So I am in a bit of a pickle when it comes to assistance here. I'd find it ridiculous if I did not give my MCs any injuries whatsoever after being nearly crushed by a roof. But their injuries are not entirely as extensive. I guess for me, I'd consider them "crush injuries" as to what extent, well I'd like to minimize anything too serious considering two factors. And a few questions. My First MC; was buffered by most of the impact being absorbed by a force shield of sorts, that shattered after the force of the roof was greater than the individual energy was to keep the force shield up. So, what minor injuries would show up with some of the debris slowed then crushing him? My second MC, was buffered. "Buffered" by someone who thought the best idea was to use their body to cushion him. So another being was laying on top of him as a beam came crushing down on the both of them. So, what injuries would I be looking at? And can another person even use themselves as a buffer or shield in that way to minimize injury? Or would it cause more harm than good? The roof was the size of a small shack, no bigger than a storage unit in the backyard of someone's suburban house. If that even matters.
Busted ribs are always a good one. They hurt like hell but are relatively benign assuming there are no displacements or punctured organs. Half the time the doctor will tell you to take some Advil and send you home without so much as a tape job. However, it makes doing anything difficult, especially breathing. And there's always the obligatory concussion, which can lead to blurred vision, nausea, or dementia. With those two your MCs can be hurt or mildly debilitated without actually being down the count plot-wise.
That's what I was thinking. Michel was unconscious for the first two chapters anyway, a concussion catching up to him would not be unheard of. Should mention the novel is set in a pseudo medieval era. It's not our medieval era on Earth. But somewhere else. So Advil probably wouldn't exist.