1. stickmonkey2

    stickmonkey2 New Member

    May 17, 2009
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    Writing professionally

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by stickmonkey2, May 17, 2009.

    I will be a junior in high school next fall and I am wondering how to fill this gap:

    Me right now ==> ? ==> me working as a tv writer

    What could I / should I study in college? How can I find a job writing episodes anywhere? How can I best prepare myself for this career?
  2. ManhattanMss

    ManhattanMss New Member

    May 14, 2009
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    I wish I'd been smart enough to even ask that kind of a question at your age!

    First, I'm not an authority on any of this (I'd recommend asking a guidance counselor at your high school whose job it is, among other things, to figure out how best to help launch you toward your objectives--which sound delightfully clear and precise).

    But here're some thoughts. Where I am in the NYC metro area, there's a comparative lot of writing internships--some specifically for TV shows. I don't know where you're located or will be in college, but I'd certainly look into sometime along those lines (to fill your summers or work-study programs). Local TV stations may have summer opportunities, even perhaps for high school students, where you can see at least what the environment is like, meet folks, and chat with them about planning your own career. In college, you can lean on professors to help connect you by providing references, even personal introductions, etc.). But you're very smart to be planning ahead, in any case. Build that portfolio with stories and screenplays, because you never know when someone will ask for a writing sample (and they will).

    Good luck!
  3. stickmonkey2

    stickmonkey2 New Member

    May 17, 2009
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    thank you!
    that definitely gave me some things to consider and I feel a lot more focused on what I should actually be doing
  4. Sphi

    Sphi New Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Think outside the box. I'd major in creative writing but I'd also take some psychology and history... these things could come in handy when you write.

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