Eere Arterus turned to Eere and smiled, rubbing his hands together. "And you! Oh my, I have heard such stories of your strength, ablities! There is even rumor that you have a sort of heating element as your heart. Tell me, what do you think of having a place to live where you are welcomed with open arms?" Eere thought for a moment, people knowing about his core wasn't good. Although atleast it was just a rumor. So he wanted to offer him a place to live? Was there a trick here? "I'd ask them what the catch was. Everything has a price, even more so on a planet of criminals." He rumbled. "A catch? I'm offended that you would consider it such. I don't make deals with fine print. That's not to say I will require tasks to be done. As with any place one lives, this is a community, and I take pride in the fact that each member does his part, or he no longer stays here," Arterus spoke and ran his fingers across the knuckles of the other hand, and turned to peer out one of the windows of his huts. "Please, do not consider me to be one of these common criminals. I am not one of them." He turned once again to face the rocky creature. "Forgive me. We have not been formally introduced. My name is Arterus." He gave a deep bow; it was a sign of respect among his people. Eere paused before slowly returning the bow. It wouldn't hurt to show this man a bit of respect. He did have one issue though. "You claim you are not like the others here, yet you were quite content to make my friend here a slave until you realised she could make swords. How many others have you enslaved?" Friend? He had called her friend. Arterus considered the large being with a sideways glance, and pursed his lips together before replying in a slow tone, "I have not enslaved any. How many have I let become a slave? Hundreds, thousands," he said while drawing circles in the air with one of his fingers, "too many to count. If you look outside this window," he fluidly brought his finger to gesture toward the town, "you'll see that I have a thriving community. I do not take slaves, but I send people who cannot pull their own weight to those that do. It is better than the alternative." "You still have a hand in slavery though." Eere said. He wasn't fan of slavery but this issue could wait. "We can discuss the slavery later. I have two questions, where would I stay and what tasks would you have me do?" "We would establish a residence for you here. One of your choosing," he gave a warm smile, "There are many things that you can do, am I correct? More muscle than most, and our scientists have noticed a large deposit of energy within you. Simply put: I need you here. These people," he moved toward the window and looked out it once more, "--these people need you. I don't know how long you've been here, but I'm positive its been long enough to notice the harsh winters, yes? Every year the death toll is in the hundreds. Many," and with these next words there was a forlorn stretch in his tone, "many good people have been lost." The older man straightened quickly and shot a quick glance over to Eere, "I am not going to require you to be here; quite frankly I don't think I could keep you against your will. If you'll notice my lack of personal guard." It was true Eere had noticed the lack of guards, mabye Arterus was sincere in helping these people. But Eere still needed his new form. Helping him would get him closer to that, or at least the materials. "Very well, I will help. But that deposit of energy isn't available. Where do we start?" "Excellent. Excellent." He rubbed his hands together again, "First of all, we need to refortify the town. Monsoon season rapidly approaches and we need to make sure everyones shelter is in tip top shape. Which means we'll also need supplies. The recent dropsite may still have scrap metal left if Yores men haven't taken it all yet. Retrieve some of the shuttles for me. Have Hari aid you if you'd like, then check the houses for damage," he paused a moment, "And... what shall I call you?" "Unless you speak the language of the constructs you may call me Eere."
Trina Smith Trina listened to the conversation with unease. Finally, however, Eere agreed to stay. He had even called her friend. She didn't understand why he would agree to stay and work for this man. Maybe he was tired of being alone, maybe he had a secret agenda, or maybe...for some strange reason, he felt the need to stay and protect her. Whatever the reason, Trina was relieved that she wouldn't have to stay in this town alone. This Arterus seemed pleasent enough and his reasons for wanting Eere to stay seemed valid; but there was a look in his eye and a dangerous mannerisim about him. This man could not be trusted. He was dangerous and smart. She had no doubt, that Arterus had no trouble slipping a knife in the back of one he had previously called friend. "And...what shall I call you?" Arterus finally asked. "Unless you speak the language of the constructs you may call me Eere." Her new found companion replied. "Eere." Arterus said as if testing a new flavor. "A good name, indeed. Well, we will find you sutible living conditions in no time." Arterus finally turned back to Trina and addressed her, "And you miss..." he gestured with his hand. "Smith. Trina Smith." She said, with a frown. This flirtatious devil needs a kick in the... "Miss Trina Smith." Arterus smiled amused with her attidue. "There is a now vacant hut where our last smithy, if you can call him that, stayed as he contributed to our society." Trina knew she shouldn't ask but she had too. "What happened to him?" "Oh, lets just say that he made a dagger that severally injured it's owner and he payed the price. But all that too say that it is now yours. There is even a makeshift forge which I'm sure an experienced sword maker such as yourself can work with." A ping of terror resonated through Trina's heart. If she failed to make weapons he liked, or ones that killed someone that another convicts cared about...she was going to be held responsable. Criminals certainly had an interesting justice system. She made eye contact with Eere breifly, trying to gather up some courage. Arterus' voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Max here will lead you to your new home. I hope you enjoy it." Arterus gestured to a man who had stepped out from behind a curtain in the hut. He had several mean looking tattoos on his shoulders and arms. His stance and glare left you without a doubt that he was Arterus' personal bodyguard. Probably good benifits there. Max set a heavy hand on Trina's shoulder and unkindly guided her out of the hut.
Tom, Myr, Pathos, Hawke, and anyone else occupying our cell In the gloom of the cell, he sat thinking on what Raphe wanted. The note signified intent, and a motivation, and Tom was more interested in the why as to the actual need to remove the machine/human. The thing was hardly a threat in that respect although appearances could be deceiving. It was a scavenger, and it was certainly sentient. A rarity among machines but he had seen machines achieve those characteristics... and more. The power of an AI far surpassed any human capacity and he needed that, it had no reason to die. He looked at Pathos. average build; white skin, brown hair probably synthetic, blue eyes again probably mechanical, around 5'10, just an average human, it would made disabling it harder than he hoped, although an EMP pulse could temporarily render the machine dead, it was just a matter of relying on the others to provide the cover while they escaped, an incapacitated robot was a difficult thing to move, but it was far from impossible. Unless once the guards were dealt with he could reactivate Pathos. It would take precious minutes. He stood up and made to approach Pathos. He was suddenly approached by Myr, who he had noticed earlier react to his movements. She had a clenched fist by her side, and moved in front when he dared to get closer. "I'll kill you here if you touch him,” she said strongly, the defiance was fire in her eyes. A woman ready to sacrifice herself for a machine… this I never expected. The defiance stopped him completely as he stared her down. We have no choice. "Trust me; I know what I'm doing.” Myr glared at him, but reluctantly stepped aside, "so what do you suggest?" He looked around, so that he wouldn’t be heard and whispered in her ear, “A false Electro Magnetic Pulse, should deceive Pathos’ neural system long enough for us, to lure a guard in, kill him or her and get out. After that I will wake Pathos us.” He approached Pathos, spoke briefly to machine, he hoped it would understand, he then said loud enough so that he and Pathos were only ones capable of hearing it, “If you can, you might want to turn off any inhibition chip. The false EMP may release a sharp pain, but that is necessary for this deception to work.” Myr hovered over Tom while he prepared to work. She kept her eyes on Pathos though, he hadn't said much since he read the note. She was ever watchful.
James Malachi From his memories of his home before the military, this town was dissapointing, but Malachi had lived in conditions worse than this before in his work. The metal walls were a bit decieving, as a lot of the actual inferstructure of the town was built with wood. That being said, there was nowhere else near enough with this much technology, if you could call it that. He walked the streets for a few minutes, getting a feel for the town and its people. Ignoring the pain in his abdomen and head, he noticed that few people walked about. Most of them were women doing chores or seemingly bringing home goods from a market. As Malachi turned a corner, he saw a younger woman sitting against the wall of a small house, her knees pulled up close to her, hands wrapped aroud them. She was crying quite loudly, and yet nobody would even look her way. Cold hearts, he thought. He may be a criminal, but Malachi could not stand by as a girl cried and do nothing. As he walked up to her, another woman, a bit older than him, was curious all of a sudden and sent a confused look his way. As if no one was ever decent around here, as if he was an anomaly just for seeing his the girl was doing. "What's wrong, little one?" Now that he was closer, she looked to be about eleven. She gave him the same look the other woman had, looking up at his with no understanding. "Look, if I can, I'll help you. But you've got to talk first. What happened to you?" She replied in a little voice that convinced Malachi right away she was not a criminal, but a victim. And he had always been good at deciphering someone's intent, or even just their feelings just by talking to them. "My mother.... She was put into the prison this morning." "Well, why is that? Did she do something wrong?" "NO!" said the girl. Anger flushed in her face, then she went back to pouting into her knees. A few seconds passed, and then she continued. "My dad was killed last week for making a bad dagger. We were going hungry, so mom tried to steal some food for me. And she got caught! It's all my fault, I was complaining I was hungry...." "So you're all alone on Paradeisos." A solemn look on his face, Malachi looked down at the girl. None of this was her fault at all. He decided after a minute, against his better judgement, to help her. "What's your name, little one? I will help your mother." Why am I doing this? Her eyes widened, hope flashed acrossed them. " Really? But you didn't know my- Ellie. It's Ellie." Ellie seemed too confused to speak more, she was so shocked my Malachi's words. "Tell me about your mother so I can find her, and direct me to the prison. I might as well enter this society with a bang...." So he listened, and headed off in the direction Ellie pointed as casually as posible. Shanon, her mother, was to be a tall woman with black hair and milky skin. On the short walk to the prison, Malachi thought deeply. I have injuries and no real weapon, but most of these men have no experience fighting except in small gang skirmishes and the like. This club should work well enough against their light armor.... This was crazy. Why do I feel drawn to do this suicide mission when I should be getting medical attention and making friends on this deadly world? Destiny sure has a doozy lined up for me today. Malachi shook his head, took a deep breath, and stepped towards the guards at the prison, weapons still slung on his back.
Myr Myr was too concerned with what the note said to notice Tom's inner plotting. She held herself together for now. What happens now? Can I trust him? Her eyes dart momentarily to Tom she finally noticed his shifting. Myr clenched her fist steady to take down her prey if need be I'll fight him if I have to .I wont let Pathos down, I owe him my life. Back when Myr first arrived her wound on her wrist had not yet scarred. Her pod pushed off of the transport ship as Myr looked out of the window the atmosphere burned brilliant orange, a color Myr was not familiar with from her home world. She closed her eyes as the ride became rough and got closer to the ground. Next time Myr opened her eyes she was stunned, she found her hands tied to a long horizontal pole, in front of her seemed to be a long line of others some bleeding others bruised what happened “ chuv’ac she’s awake we can get going” Myr looked around to see whom the voice come from, Myr noticed right behind her was a dirty looking man who wore broken leather armor and teeth from what would appear to be many different races “ good I wont have to carry DEAD weight” another dirty looking man walked up but he seemed to be adorned with a Lizard looking skull around his neck and bone armor . Myr began pulling against her restraints, as those who were captured were lead towards an unknown fate. After days of traveling the ones that resisted, or fell were immediately killed and cut into pieces. Myr kept her hair down to cover up her breathing apparatus these natives seem like scavengers, they’ll take this apparatus with out knowing that its my life line. In the morning of the 5th day of walking the caravan finally came up to a tent city. Others sighed in relief as they reached the city but Myr tensed more, knowing exactly the grave situation they were in, She herself had lead a lot of these parades they were going to be sold to the highest bidder. The long pole was set on two Giant Y shaped posts in the center of the city the pole was locked into place Myr would chuckle to herself This is ironic she looked at the others who were tied to the pole they were of many different races and stature but they all shared that same terrified look Myr had seen a thousand times. I wonder if this was the look those younglings gave when they were sold, its no matter now though. a crowd started to gather all of them looked like the ones she had woken up to dirty and wearing some sort of arrangement of bones and leather, though there were others in the crowd, some with proper clothes, or they just stood out Myr Knew that they weren’t apart of this tribe so there are others out there , she would zone into a different sort of creature he looked human but wasnt human? Myr had never seen an android before so when Pathos came into view, she was intrigued by him. Her attention was suddenly pulled back to the front of arena, a very Large, tall man came to the front he was wearing a strange lizard shark sort of creature man different teeth hanging from his neck , he lifted his monstrous hands and the crowd lulled to silence “ I Yore, welcome you to my home Narubish” the crowd clapped and cheered . Myr rolled her eyes such a bull headed ego Yore put up his hands and like magic the crowd quieted “ And these” Yore made a gesture to Myr and the others on display “ beautiful aren’t they! Aha yes, now the rules are simple you give me something of value and I give you one of these, fine, tasty looking specimens” Myr scoffed rather loudly “ well shall we get started then?!” the crowd rose into an almost frenzy as Yore pointed to a rather skinny looking Lizard man he was cut away from the pole and brought front and center “ Ah our first of the day is this Kulinian, do a little spin for us” Yore gawked and laughed at the creature as he danced about “ they are very tasty and make great idiot gaurds!” His laugh rang out. The crowd began to yell out various things that were of value “ glass, I’ve got glass!” shouted a human “ warped metal!” another shout came from the crowd “pressed sand! 5 barrels!” Yore continued to laugh watching the crowd frenzy, after a bit he raised his hands again “ I think the winner is the one with the warped metal throw it to the stage and collect your prize!” this display continued through the line Humans were sold, Kulinians, Ithicans, and others working down towards Myr and if Yore didn’t hear a fitting price the poor creature on front display was killed right there by Yore himself with his dagger “ I guess this is my table fair then?” he joked as he ended a couple lives. Finally it was Myr’s turn she, like the others was cut away from the pole and moved up front “ ah a rare treat, I don’t know what you are “ he moved in close to her smelling her hair “ ah but you smell of the sea, you must be from the Ujee region tell us princess what’s your planet” his nasty bloody fingers caressed her cheek . Myr knew if she didn’t speak she would be killed At least if im sold I have a chance to survive, I could get away, or if need be kill my owner Myr’s eyes narrowed as Yore touched her, she did everything she could not to seem repulsed “ my…er home?” she spoke in a timid voice “ Druska, the alliance knows it as the cities under the sea” Yore would smile wickedly “ I might not give up this beauty, but fair is fair make me a price I cant refuse” he cut her free from her rope restraints lifting her by her hands off the ground exposing a very deep cut on her wrist it looked as if something had been newly carved out of her flesh . As Myr was hoisted up slightly and in the sun her skinscales shimmered brilliantly turning her skin a metallic grayish blue pigment. This would cause the crowd to frenzy “ food, ill give you food!” “ ropes, I have 10 yards of ropes!”, “ fine cloth!” “ beer, ill give you beer!” they are just fueling his ego! As her arms began to hurt she began to struggle a bit. Finally an almost metallic voice rose louder above the crowds” 2 complete drop pods that’s precisely 170 Kg of steel each or 340 Kgs for the two of them ”others started to grow louder trying to out call this recent bidder. Yore rose his hands and the crowd quieted “ you? You can get that? Impossible” Yore sneered not liking the challenge. Pathos finally stepped forward “ yes its easy in fact.” Yore smiled finally setting Myr down “ aha Pathos, yes she is yours then, once you drop off the pods, until then she stays with me” Pathos smiled and nodded “ as long as she’s not harmed before I return” he said heading off in the direction of the pods. “Well boys and girls as you can see there is no more to be sold so come back next time to trade!” Yore Grabbed Myr and took her leaving the arena to cheers and cries. They headed to his tent, finally he released her “ you are no longer mine, I, however have to keep watch over you because you are not his yet either “ Myr would sigh “ Im going to eat and I’ll bring you some food when Me and my own have had their fill” Yore would turn to leave stopping at the entrance “ do not try anything, slaves are easily replaced even for Pathos” he left , Myr sat there on the floor, looking at her deep wound only looking up after she heard the quieted whispers of the grunts guarding her prison “ this Yore is getting old “ one said “ yeah I know, his wounds take longer and longer to heal “ the other joined in “ when Chuv’ac becomes the next Yore, our tibe will be back on top no more of these silly trades, we would get to keep what we catch” they both laughed but quickly hushed as Yore had returned. Myr quickly went back to her corner as the tent flap opened “ your dinner” he spoke tossing down a small plate filled with a small assortment of meat, Myr didn’t question it, she didn’t want to know what meat it belonged to or whom it was, she just ate, and fell into an uneasy sleep . In the Morning she was abruptly awoken and taken to Pathos who had delivered the 2 pods like he said “ she’s yours” Yore said pushing Myr towards her new owner. She would bow politely as common with her culture and to her surprise Pathos did the same. They Left Narubish and walked in silence unknowingly towards the ocean, at the first chance Myr got she would attack pathos but in her weakened state she was no match after she was exhausted from her attempts at his life. Myr laid on the ground breathing heavily “ just kill me now “ she gasped for air as her apparatus gurgled. Pathos picked her up moving beyond the trees to show an expansive ocean “As I understand it your planet is 98 percent water, thus your people survive in water, you are free I don’t own you, go live. I only bought you because I knew you would not survive any other way “ pathos set her down at the rolling shores edge and turned to leave, this was the first time in many months Myr had felt the ocean touch her skin. Myr took a long deep breath and removed her apparatus “ thank you “ she called to him before jumping into the water. Pathos smiled again “ Tea next Thursday then?” When Tom decided to move towards Pathos, Myr moved between then "I'll kill you here if you touch him" she would sound strong in her tone much different then previous She looked to Pathos “ are you ok with that?” she asked after hearing what Tom suggested and after he had whispered it to Pathos.
Mira ---------------------- "My creation." The grimy man behind a makeshift table told Mira as she inspected a small cloth bag with herbs in it. "Good for much. Will cure fever, cold, and brain sickness. Very good price." She fingered the packet gently and brought it up to her nose. "Brain sickness?" "Yes, yes." The man enthused, "dark thoughts in mind, will go away." She sniffed again and placed the packet back on the table. It wouldn't do anything of the sort, she could smell red bark, which was useful for nausea, but other than that there was nothing in the herbs that would do more. "No thank you." she grimaced at the other wares and shook her head. The man's sign might say medicine but he obviously knew little of what would actually heal.* He tried to call her back as she walked away, but soon was advertising his wares to other passer's by. She sighed and kept walking the makeshift stands of the traders. Despite the fact that it was well after dark there was still a brisk trade running in the market. It was one hodge podge booth after another and none of them had what she was looking for. That left two options, either way she would have to go to a higher power which meant either Raphe's people or Arterus'. Raphe would more likely to have the medicine but he was notorious for charging ridiculous prices and working with the slavers. She had avoided that trap for far too long to risk it now. That made Arterus the better risk, still dangerous but much less. But it meant that she would have to approach them through Yore. She sighed and headed for the drinking, the two young boys that Arame had assigned to escort her grinned in relief. She was fairly certain the older woman had charged them with making sure she didn't disappear into the night. Unlike her husband the head-woman was much more suspicious. The drinking tent was little better than the makeshift booths, dirty and constructed out of bits and pieces like everything else. The men inside were already roaring drunk and carousing noisily. Some were even singing a song in a foreign language. It didn't take long to identify Yore, he was roaring along with the drunken song. Mira sighed once more at the sight and waved off the boys. "I'll be staying here, join the others." They left her side with another grin and she approached Yore’s table. The song finished with one terribly off key note and Yore sat down with a thump. "Witch! You joined us."* "How could I refuse you're invitation." She smiled through grit teeth. "I needed to check the market for medicines as well." "Good," The big man grinned. "Beil will be up and about again in no time." "Actually," She tapped her fingers on the table. "I'm not sure he will live without some antibiotics and there are none..." "Chief, chief..." A drunken man threw himself down next to her and drowned out her words. "We did good today!" "Of course we did!" Yore roared and slapped the man's shoulder causing him to bump into her. The two traded a few friendly blows, causing Mira to grit her teeth and stand back up. "Chieftain Yore," She raised her voice and cut through the noise the men were making. "Beil will not survive without better medicine, I must ask that you approach Arterus about acquiring some!" The men surrounding Yore went quiet at her words but the Chieftan just leaned back and took another drink of his wine. "We are drinking our victory, besides with you to care for him, Witch, he'll be fine." She met the man's eyes for a moment then broke. He was obviously not willing to discuss anything of the sort now. She turned her head away and averted her eyes. within seconds the men had started a new song and had forgotten her presence. She stomped over to the barrel at the other end of the table and drew a cup, slamming half of it in one gulp before dropping to the nearest open seat. "Witch," Chu'uvac slid in across from her, "Drink up, enjoy the night." She tried to compose a response but before more than a word escaped a very drunken Jack slid in next to her and threw an arm around her shoulders. "He's right, You're more tense than a Christian girl at a frat house. Loosen up." She picked the arm off her shoulder and shot him her best death glare. "I will loosen up when my patient is not on the verge of dying." "You speak of Beil?" Chu'uvac asked. She nodded a response and took another drink. "Then why are you not with him?" He asked with danger in his voice. She shot another glare across the table. "Because I need better medicines, and Yore refuses to speak with Arterus about trading for them." Chu'uvac frowned and glared at his mug. "He is drinking; he will not discuss business tonight. Perhaps tomorrow." Mira bit her lip, "I hate to wait that long; there has already been too much time for infection to set in." For a moment there was silence then Chu'uvac grinned. "I will get you those medicines. I have seen where Arterus keeps them in his house." "Really," Jack grinned the grin of the truly drunk. "You think we could get some of that." "Possibly, we would have to get past the door guards..." Mira stared at the two in astonishment. Were they really proposing breaking into Arterus' house in the middle of the night and after drinking one too many? She ducked her head and took another drink while the two discussed plans to pull off this heist. She should probably talk them out of it but she really did not see any other way to get what she needed. The last thing she remembered was the two concocting a ridiculous plan to distract the guards and thinking they were too drunk to actually do anything other than pass out.
Trina Smith Trina sighed angerly at the "forge" she had to work with. It wasn't much more than a fireplace, and tools that the former smith had left behind were near death. She picked up a make-shift hammer and watched as the head broke off and fell to the floor leaving only the handle in her hand. Great! This is just great! No wonder this man's weapons broke off in the hands of it's weilder. This was pathetic. She doubted the last smith had known much more than the most basic smithing. She sighed again and looked out across the town. It was dark but torches lit the streets and booths. Traders yelled about how fantasic their wares were and for such a 'good price'. A woman with startling white hair caught her eyes. Even in the dark it looked as if her skin had never seen the sun. Trina had only heard about people like that. They were priests of some sort. She wondered what a priest had done to deserve to be on this planet. She also wondered why none of the drunken men about tried to attack her. In fact they seemed to shy away from her. Did this priest have a powerful mate? Or was it just looks and mannerism that caused the others to fear her. Maybe I should try and find a white hair dye. The thought was breif and funny to her. Like hair dye would keep a hungry man away. Thankfully she had Eere. At least for a time. Trina set down the pathetic tools and turned to observe, for the third time, the living quarters she was given. There were three mats. Which meant there had once been a family here. One mat was smaller than the rest. A child. She walked into the middle of the small hut. She wondered if the family had been executed with the smith. The very thought made her angry, sad and scared all at the same time. Paredisos wasn't punishment. It was a torturous hell. She knelt down and picked up a small doll that lay half buried in the dirt. It was small thing; made out of rags and leaves. As she held it in her hand she was remined of the life that was taken away from her. She'd likely never find love now, or a husband of her own. Even if she did...she could never have children. To do so would to be to birth them into an enviroment of death and destruction. Trina finally stood. She'd make weapons and survive. Someday, she'd find a way to get off this planet. There was no other option.
Myr repost Myr was too concerned with what the note said to notice Tom's inner plotting. She held herself together for now. What happens now? Can I trust him? Her eyes dart momentarily to Tom she finally noticed his shifting. Myr clenched her fist steady to take down her prey if need be I'll fight him if I have to .I wont let Pathos down, I owe him my life. Back when Myr first arrived her wound on her wrist had not yet scarred. Her pod pushed off of the transport ship as Myr looked out of the window the atmosphere burned brilliant orange, a color Myr was not familiar with from her home world. She closed her eyes as the ride became rough and got closer to the ground. Next time Myr opened her eyes she was stunned, she found her hands tied to a long horizontal pole, in front of her seemed to be a long line of others some bleeding others bruised what happened “ chuv’ac she’s awake we can get going” Myr looked around to see whom the voice come from, Myr noticed right behind her was a dirty looking man who wore broken leather armor and teeth from what would appear to be many different races “ good I wont have to carry DEAD weight” another dirty looking man walked up but he seemed to be adorned with a Lizard looking skull around his neck and bone armor . Myr began pulling against her restraints, as those who were captured were lead towards an unknown fate. After days of traveling the ones that resisted, or fell were immediately killed and cut into pieces. Myr kept her hair down to cover up her breathing apparatus these natives seem like scavengers, they’ll take this apparatus with out knowing that its my life line. In the morning of the 5th day of walking the caravan finally came up to a tent city. Others sighed in relief as they reached the city but Myr tensed more, knowing exactly the grave situation they were in, She herself had lead a lot of these parades they were going to be sold to the highest bidder. The long pole was set on two Giant Y shaped posts in the center of the city the pole was locked into place Myr would chuckle to herself This is ironic she looked at the others who were tied to the pole they were of many different races and stature but they all shared that same terrified look Myr had seen a thousand times. I wonder if this was the look those younglings gave when they were sold, its no matter now though. a crowd started to gather all of them looked like the ones she had woken up to dirty and wearing some sort of arrangement of bones and leather, though there were others in the crowd, some with proper clothes, or they just stood out Myr Knew that they weren’t apart of this tribe so there are others out there , she would zone into a different sort of creature he looked human but wasnt human? Myr had never seen an android before so when Pathos came into view, she was intrigued by him. Her attention was suddenly pulled back to the front of arena, a very Large, tall man came to the front he was wearing a strange lizard shark sort of creature man different teeth hanging from his neck , he lifted his monstrous hands and the crowd lulled to silence “ I Yore, welcome you to my home Narubish” the crowd clapped and cheered . Myr rolled her eyes such a bull headed ego Yore put up his hands and like magic the crowd quieted “ And these” Yore made a gesture to Myr and the others on display “ beautiful aren’t they! Aha yes, now the rules are simple you give me something of value and I give you one of these, fine, tasty looking specimens” Myr scoffed rather loudly “ well shall we get started then?!” the crowd rose into an almost frenzy as Yore pointed to a rather skinny looking Lizard man he was cut away from the pole and brought front and center “ Ah our first of the day is this Kulinian, do a little spin for us” Yore gawked and laughed at the creature as he danced about “ they are very tasty and make great idiot gaurds!” His laugh rang out. The crowd began to yell out various things that were of value “ glass, I’ve got glass!” shouted a human “ warped metal!” another shout came from the crowd “pressed sand! 5 barrels!” Yore continued to laugh watching the crowd frenzy, after a bit he raised his hands again “ I think the winner is the one with the warped metal throw it to the stage and collect your prize!” this display continued through the line Humans were sold, Kulinians, Ithicans, and others working down towards Myr and if Yore didn’t hear a fitting price the poor creature on front display was killed right there by Yore himself with his dagger “ I guess this is my table fair then?” he joked as he ended a couple lives. Finally it was Myr’s turn she, like the others was cut away from the pole and moved up front “ ah a rare treat, I don’t know what you are “ he moved in close to her smelling her hair “ ah but you smell of the sea, you must be from the Ujee region tell us princess what’s your planet” his nasty bloody fingers caressed her cheek . Myr knew if she didn’t speak she would be killed At least if im sold I have a chance to survive, I could get away, or if need be kill my owner Myr’s eyes narrowed as Yore touched her, she did everything she could not to seem repulsed “ my…er home?” she spoke in a timid voice “ Druska, the alliance knows it as the cities under the sea” Yore would smile wickedly “ I might not give up this beauty, but fair is fair make me a price I cant refuse” he cut her free from her rope restraints lifting her by her hands off the ground exposing a very deep cut on her wrist it looked as if something had been newly carved out of her flesh . As Myr was hoisted up slightly and in the sun her skinscales shimmered brilliantly turning her skin a metallic grayish blue pigment. This would cause the crowd to frenzy “ food, ill give you food!” “ ropes, I have 10 yards of ropes!”, “ fine cloth!” “ beer, ill give you beer!” they are just fueling his ego! As her arms began to hurt she began to struggle a bit. Finally an almost metallic voice rose louder above the crowds” 2 complete drop pods that’s precisely 170 Kg of steel each or 340 Kgs for the two of them ”others started to grow louder trying to out call this recent bidder. Yore rose his hands and the crowd quieted “ you? You can get that? Impossible” Yore sneered not liking the challenge. Pathos finally stepped forward “ yes its easy in fact.” Yore smiled finally setting Myr down “ aha Pathos, yes she is yours then, once you drop off the pods, until then she stays with me” Pathos smiled and nodded “ as long as she’s not harmed before I return” he said heading off in the direction of the pods. “Well boys and girls as you can see there is no more to be sold so come back next time to trade!” Yore Grabbed Myr and took her leaving the arena to cheers and cries. They headed to his tent, finally he released her “ you are no longer mine, I, however have to keep watch over you because you are not his yet either “ Myr would sigh “ Im going to eat and I’ll bring you some food when Me and my own have had their fill” Yore would turn to leave stopping at the entrance “ do not try anything, slaves are easily replaced even for Pathos” he left , Myr sat there on the floor, looking at her deep wound only looking up after she heard the quieted whispers of the grunts guarding her prison “ this Yore is getting old “ one said “ yeah I know, his wounds take longer and longer to heal “ the other joined in “ when Chuv’ac becomes the next Yore, our tibe will be back on top no more of these silly trades, we would get to keep what we catch” they both laughed but quickly hushed as Yore had returned. Myr quickly went back to her corner as the tent flap opened “ your dinner” he spoke tossing down a small plate filled with a small assortment of meat, Myr didn’t question it, she didn’t want to know what meat it belonged to or whom it was, she just ate, and fell into an uneasy sleep . In the Morning she was abruptly awoken and taken to Pathos who had delivered the 2 pods like he said “ she’s yours” Yore said pushing Myr towards her new owner. She would bow politely as common with her culture and to her surprise Pathos did the same. They Left Narubish and walked in silence unknowingly towards the ocean, at the first chance Myr got she would attack pathos but in her weakened state she was no match after she was exhausted from her attempts at his life. Myr laid on the ground breathing heavily “ just kill me now “ she gasped for air as her apparatus gurgled. Pathos picked her up moving beyond the trees to show an expansive ocean “As I understand it your planet is 98 percent water, thus your people survive in water, you are free I don’t own you, go live. I only bought you because I knew you would not survive any other way “ pathos set her down at the rolling shores edge and turned to leave, this was the first time in many months Myr had felt the ocean touch her skin. Myr took a long deep breath and removed her apparatus “ thank you “ she called to him before jumping into the water. Pathos smiled again “ Tea next Thursday then?” When Tom decided to move towards Pathos, Myr moved between then "I'll kill you here if you touch him" she would sound strong in her tone much different then previous She looked to Pathos “ are you ok with that?” she asked after hearing what Tom suggested and after he had whispered it to Pathos.
Eere "I'll set off for the scrap tomorrow morning. For now I'll see what in the village needs fixing or fortifieing. Do you mind if I rest outside your house?" "I'm sure that will be fine" Aterus said as Eere started walking, Hari followed even though Eere hadn't asked. Must have been instructed to 'escort' me. He wondered through the village people staring up some in awe, some in fear. There houses weren't the best built with most just a little smaller than Eere. Wooden built with what looked like scrap metal roofing. These are the one that'll need helping first. Behind a cluster of shacks Eere could see another being built. Two humans struggled with winches and pullies trying to get the roof on the first brick house Eere had seen. As carefully as he could he moved between the cluster to the one being built, catching the roof as one of the ropes snapped. He lifted it back onto the top of the house before sliding it into place. "Do you have anything to attach it?" He said to the humans. The male nodded meekly pointing to a pile of large bolts. Eere picked them up and slotted them in, hammering the ends flat with his fist. The humans thanked him as he finished and left. He spent the rest of the evening helping various town members with tasks he could do with far more ease then they could, he'd even let some of the tiny humans swing on his arm. As the night drew in he headed up to Arteruses house. It was large, far larger than the others in the village, and the best built by a long shot. Aterus will be the last to get my help. He headed round the back to a small garded area before sitting down by the back door and resting.
Jack Bombas -------------------- "Yes. We have him," Arterus spoke aloud in the empty room. The strange comment made Chu'uvac and Jack peel their curious glances from each other to back through the crack in the door. The scene they had just witnessed was startling enough; the construct was unlike anything Jack had encountered out in the Vast before. "He's willing to help. At least with repairs and minor things like that." There was a short pause. "Of course I do. He seems to be infatuated with some human I have captive. Trina Smith. I want to know everything about this woman. Get me her previous work, where she's from, how old she is, hell I even want to know her menstrual cycle. Everything, Marco." It was interesting how he held nothing in his hands, nor were there any sort of electronics about the room. Not that Jack could see with his limited field of vision, anyway. Perhaps the man had an implant, or maybe he was some sort of empath. Either way, the lack of handheld communication technology was made apparent when the old man licked his lips, and began to walk toward the trophy room where they hid. Frantically, they both bolted away in opposite directions. Chu'uvac hopped to the other side of the bar counter with catlike grace, and Jack looked desperately around the room for hiding positions. There were chairs, a fireplace, and many large stuffed animals in the corners of the rooms to hide behind, but he noticed a damning piece of evidence: a pig head laying in the center of the room. Jack rushed for it, and quickly swung it back in its position, then slid back behind a three meter tall, bear-like decoration in a feral, jaw-gnashing position just as the door opened. "... tries anything moronic I'll put 'em in a dampening field faster than his eyes blink. I don't care how prematurely it is," the man said sharply as he made his way toward the counter where Chu'uvac hid. Jacks heart began to beat quickly, and every muscle in his body went taut. If they were caught there is no telling what would happen. Arterus may take them captive, or worse Chu'uvac may kill the man, which would inevitably lead to a imbalance of power on this planet. Some bottles lay upon the counter top, and Arterus selected one, pouring a some contents into a clay mug. "Yeah, yeah. I got it. You just remind him why I'm in this prison in the first place. I do this and he gets me off this fucking rock, you hear me?" He peered over the rest of the liqueurs, and muttered, "Now where is that damn vodka?" Jack's heart raced as the man began around the counter top, and without thinking he rapped the wall with his knuckles three times which caused the old mans head to jerk toward the door. Jack remained still. He watched as a bottle raised itself from behind the counter and into the mix of other liqueurs. "Hold on, Marco. I have visitors," he made his way back into the foyer. Chu'uvac and Jack popped from their hiding positions to whisper harshly at each other. "What do we do?" Chu'uvac queried. "We have to get out of here." "I know that! But how?" "How the hell am I supposed to know? I can't even remember getting in. There is no way we fit through that window." They heard the front door swing open and thats when Jack knew they had to make a move immediately, or stay in the house forever. "Wait. I seem to recall..." Too late. They heard steps heading toward them once again. Both men hurried back into hiding; this time Chu'uvac dipped inside the fireplace and scurried up inside. Thats when it had hit him: the damn fireplace is how they got in. Arterus slowly pushed his way into the room. Only this time he led his way with a pistol. "Come out. I know someones here and I swear I'll fire into every last corner to find you." Jack knew he'd be the one to come out. Chu'uvac had probably already got himself to safety, but as he brought himself from behind the giant bear-like creature his mind wasn't completely on what would happen next. How the hell did this guy get a gun?
James Malachi "Can I help you, mate?" The left guard said with an Aussie accent. The was no real threat in it, and he seemed bored. The guard to Malachi's right lowered his center of gravity very slightly and loosened his fingers on his right hand, no doubt noticing Malachi's club on his left hip. What he did not see, however, was the half spear on his back. Stopping a few feet from the men, Malachi assumed as nonthreatening a posture as he could and spoke. "Yeah. My friend is in there, could I visit him? Goes by the name of John." "John what? Just John?" Now lefty was giving a glare, but still seemed woefully unprepared. Malachi was afraid this would turn ugly. "Is that really necessary? I doubt the name he gave you was his real one anyway, so just let me through. I have the right." His instincts had been correct. Being polite was out of the ordinary here, so rudeness lessened the guard's suspicions. He was waved through. The inside of the prison was dismal, with almost no light. Cold seemed to seep through the cracks of wood like poisoness gas. He ignored it and pressed on. Security wasn't tight, but Malachi was sure that an excape attempt would liven this place up enough to draw many guards to the area like starving children to a bowl af soup. Walking down the lane, many prisoners looked at him like those starved children, craving for release. What a grim fate these people are going to face.... And they're all acutely aware of that. Finally, Malachi saw what he was looking for. A black haired woman was knelt in a corner, her pale skin looking sickly in the dim light. "Hey," he said. When there was no response, "Shanon! Your daughter Ellie sent me. Come here." The woman looked up, confused, and slowly made her way to the bars of her cell. Love for her child showed in her eyes, and hope through the way she leened into the bars and was almost bouncing up and down. "Yeah, you've got the right idea." He was speaking softly now. "We're going to run. Do not stop, even if you see me fighting. Go to your daughter." Shanon nodded, her eyes growing wide. A small voice came from directly behind Malachi at this point, but the words were anything but childish. "I'll kill you where you here if you touch him." There was no shake in the voice. She meant bussiness. Malachi turned to see a few people in the same cell, one laying against a wall, a girl standing over him defensively, glaring at another man who was moving toward her. "Hey!" He said, mustering up his commanding voice. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Pathos Myr moved between then "I'll kill you here if you touch him" she would sound strong in her tone much different then previous She looked to Pathos “ are you ok with that?” she asked after hearing what Tom suggested and after he had whispered it to Pathos. "Hey!" Malachi said, mustering up his commanding voice. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Pathos spoke slowly “ No, one is killing anyone.” his mind was slow to process everything being that he was still not at full power. “I owe you, I wont let them kill you” Mry said to Pathos almost definitely. Pathos ran the numbers, he could power down and open his chest plate, but that would leave him wide open for EMP and with a ninety nine percent likely hood of being destroyed. This new person, that spoke maybe they're way out of here, Pathos may not have known everyone but he knew that he didn't know this one. “Hello,” Pathos said coming to a standing position. It was all that was in his power just to do that but he couldn't let on just how weak he was, not yet at least. “ if we can find a way out of here you can just dump me in the ocean it will be the safest place for me while I am coming back online, the full cycle will take another twenty-two hours.” Pathos looked to the faces of those that he shared the cell with and then to the stranger. “ I am Pathos,” he said extending his hand.
Jack Bombas -------------------- "What are you doing here?" the old man said flatly. He bore the unamused attitude a grandfather would give a child. "Dead, stuffed animals really interest me. Heard you had an impressive selection. Had to happen by." The mans attitude went berserk, "DO NOT TOY WITH ME, BOY! I DO NOT ABIDE TRESPASSERS!" "Funny thing to hear on a planet full of criminals," Jack quickly backpedaled after the man's face began to redden, "If you fire that weapon every single person in this town is going to hear it, and you'll have a slough of questions as to what other technologies you're hiding." Arterus stared blankly at him for a minute, then gave a scoff through his nostrils, "You're a fool. Break into a man's house, and antagonize him while he points a gun at you." "Well, not completely foolish," Jack offered with a shrug, "You haven't shot at me, so I seem to be right." "Still, I can call my guards in at any moment, and they'd dispatch of you without the sound." "Which leads me to an interesting question: why haven't you?" "Because I haven't found out what you're doing here." "Ah, that," Jack scratched the back of his neck, "I-ah. . . can't remember what I'm doing here." The man looked at him with no expression, and said in a similar tone, "Can't remember. Aright-" As he formed the 'gua' in his mouth, Jack quickly cut it, "Wait, wait, wait... seriously. Last night, Yore and-" "Yore? You're one of Yore's men?" "No, no, no. I mean... not really." "You're a newcomer. From the drops." "That right." He nodded a moment and remained silent, then lowered the weapon, tucked it underneath his belt at the small of his back, and casually walked behind the bar, "You must be pretty confused here." "Not really. Things are pretty cut and dry." "Oh, at a glance, I'm sure." Arterus pulled up the bottle of vodka with a congenial smile, and poured a small amount into the drink he had previously started mixing. "Drink?" he said, offering the mug with a flourish of his hand. Staring at the glass nearly made him hurl. "No offense meant, but as I was explaining, too much alcohol is what brought me here in the first place." The old man's eyebrow arched, "You drunkly broke into my house?" Jack nodded abashedly. Arterus let out a loud laugh, and said into his mug, "Reminds me of someone I knew..." he tilted back a drink, let out a relaxed exhale, and placed the drink back on the table. "Tell me, what did you overhear?" "Nothing." "Don't be coy with me, boy." "And don't be facetious with me, old man. You know what I overheard." Arterus lifted his brows, "You really are incorrigible." He downed the rest of his drink with the same exhale afterwards, and began to make another, "Do you know what a dilemma is?" "Yes, its... a difficult situation." "A situation where one is forced to make a moral, or ethical decision. I can't let you go back to Yore knowing what you know. That would be against my ethical code: to preserve my future plans, but on the other hand, it would be against my moral code simply to murder you. So, you tell me. How does one preserve both his ethical, and moral standards in this situation." Jack considered him curiously, Sure, he thought,I'll play along. He slowly replied, "I could help." Arterus gave a wide smile, "I was hoping you'd say that. You obviously have guile; to break into my house unnoticed is no easy feat-" Jack bit his tongue to refrain from explaining that in detail. "- and you're obviously of some use or Yore would have killed, or enslaved you," and he gestured toward a barstool, "And by what shall I address my new partner?" He slid into the stool, and folded his arms on the table in front of him. Arterus's motivations made little sense to him, but he'd play along for now. Knowing full well this man had some contact with the outside, he wanted to minimize the information he could obtain, but he also knew that if he lied, the man could find out, and that would break his trust. "Just call me boy." A wry smile tugged on Arterus's wrinkled mouth, "Perhaps you're smarter than I give you credit," then he added, deliberately, "Boy. Do we have an agreement, then?" He extended his hand. Jack took a breath, and gave a uneasy laugh, "Oh, hell. Why not?" Then took the hand and gave it a shake. Besides, if he could get off this planet he could start over. Maybe retire on Mars, or hang low on some backwater planet. The more he thought about it the more excited he got about kicking his feet up on a beach somewhere, sipping margaritas, and listening to live music. Yes. The deal with Arterus would suit Jack well provided the man actually stood by his word. An ominous clap of thunder made his heart sink as the men gripped each others hands. Both turned to look out the small window at the blue-grey storm front drawing toward them like the curtain about to reveal a sinister mystery.
Tom Wilde/ Myr/Malachi/ Pathos Pathos managed only to speak, Tom moved back to give the machine some space. “No, one is killing anyone.” “I owe you, I won’t let them kill you” Mry said to Pathos almost definitely. What is the connection, why is she so defensive, do people really see me as a cold hearted murderer. Pathos seemed to be in deep contemplation. So much so that Tom began scratching his kneck. I know when a plan is thrown out of the window. His gaze fell on Malaichi, "I was planning on escaping with these fellow prisoners of mine." “Hello,” Pathos said finally coming to a standing position. He barely managed to stand up. Poor guy. “if we can find a way out of here you can just dump me in the ocean it will be the safest place for me while I am coming back online, the full cycle will take another twenty-two hours.” Pathos looked to the faces of those that he shared the cell with and then to the stranger. “I am Pathos,” he said extending his hand to the stranger. Tom shook his head, "Listen, Pathos there is no way in hell I'm dumping you in a river. We’re getting out of here, one way or another." Myr had her hands on her hips but seemed to his surprise considering what Pathos had said. OK, Now I'm the one in the dark... A small laugh broke free of Malachi's throat, "Well, I may regret this later, but I've already doomed myself. God, I hope I'm not releasing murderers... Or recent murderers, at least.” "If you consider planetary genocide to be murder, then yes you are. Come to think of it, we're all criminals here. Some are just worse than others," said Tom with a faint smile. "I may just appear worse than the others." The man gave a confused expression, and finally seemed to have come to some conclusion. "Here it is. I'm going to break Shanon's lock with this club, and then yours. Shanon, do not leave until the group does, you'll be better protected with this many people versus running into the guards by yourself. You, Sir, will take this spear when you're out. Stay by my side, and keep the guards at a distance. Protect the child and woman. Does everyone understand?" "I understand, but don't give me that look. I told you the truth. That is fact, I destroyed a planet. I killed billions of people. But… that’s in the past, I’m not who I was then. I can promise you that much." Brutal honesty, isn't normally me, but if this guy is trust me, he has to know why I'm here for, end of. Secrets, only cause a breakdown in the social structure, hence why governments never outlive their people.... or something along those lines. Myr held a worried expression, Tom’s truthfulness left her cold inside, and certainly he seemed to herald very little guilt. Even so she had finally got an idea. Pathos was right, and she knew where they could hide.
Myr After looking about a moment in silence, she finally took a deep breath and refastened her hair in a ponytail and stepped forward into the light, which made her scaly skin reflect a brilliant purple only dulled by the grey blue that also shown through Tom shook his head, "Listen, Pathos there is no way in hell I'm dumping you in a river. We’re getting out of here, one way or another." But Myr understood what pathos ment she would nod and looking between the other two, her face was cool and calculating almost a 180 from the defiant stance she had taken only moments ago. “ we will dump him in the ocean, he will recharge at my dwelling under the waves then meet us” she nodded knowing that this is the only way to save his (pathos) life, as well theirs “ meet us where?” Tom raised an eyebrow “ this isn’t the time to be cryptic” he would turn to now face Myr. She just smiled I wont reveal the location of pathos safe house in the rock face, the wall have ears and eyes, If Raphe doesn’t know our little plan already he will soon enough.his resources seem limitless. “ I just hope you all can swim” her eyes would move to Pathos again “ can you at least get to the ocean on your own?” she asked placing her webbed hand on his shoulder. Tom and Malachi went back to talking as Myr checked on her friend. "I understand, but don't give me that look. I told you the truth. That is fact, I destroyed a planet. I killed billions of people. But… that’s in the past, I’m not who I was then. I can promise you that much." Myr would look to Tom her expression shown a hint of worry he is very truthful that’s rare here an almost foolish trait, but what else dose can he do this new strange one he might be our only ticket, but we better… Myr’s gaze suddenly shot to the side then up the wall of the far darkened corner of the cell block hall way. She watched as a very small grey bird/humanoid creature skittered back into the shadows and up the pipe vent . her eyes grew large “ we have to leave now, or not at all” she spoke with terrible urgency. Both Tom and Malachi looked to her with surprise when suddenly a high pitched almost deafening animalistic screech came from outside the cell block Malachi rose to his feet reading his weapons “ It would seem that our time to discuss is over” Tom nodded “ time to leave then?” Myr plastered herself next to Pathos “ as soon as you get to the ocean dive in and head for the bluff. She hoped that was enough information, that they would know where to meet incase of sepration.
Hawke was once told, "Curiosity killed the cat," by a friend who died, ironically, because he had eavesdropped on a conversation he shouldn't have. The lesson didn't take in the way it should have. It taught him to be quieter, more cautious, and definitely more clever; he knew exactly how to contort his body to the shadows and remain hidden. Of course, with this new found skill he'd only learned to be all the more curious. So it stood to reason that when Raphe decided to imprison three newcomers Hawke's curiosity was... tickled. What could he want from them? He understood the robot's usefulness, but there must be some reason for capturing the rest. In his head, he attempted to fill in the blanks, coming up with little more than simple slavery. However, slaves were typically not treated as such, and put to work, almost immediately, under careful supervision on the farms, or in the winery. That hypothesis didn't stick long, and the only way Hawke was ever going to get to the truth was to investigate. It was his home world that forced him to learn the limits of his body. The place was a constant war zone between so many different factions that Hawke would be surprised if any one member knew what the hell they fought for. Their laws were governed by whomever controlled the sector at the time, and it was impossible to remember them all. This is why Hawke was here in the first place. He had to learn the limits of his double joints, exactly how far he could bend his flexible bones, how to hold up his own weight for extended periods of time, and which types of shadows were the best to conceal oneself in, and still he'd been caught hiding places he shouldn't, selling wares that were contraband, or laying claim to things that were already "owned," more times than he could remember. The experience had prepared him well for his time on Paradesios. ". . . just let me through. I have the right," said a strange man to one of the guards in front of the cell. From underneath the ledge of a roof Hawke hung himself, holding on by little more than the tips of his fingers, like a spider stalking its prey. He watched from across a dirt road as this man bluffed his way passed the guards, and as he was let in Hawke dropped to the ground, and scurried in with him. He carried his body so low to the ground it was impossible to see him from a normal viewing height, so unless someone were to look down, or look from a distance, he would be undetectable. This was something that would work only for a few moments, as most people have the tendency to shift their heads frequently. He shifted across the wall into a dark corner, unnoticed by anyone, and remained a still statue. Aah, thought Hawke, so its a rescue, then, is it? What an upstandin' feller. He watched the few chat among themselves about an escape plan. His eyes focused in on the mermaid, who stared up at the ceiling. What in tha hell is she lookin' at? Following the trail of her eyes, he too widened them as the creature crawled across the the ceiling. Shi', his mind panicked. His eyes darted around for anywhere to go, any way to get out of here, but the frond door was the only likely escape. When the screeching began the only thing going through his head was: Curiosity killed the cat, and it would be the end of Hawke, too.
Trina Smith Trina had tried to sleep but nightmares of falling through the sky in a pod that wouldn't open and being executed because she made a broken tool flooded her mind. Finally she sat up and walked around outside. The stars in the sky were beautiful. People still milled around drinking and laughing. She thought about her mother and brother. How they must have been so worried. She wondered if there would ever be a way off this rock and if she did get off...what she would do. Trina wrapped her green shawl around her shoulders cutting the cool breeze from freezing her bare arms and walked in a wide circle within the encampment. After several minutes of walking, just when she was about to try and go back to sleep; she saw Eere sitting against a hut. She walked over too him and sat beside him. After a moment of silence she spoke. "So...what did you and Arterus talk about?" Eere took a moment before replying. "He wants me to help with building. Tomorrow I'm returning to the crash site to gather scrap metal. You should join us, there will probably be some metal you could use for smithing." "I'd like that." She nodded. After sitting for a few more minutes with Eere she finally stood, said goodnight and went back to the hut to try and get some sleep. Hopefully without nightmares this time.
Eere stood as the sun began its ascent into the morning sky. He headed away from Ateruse's house and down into the town. Hari, Arterus's henchman, was waiting outside Trina's house. Eere lowered his head down so it was level with the window before calling for her. She appeared in the doorway carrying a backpack. Her face looked tired. "Morning Eere," She said before turning to Hari, "Who's this?" "I've been instructed by Aterus to accompany you, assist you and if needs be, protect you." Hari answered slightly sheepishly. Trina laughed. "It's more likely your here to keep an eye on us, make sure we don't conspire against Arterus. I mean really, you're here to protect the 11ft rock?" She walked past Hari before he could say another word marching off towards the crash site as Eere and Hari rushed after her. The journey to the crash site took longer than Trina remembered, then again she had been carried by Eere last time. Just entering the forest, they paused by a river; Hari sitting down on a rock out of breath. "Enough giant, do you not tire?" He panted. "No." Eere said lowering into a sitting postion. "Well my kind do. Lets take a break for a moment and have a snack." He said taking a skin of water and a piece of cheese from his bag. He cut it into three, passing one to Trina and one to Eere. "Keep your food it is of no use to me, not in this form anyway." Hari nodded placing the cheese back into his bag. He took a bite of his slice and a drink before speaking again. "So what did you do to end up here?" Eere let out a sort of sigh before starting. "Back on my home planet we rule by a sort of democracy, electing and re-electing members of the councel every one hundred years. We call this a term. I sat on the councel for 5 terms, this is a long time even for a construct, and served my people well. Then came my 6th term. A group of more violent constructs managed to get then selves elected, giving them a majority in the councel. There first act of councel was to declare war on a neighbouring planet, being out numbered I was overuled and could do nothing. The race they wanted to attack were peaceful, starting a war would result in large casulties for both sides. So I did what was neccessary. I destroyed the lauch ship killing hundreds but saving many more. They sentenced me to treason and genocide and sent me here. I have no idea how long ago this was, I slumbered for so long." There was a short silence before Hari turned to Trina. "And what did you do?" Trina stared at her cheese for a long while before answering. " poisoned Earth's senator." "Why?" Hari asked. "Because he was beating my mom." She turned and stared Hari without remorse. "She was too afraid to speak out against after several years of watching her and my brother suffer day after day I took matters into my own hands. Now, he's never going to hurt anyone ever again." "Are you sorry you did it?" Trina dropped her gaze to the river. "I'm only sorry that my mom and brother have to suffer the disgrace of me being here." There was a short pause before Trina changed the subject. "And what about you Hari? What are you here for?" Hari smiled, almost proudly. "I had a bet with a friend of mine to see which of us could kill the most people before being stopped. I won of course and landed up here." A look of disgust passed over Trina's face, it would have passed over Eere's but his was made of rock. They started walking again the rest of the journey to the crashsite spent in silence. When they arrived it looked relatively unchanged. Bits of metal and pods still lay scattered around, but there was a difference. Something had cleared a path through the scrap leaving a trail in the earth. "This must have been made by one of those snakes you said lived in the forest." Trina said. Eere didn't respond he just carried on looking around the scrap piles and pods. Then something caught his eye. A small yellow sphere sat pressed into the trail. He picked it up, opening his chest and storing it like his own core before freezing solid. Trina headed to where she had last seen Eere go. She carried the metal she had gathered, a few scaps and pieces torn off of pods. He was standing staring into the sky. It seemed like something was wrong. "Are you ok Eere?" She said. He seemed to unfreeze before answering. "I may have a way off of the planet."
Myr Malachi sighed placing the spear head in the lock he quickly twisted breaking the lock first on Shanon’s cell a gauntly woman moved out the sound of the squawking was deafening Malachi then moved over to other one opening Tom’s, Myr’s and Pathos’s cell. Tome moved quickly out ready for something to burst through the door Myr removed a hidden blade it looked to be made of coral or some time of water stone. “there has got to be a weak point in this construct since the facility is only made up of scrap metal “ pathos spoke some what slowly as he had trouble remaining on his feet. Myr looked to the venting “ here and if we head straight that leads to the ocean and the bluffs” she looked to Tom and Malachi. she began hacking and prying at the loose part to the vent. she didn't look back when there was a loud bang then the sound of rushing feet . the sounds of spears clanking together and the grunts of both Malachi and Tom made it clear that the were engaged in battle. the sound almost drowned out the squawking of the Galapago Myr began to work faster, harder at the moment she now owed three different people her life . as she pulled the vent finally gave way myr flew backwards into a guard disorienting him enough for Malachi to connect with his finishing blow " we can get out now, meet you at the shore line?" she was quickly to her feet pushing pathos through first then Sharon , Myr only took a moments glance to look at the two men before she weaseled her way out " this way !" she pointed and the two girls began helping pathos to the ocean.
Trina Smith "I may have a way off of the planet." Hope soared in Trina's heart. A way off this god-forsaken planet? A chance to see her family again!? "How, Eere!? Can I come with you?" Trina was afraid of his answer but she had to know. Perhaps...even if he couldn't take her now...he might be willing to come back for her.
Eere Eere motioned for her to sit next to him before talking. "A few minutes ago I found the remains of another constructs core and absorbed it. This allowed me access to its memories. Most of them are irrelevant, but the recent one's contain details of another construct due to be dropped onto the planet." "But how does that help us?" Trina asked. "Because not all races are sent here via drop pod, like an elemental or flying creature. When a construct is sent here they are brought down by shuttle. And the construct in question is a rover so they'll definately have to excort him down." "A what?" Eere sighed. "Constructs have three ways of making bodies. They can either possess a host, do as I do and make a body or they do what's know as roving. A rover moves through things like a wave with no fixed form. It makes them almost impossible to contain as whatever you try and trap them in will just move with them. To hold a rover you either need to shut their core down or have a stronger rover to form the container." Trina paused in thought for a moment. "So we just need to find and steal the shuttle?" She said almost smiling. "Yes." "Where is it?" "Thats the hard part. The dropsite is the on other side of the planet, across the ocean. The upside is that we have about a month to cross it." "How do we do that?" "With a boat of course. Theres a small port town that should have a boat we can use. We need to head off imeadiatly though, sailing once the storms have started will be near impossible."
Trina Smith The idea was crazy. But crazy enough it could possibly work. She had a choice to make now. One, go with Eere and possibly be swallowed up by storms or possibly get to freedom from this place or two, live the rest of her life here with criminals as a slave to person who could turn on her the moment she was no longer usefull. The first option was likley to end in death, but she reliezed a quick death would be preferable to years of enslavement and watching her back. She took a deep breath then said, "I will join you." Eere seemed to smile and nodded in acknowledgement. "Now we just have to keep that guy from following us." Trina gestured to Hari with a tilt of her head. Hari was greedly scrounging through the scraps of metal looking for any treasure. Eere stood, walked behind Hari and tapped him on the head with the edge of his fist. Hari crumpled in a heap, likely not to wake ever again. Then he began the slow walk towards the coast. Like when they had first met, Eere lifted her upon his shoulder. She gripped a nub on the side of his head (which looked like an ear) and kept an eye out for any who might be following. After about fifteen minutes of slow hiking Trina caught a glimpse of the sea. The cold, salty air blasted her in the face and she wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. He stepped over a slight dune, that would have had trouble climbing over and saw the small town that Eere had been talking about. It looked abandoned, likley because the monsoon season was nearly upon them. Suddenly Trina caught a glimpse of a group of people headed in their direction. Two of them were supporting one who looked injured. "Eere, get down!" Eere knelt and she told him what she saw. "What do we do?" She asked worridly. "I suppose we should help. But don't mention our business yet." Eere replied before walking towards the figures.
With only his spear, Tom was forced to keep moving, using his bionics to compensate his reactions, the first guard ended up impaled. The second was floored by Malaichi. By this time Tom was wondering what on Earth had become of Hawke. He saw Myr pry loose the vent, then scuttle away inside. "Come on," he shouted at Malaichi. Making sure no one else was following, he entered the vent. ah, nothing like déjà vu.
Myr her ear like protrusions wiggled with delight as they neared shore. she still remained on edge as she was unsure who other than Malachi and Tom pursued, she kept her dwelling under the waves a secret. Finally hitting the sandy shore she would look to the frail woman " alright now heave!" at a count of 3 they threw the bot into the water and watched him sink. with out another moment to think Myr herself would jump in, flipping about before resurfacing to look to Shannon whom was still on the shore " i wont let you drawn, but hurry!" Myr dove under the waves agin waiting to hear the distinct splash of a land dweller entering her ocean.