I recently modified my avatar and profile image to become ANIMATED .gifs. They're pretty cool--check out my profile to see my animated Calvin and Hobbes picture! Anyway, my point was, who else has an animated avatar, or is anyone interested in me making one for them? It's not that much work--I just need a picture (or several if you want an animation) and what you want to happen (the order, etc.). I can also colorize a single image, like my avatar. Oh, here's the picture...:
I have had several animated avatars, don't have them anymore because I lost them when I had to reformat my laptop... sigh! Kyle, that animation is awesome. hahaha!
Lol - love the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. I've been toying with the idea of using one of these as an avatar, but I'm not sure if any would really suit:
the only thing that I have against people using animated gifs for avatars is that not everyone has decent internet. Some people have dial-up, slow internet connections, etc. So with using avatars alone, it can slow the page loading for them, usiang animated gifs would slow it down even further. So I would suggest that if you are going to use them, don't go over board. After all, it is a writing forum, not an animation forum. (sorry to sound like an ogre, just making a point!)