanted to make myself known and say... Welcome to our RP crew, @Master Attanp!!! We're glad to have you! ...now back to the Narwhal threats
@Master Attanp 1) As LTW says we are a friendly community, heck the worst offender is potentially me, so no one is gonna hurt you. 2) Although you can bypass this suggestion, I kinda suggest you to consider it. First: You seem to be new on this of RPG, so is better for you to join a pre existing RPG before trying to create one yourself, so you can get how things works here. Second: This is not something like "absolute" but for some reason fanfic type RPG tend to fail, well I don't play them, so I can say too much about it. And according to LTW, Fall of the Jedi did work. So not absolute, but well the tendency to fail exists. Third: Most important point. Do not forget this is a writing forum. Hence... be worried about doing a nice narrative, try to take care of your grammar (Well I fail on this, but this is not my language), and in general take this as a chance to improve your writing. This is also a point that differentiate us from other RPG forums, we emphasize on the writing aspect.
Also.... I highly suggest thee to not bring the mighty fury of the Fourth who rides a unicorn and wields a Narwhal as its glorious weapon, for he shall ram upon you with the sacred twin horns of punishment.
"A sacred glorious Unicorn who travels upon streams of blessings" Don't you dare speaks simple words of it unless you want to face the vehement rage of the mighty Fourth.
Pfft...I might be afraid if I weren't friends with the Fourth. But I know that he has no vehement rage. It is simply not written within his character sheet.
@ltw there are some things that I can't share... Unicorns included. But you may gaze upon majestic countenance while I ride past, wielding my mighty narwhale of justice.
Haha thanks for the welcome! You guys seem like a great bunch, and don't worry @lixAxil I don't intend to start a RP myself for a while. Have to get some experience before then