I just wanna know what people fear for a story im writing. im looking for irrational fears, unexplained anything really... Me, im afraid of snakes. Really really afraid...
I mostly fear not accomplishing anything with my life. I also admit that I am not really fond of darkness. :redface:
If those olympic hurdling zombies from "I am Legend" were real. Probably the worst case scenario if i'd ever thought of one
XBox with Halo () The Star Wars Expanded Universe after Star Wars: Revelations Semi-colons (They're Satan's punctuation mark XD) Freecreditreport.com commercials (its impossible to get those jingles out of your head ) Never seeing KoToR III The next Steven Seagal Movie (5 to 1 bets its just as bad as the last) Spiders (Peter Parker might like crazy spider powers but I don't)
Giant spiders and psychopaths. (By giant, I mean bigger than me - living in Australia, spiders the size pictured above aren't all together uncommon. And by psychopaths, I mean any that can run faster than me). For a list of phobias - try here: Weird Phobias
lol I meant to say XBox without Halo. omg I can't believe I did that... *takes battle rifle and shoots random passerby* All better .
Thanks so much for posting the lovely pic of that spider that I so unexpectedly stumbled upon.... /sarcasm Anyway, I'm extremely arachnophobic. I also have a fear of confined spaces, crickets, and ferris wheels. When I was a kid I had a phobia of needles, but I've gotten over that for the most part... they still make me feel uneasy, but I can deal with them without going hysterical and causing a huge scene.
I fear clowns. In a major way. To the point I stop breathing, shake out of control, cry, scream, become almost paralysed, pass out, etc. I am also afraid of spiders... It is a pretty instense fear where I can't enter the room for a long time and I am ever afraid of their webs... I have the craziest spider dance... you know the kind where tyou freak over the spider being on you or the web.... not kewl! Crickets/Grasshoppers. They are horrid things. I scream and run like you wouldn't believe! And mice and lizards and... stretch marks!!!! Well getting them anyway! lol! Those are my biggest fears. (other than turning 30... I am scared of the number 30 for a reason I won't ever go into what so ever with ANYONE!)
Honestly, other one thing, there's really nothing I can think off. I'm afraid of immortality without another to share it with. You know who this "other" implies....
I'm puzzled about needing ideas for a story, since there's an irrational fear of just about everything; name something and SOMEBODY out there is afraid of it. Did you know that there are actually phobias of the different sides of the body? I'm terrified of ants. Myrmecophobia (sic?), I think it's called. And heights (acrophobia--I can't even climb a ladder), and I'm so afraid of water (hydrophobia) that I can't even put my face in a bowl of water; I think this is more actually a fear of drowning. I also hate needles and various bugs (I find spiders and crickets to be lovely, though!) but for some reason these don't strike me as phobias so much as dislikes. Needles make me squirm and squeal and pass out but I don't fear them the way I do, say, being at the edge of a cliff or something. My greatest fear though is just other people. Social phobia. I'm terrified of being rejected, of what others must think of me, of being useless, of doing something stupid, of having no purpose in life, of ending up alone. I dread waking up to the loneliness every day but even more I dread trying to befriend somebody and being rejected YET AGAIN (as invariably happens). That's far worse than my other fears. In a story I think the focus should not be so much on the fears themselves as on how the characters react to and experience them. That is what's truly terrifying.
Water I cannot see through. Centipedes. I'm quite sure God had nothing to do with those. Amputation and items which might cause amputation. Ride-along tractor mowers give me the crawlies...
Yeah, I know, everyone's scared of sharks, but I'm scared of them in a BIG way - I can't even look at the television when there's a shark program on. Even looking for that picture made me squirm. I also have an irrational fear/dislike of insects. Wreybies - I think I'd have a heart attack if I ever saw that in my house!
- things that fall off of trees unexpectedly (ie. possums). - ambulance sirens - caterpillars - clowns - love
It cost me just to look for the picture and post it. They are the most repulsive thing I know of. And where I live, that bad boy is a common example.
I have a terrible problem with heights, but I continually challenge myself to overcome it. I don't like flames behind me (I once leaned back and caught my hair on fire from a candle), and I am none too fond of arachnids (or centipedes for that matter). I am not as bad about spiders as I used to be - one "benefit" of having been married to someone with a much more pathological fear of them than I had (I was awakened more than once with bruises on my back from knees or elbows, when my ex woke in the middle of the night hallucinating dinnerplate-sized spiders on the wall above her).