List some of your regrets in life serious or otherwise. I regret not staying in school when I was younger. I regret forgetting one of my bags at the grocery store and forgetting to get cereal because it is pouring rain outside right now.
I regret doing what I was told to... so many more times than I am glad I listened! I regret trying to fix the past and wasting even more time.
I regret switching from science to humanities during college ... I was originally going to study physics.
I regret allowing my parents to pressure me into getting a degree that I wasn't passionate about. I now have an associate's degree that I've never used. However, I did make some great friends in the process. I regret the friends I had in high school. While I still appreciate the experiences (and I don't know who I'd be today if I hadn't gone though them), they're some of the worst memories I have. I regret not knowing when to give up. I regret not going to the store yesterday.. Because now I have to go today. And I'm a lazy fucker.
You mean that bloke from the Big Bang Theory? lol Unfortunately, I betrayed my IQ in the name of social skills ... and still ended up with an anxiety disorder. Go figure, eh.
This thread needs to be sticked. Serious Regret - Although it might very well be a stupid one, there is a bit of me that seriously regrets my youth in terms of my writing. How I went all over the internet tossing out excerpts of my mystery, fantasy, and sci-fi; how I talked about character and plot ideas, etc. I regret it because now I fear that I may have very well shot down any chance of them ever being published. Don't get me wrong, I still want to try, but still, that fear exists. It wouldn't have if I had been smart enough to keep my 'magnus opuses' as it were to myself. I regret spending the last ten years lambasting myself over this writing worry or that writing worry rather than just farking goddamn writing!! - Not being smarter/braver and making different life decisions. I'm well off all things considering, but still... I could've easily majored in computer science, but nooooooo, I wanted to learn history. Funny Regret - Having four cups of coffee the day before I know I have to get up really early. Yay, I get to worry about not falling asleep!
Lately experiencing plenty of regret about not learning from or repeating actions that produce regret. Google suggested a website and I learned that this is 'meta-guilt.' Many of the same symptoms are present in meta-guilt, but more bad-dog body language is evident. Some individuals may experience the accompanying diarrhoea, avoidance of neighbours, and increased bathing.
I regret moving from Canada to LA in 1996. Sure, I would have never met my roomie had I stayed in Canada, but I hate LA with a passion almost as deep as the love I have for Canada. I regret drinking too much alcohol. It's packed a lot of pounds on me and hence has caused damage to my general health that will take a lot of time and effort to reverse. I regret being so lazy that I stopped working out in 2003. I'm a fan of bodybuilding and I dreamed of having a bodybuilder physique, but it takes a hell of a lot of effort over a lot of years, and I gave it up just as I was making some serious progress. I regret that I didn't take steps to cure myself of my stage fright when I was younger. It killed my ability to perform music in front of strangers, so I wound up not having the music career (even an amateur one) that I would have loved. (Jeez, what was I thinking when I contemplated competitive bodybuilding? If I have stage fright singing with a guitar in my hands, what would I have felt like flexing on stage wearing almost nothing? Makes no sense!)
I regret allowing myself to get fat in middle age. It's difficult to take it off now that I'm in my mid sixties, and if I do, I'm going to end up with lots of flab. Ach well. I don't know. Regret means something you wish you'd done, but didn't? Or did, and you wish you hadn't? I can think of lots of negative things that have happened to me over the years, but none that I really could have prevented. I've had many 'cosmic luckouts' as well. And many of the 'negative' turns I took actually resulted in something better that I didn't see coming. In general, I've had a fun life, after a fairly unhappy start. So regrets? No, just unfulfilled wishes and yearnings, really. I suppose everybody has these. I guess, basically, I trust the Force! I've dodged many a bullet thus far. I'm long overdue for some real crap.
That's such a shame that you're living in a place you hate. Any chance of your aiming to move back to Canada? I think it's very do-able, although you'll need to sacrifice some things in order to do it. But it's a shame living your whole life wanting to be someplace else instead, and the longer you stay, the more difficult it will be to uproot yourself and move back 'home.' Is your job something you could do in Canada as well? Or if not, is there a chance you could do something else? If you make up your mind you are going back, come hell or high water, you'll find a way to make it happen. Just the act of making up your mind can cheer you up in the meantime! The technicalities will work themselves out. Pity me. I've always loved Canada (especially Nova Scotia) and can't ever live there. Bummer. I'm pretty happy in Scotland, and will remain here for the rest of my days (as far as I know) but Canada would have been a very happy place for me to live. I share more basic values and cultural outlook with Canadians than I do either Americans or Scots. Just wasn't to be, so I worship it from afar. Very afar these days.
I regret not aiming to go to university from school, what I would give to turn back the clock and pursue a Classics degree. I regret asking one ex out, and not trying harder with another girl I really like. And I regret other exes for much the same reasons. I regret being a lazy nihilistic teenager and not being more active, and not reading so many bad books as a teenager - I could have had a job and traveled, and be a much more fulfilled person. I'd love to see more of Europe, less of England. I regret not paying more attention in Classics classes in school, and not working harder at learning Latin and Ancient Greek when I had the teacher who was willing to help me. I regret being more self conscious - and sometimes letting my depression get the better of me in social situations. I regret sometimes almost letting depression get the better of me. As long as you have fire in your soul and one healthy arm, you can still get yourself published. And you always appeared to me to have that fire. To mis-quote Dante by way of Karl Marx: 'Go your own road, and let the people talk'.
I regret relying on the support of unreliable people when my daughter was a very ill newborn, in spite of the fact that I knew them to be unreliable. I knew their feelings would be hurt if I refused their offer for help or did not ask them. I have since learned I am primarily responsible for my kids and myself, not for the fact that some people's feelings get hurt as a result of their own life choices. Renovating. Not writing when I was younger. Not purchasing chocolate before the shops closed.
I regret taking a promotion at my job years ago for more money instead of being poor for a better chance at personal fulfillment.
I regret joining this forum. Am I right? I don't bother regretting most things, really. We all make bad choices, but things work out the way they do for a reason. I'd have to say that the only regret I can think of is that I didn't practice the guitar as much as I should have when I was younger. I think it was because the lessons were forced upon me. Once I began to understand more about music in general, I practiced a lot more.
I regret letting other people's doubts sway my insecurity. I regret my own insecurity. I regret not building a stronger support network and actively trying to find opportunities to help me grow instead of staying safe but stagnant. I regret I still struggle with such things so much.
I regret starting another negative thread and that not enough people are trying to use this thread for levity instead of self loathing.
I regret my passion for phrenology, [heh, mmm, pff] also wish I had been more doggo, ruthless and less fey during those critical years. When I think of nights I sat up 'talking' to a woman. What a complete idiot. I might have been a rash, all over all of them, have children on several continents, been a proper Ghenghis, not pen worm. ... I don't like everybody being pissed off about being fat and stuff. That rubbish eats us up, well it should. It's terribly human I suppose. Currently I am slim, with beer gut - or 'beer muscle' as they call it in Slovakia.
"List some of your regrets in life serious or otherwise." <-- Just saying this reads like room for non-levity. I regret going onto this thread to be judged.