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  1. Gravy

    Gravy Senior Member Game Master

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Currently Reading::
    I can't read when I want to write.

    *NEW* Roleplay Forum Rules (Read First!)

    Discussion in 'Role Play' started by Gravy, Aug 26, 2024.

    Welcome to the Grand (re)Opening of the Roleplay Forum! Below are the new rules for this forum. I am your mini-mod, Gravy and I will be here for any questions or concerns you may have. To quote @big soft moose :

    - Roll Play Forum Announcement

    I am pleased to be the mini-mod of the roleplay forum, and I hope you have a great time here.

    Please read the rules below in full. Know the rules below may be modified and I will make an announcement if there is a drastic change. Thank you for taking time to read all the rules below.​

    General Roleplay Rules

    1. Follow all the general rules of Writingforums.org.

    2. Respect and be good to one another. This is an important rule.

    a. We all have different levels of writing abilities and voices.

    b. We all have different levels of written Roleplay Experience.

    c. All roleplays will be written in English aside from commonly known/understood greetings or phrases to add characterization. (Think ‘Danke’ vs. ‘Ich habe eine Katze und er ist sehr nett‘.)

    3. ALL ROLEPLAYS MUST HAVE 3 Players or more. AND all forum members in good-standing may join any roleplay.

    4. All Roleplays will have an Out of Character Thread (OOC Thread) in the Roleplay Discussion Forum.

    5. The expected writing level of this forum and any roleplays within will be casual. Meaning, please check your spelling and grammar before posting, but ignore the thesaurus at will

    6. The maximum number of posts a Game Master can expect from a player is 1 post a week. We have lives and this is supposed to be fun.

    7. Keep all Roleplays to an American PG-13 in all aspects. So, yes, you can use swearwords, kiss, and show some gore. (What fun would writing be without those?)

    8. No Master/Slave, Kinky, or distasteful roleplays. Again, read rule #4. As mini-mod I reserve the right to deny or end a roleplay for breaking or attempting to skirt around these rules.

    9. No God-Modding, which means don’t make your character immune or invisible to any physical damage, above the laws of the roleplay world. If this rule is broken, I will kindly step in and ask the player to modify the character.

    10. Do NOT be a bully – Do not gang up on that player no one likes or use your character as a mouthpiece to sling personal insults. If characters are going to fight, discuss it in the OOC thread beforehand so the players can remain friends.

    11. No controlling other players’ characters without permission. This may be changed game to game by the GM or in an agreement by the players.

    12. No real-world politics or creating political drama in a roleplay or OOC thread. If you want to debate if tomatoes are a fruit or veggie, take it to the Debate Forum, please.

    13. Historical roleplays are allowed as long as they take place BEFORE 1930 AD/BCE. However, as mini-mod, I am allowed to deny or end any distasteful roleplay games.

    14. No un-readable, colorful, photo-ridden and fancy roleplay posts. Please keep all font sizes to at least 12 and automatic color. Feel free to use Bold, Underscore, and Italics.

    15. No D&D dice style games. Written roleplay only, please.

    16. As mini-mod I can change, add, remove, or update these rules at any time.​


    Game Master Rules
    For those who want to start their own Roleplay Games, please read the following and go to the Roleplay Interest Thread to find a game template.

    1. Follow all the rules of writingforums.org and of the Roleplay Forum.

    2. There can only be 1 GM per-game. No co-GM’ing.

    3. Again, all roleplays must have 3 players or more.

    4. Be respectful of your players- I say this again, because I have seen and have BEEN that jerk. People want to have fun, and they joined your story, because they want to be a part of it.

    5. You are in-charge of your game and OOC thread. Do your best to resolve issues and arguments in the OOC Thread, but PLAYERS HAVE A RIGHT TO CONTACT ME or the mods for any reason.

    6. You have a right to contact me or the Mods if a player is breaking rules or being unreasonably difficult/creating drama. Do not kick them out of a game until you have discussed the situation with me or the mods.

    7. This is NOT a writing workshop. Do not critique writing style, voice, or whatnot. If there is HUGE mis-spelling or you need clarification about something, just ask politely. But again, follow rule #1. We all miss words and spelling errors can happen.

    8. The GM is allowed to dictate the written style of the Roleplay. If you want it to be First-Person Present Tense, go for it. If you want it to be only Third-person Past, that’s good, too. But know that it takes time to learn a new way of writing.

    9. GMs may have unique rules for their roleplays if they follow all forum and roleplay forum rules.

    10. GMs must have their Roleplay and Unique Roleplay Rules approved by the mini-mod or mods.

    11. GMs must post their roleplays and Unique Roleplay Rules in the ‘Roleplay Interest Thread’.

    12. As mini-mod I can change, add, remove, or update these rules at any time.​


    Roleplay Player Rules

    Yes, you have rules, too. Please read these as well.

    1. You will follow all the rules of Writingforums.org and the Roleplay Forum.

    2. You will be respectful to the GM and, the mini-mod, and the Mods.

    3. You have a right to contact me or the mods for any reason.

    4. Try not to derail a roleplay game or make it all about your character. You may spend some time off-screen and that’s okay. We all deserve some limelight and shadows.

    5. No bullying. I said this above, but it’s worth saying again. Yes, you may have other players you don’t get along with as well. That’s okay. If it is a persistent issue, contact your GM, mini-mod, or Mods.

    6. ‘Like’ posts in the Roleplay Interest Thread to show your support and interest in joining.

    7. As mini-mod I can change, add, remove, or update these rules at any time.

    And phew! All the rules are dealt with. Now, onto fun! GMs, please go to the Roleplay Interest Thread and snag one of those templates. Fill it out and bring it back to class. Players, please go to the Roleplay Interest Thread as well to see what games interest you.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you all have an awesome time!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  2. Louanne Learning

    Louanne Learning Happy Wonderer Contributor Contest Winner 2022 Contest Winner 2024 Contest Winner 2023

    Jun 9, 2022
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    Thank you very much @Gravy !
    Gravy likes this.
  3. Louanne Learning

    Louanne Learning Happy Wonderer Contributor Contest Winner 2022 Contest Winner 2024 Contest Winner 2023

    Jun 9, 2022
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    But we can do more? I posted today. That doesn't mean I have to wait until next Monday to post again?
  4. Sledge

    Sledge New Member

    Aug 21, 2024
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    Ringworld (again)
    Drat, then I broke a rule again. I wasn't sure if I needed to just wait for everyone to cycle. It can be removed and I can post it later or re-write to change the plot.
  5. Gravy

    Gravy Senior Member Game Master

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Currently Reading::
    I can't read when I want to write.
    Yes, of course you can write more than 1 post a week. I am happy you enjoy this.

    This rule is so Game Masters can't force players to post every day or be kicked out. I have seen this rule be abused in other roleplays. It's just a GM Guideline so the players don't feel pressured and the GM can not be demanding
    Louanne Learning likes this.
  6. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    These rules are obviously new as we restart this project so @Gravy will change and tweak them for better understanding as time goes by.
    Gravy likes this.
  7. Gravy

    Gravy Senior Member Game Master

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Currently Reading::
    I can't read when I want to write.
    As everyone is new to the vampire roleplay, I am happy to explain in the OOC thread and give solutions. Written Roleplay is complex and takes some getting used to writing. As for waiting for a 'turn cycle', I don't think there is one. However, waiting for everyone to catch up, say if you are 5 posts ahead is polite. So, just keep in mind the pace of the story. It really depends on the game and what scenes are happening. Say if there is a ball and two characters go off to talk on the balcony, the pace can be whatever the players want. However, you may have to wait to walk back INTO the party, because time needs to pass while you are gone.

    Does this make sense? If not, what questions do you have?
    Sledge and Louanne Learning like this.
  8. Gravy

    Gravy Senior Member Game Master

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Currently Reading::
    I can't read when I want to write.
    Yes, they are less then 24 hours old, so don't worry too much. I will change and tweak them, like Moose as time goes by.
    Sledge and Louanne Learning like this.
  9. Louanne Learning

    Louanne Learning Happy Wonderer Contributor Contest Winner 2022 Contest Winner 2024 Contest Winner 2023

    Jun 9, 2022
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    This is very exciting, being the pioneers in a new game!
    Gravy likes this.

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