What are some things that people notice most about you? For me, it would be that I have beautiful eyes. (Please don't think me to be conceited, I'm just told that all the time.) I'm also good at giving advice.
I am complimented frequently on my eyes and lips. I think people notice that I am outgoing and have no filters between my brain and my mouth. I think people recognize me for my glasses, curly hair, and tendency to wear large earrings. A little boy who has known me for several years admitted he didn't recognize me at first when I wore my contacts and straightened my hair..until he saw my earrings.
To start with, I'm 6'4" and solidly built. Dress me in a suit, and I'm sure some people look for the bulge of a holster. Blue eyes and no butt, which my girlfriend teases me about. Despite that, I listen a lot more than I speak. I practically disappear in a crowded room, despite my size. I won't be in the center of the room, nor will I be propping up the wall. I drift from one conversation to another, just outside the active zones. When I do speak, I can be heard. I don't really shout, but if I need to, I can speak to a full room without a microphone. I was in chorus in high school, an I learned to project. But if I want only the person in front of me to hear me, I can usually manage that too. But what that boils down to is that what people notice most about me is that they don't notice me until I'm right there, and it surprises them, because they don't notice me getting there.
I used to have a very thick, ginger-colored goatee. I shaved it off yesterday. So the only thing people have been noticing today has been: "OH EM GEE, you has no beard!" But besides that, I have very curly blond hair (yep, red beard, blond hair. Weird) and very blue eyes. So I'm told. I'm color-blind so I can't tell. My beard and hair look roughly the same color to me.
that I'm extremely skinny, blonde hair and blue eyes and have kids. I always have them with me, so its hard not to notice.
Strangely enough, I have women tell me all the time what beautiful eye lashes I have. I know it's strange, but it's what I hear. They are kind of long for a guy I suppose.
People tend to notice that I have really small feet. Also, I get a lot of comments from people about how nerdy I am, so I guess I just...radiate nerdiness. And finally, people comment on how big my eyes are a lot. Oh, and people often observe that every time they see me, I'm carrying a notebook.
Nobody notices me until a crisis occurs. I try to stay in the background at meetings and family events, but when the fur flies, I'm first in line to deal with the situation. Couple months ago, I glanced out my bedroom window at 3 AM only to see a car thief removing the dust cover from my neighbor's expensive truck. Within seconds I confronted the jerk and he took off down the street. It was embarrassing when the community newsletter lauded my actions as those of a "responsible citizen", willing to "get involved". Lucky for the thief that I'm getting old and couldn't catch him.
I've been complimented on both my eyes and my long eyelashes before a couple people have mentioned how skinny I am also that I'm smart and get good grades and tend to do the homework and hence know answers....
Well, people always notice that I'm short and dorky. I'm often complimented on my big brown eyes, and I used to be complimented on my unique hair colour (it could be any shade of red, brown, or blonde depending on the time of the year and the lighting) before I died it dark. Especially when someone sees a photo that I am in, people often tell me that I look very honest in my photos. I've heard that comment, almost verbatim, from four different people recently. I think it's a compliment, but it seems to be such a strange comment that I thought I'd post it. People notice physically my eyes and my old hair, and sub-physically (?) my honesty. Hmm.
i'm most often told how weird/odd/quirky i am (for the people who get past the quiet) as for physical, it depends on the place. i used to live in asia, so people would always comment on my big eyes (being the only blond in a sea of black hair kind of stands out, too)
I have bright red curly hair, so people tend to notice that. Strangers tell me they want my hair. Occasionally, people will comment on my eyes, which can look all marble-y blueish. Someone told me once that they wanted to cut out my eyes and put them in a jar.
My hands. I have nice hands and I look for the same kinds of hands in the fellahs' I date. My hands are noticed because I am Latino so my hands are as intrinsic to my ability to speak as my larynx. Also no one believes me when I tell them my age. I look like a kid.
I would cut out your eyes and put them in a jar, Em. Actually, on second thought, no I wouldn't. *shudders* Wrey, I would have thought people would compliment your lovely, silky locks.
My hair, ofcourse. And how pale I am. People can usually tell me by how I dress as well, I'm a bit different in that way. Oh, and my voice; everyone loves my voice.
People tend to notice howmuch older I look and tend to act. I can't even begin to mention every time I've been having a conversation with someone and they suddenly as how old I am. Then they fall over backwards when I tell them I'm only fourteen. haha
Two groups: Other than my wife - I'd say most folks I meet probably would say I kinda humorous. I'm definately not he "life of the party" - with a lampshade on my head and loud and gregarious and all. But sometimes I can insert effective observational humor. I remember being at a party years ago when I must have said a couple of things that drew some laughs, and one of the women at the party turned to my wife and said, "is he ALWAYS that funny?" And my wife, with her eyes piercing, merely sighed and with a grimace on her face said as dryly as possible, "oh yeah. always." To my wife: notices I talk a lot. (I do.)
The funny thing is, people have been telling me I must be sixteen since I was about ten, so it'll be interesting to see if I actually look sixteen when I am sixteen. Although I got told I was twenty one the other day haha