Hey guys. I was wondering if a teacher went to grade a paper and you were on the computer (i was on here) and i had what i needed to turn in but i had 2 mistakes and she gives me a zero beacause instead of fixing them (which I didn't know how to) I was on here trying to type up the rest of my fanfic. Now (even though I finished it) she will refuses to give me any credit. PLEASE REPLY I NEED YOUR ADVICE!!!!
An assignment in my communications technology class (a computer class) The whole thing was finished except i had 2 mistakes that i finished in less than 2 seconds.
Was she ticked because you were on the comp or something? If I were you I would do some serious groveling. A well thought out and sincere plea for mercy often works well.
Agreed, apologies usually go further than vengeance - especially with teachers that can hold your report card in the balance. Reasoning is another good tactic since anger usually just gets them upset. I know it's probably not the answer you want but I think its your best shot. zb
I'll try. I'll try not and lose my temper. But I'll put forth my best effort. But I doubt she will change her mind. If i cause a commotion she will figure it's not worth it and give me some points. She was mad because I was on this site instead of trying to fix my assignment. (and after she asked me to i did) We work on the computer so it was a computer assignment.
plus a progress report is comin out on the eighth and I need a 3.0 gpa not to be grounded. And so I can see Eragon the movie. Plus in 2 weeks finals start.
I don't think it matters whether it's fair or not. You've got a problem. You brought it on yourself. You have to ask yourself now what it is you want to happen and take realistic steps to try to make that happen. If you don't succeed, you'll just have to put it down to experience. Life isn't fair. We have to learn to how tip the balance in our favour. Cheers, Rob
Hmm, felony. That really sucks hey, maybe you will learn from your mistakes in the future though. But seriously I hope everything works out for you in the end. Goodluck
I will grit my teeth and grovel and if that does work I'll resort to harsh words..cuz guess what i'm gonna fail either way so what the heck!
you shouldn't have been fooling around here, while in class... period! the teacher was right to punish you for the serious infraction... if you don't like it, don't do it again... simple...
Dude, quit complaining. You act as if you've never been to highschool before. Ask if you can get credit for it tomorrow. If he/she says no, deal with it. That's pretty much how it works.
Read the whole thing bro it was a 2 second mistake and we are allowed on the internet when we were done..all i was gonna do was ask her how to fix it when she came over anyway..good lord people if you don't know what you're talkin about stay out of it. thank you, The Management
Why didn't you just get up and go ask her how to do it, rather than have her come to you and get pissed off because you weren't doing what you were told? I stand by the statement, "deal with it". And stay out of it? Seriously man? If you didn't want our opinion, then why did you take the time make this topic, with the text, "PLEASE REPLY I NEED YOUR ADVICE!!!!" on it? Did you just want us to post stuff like, "ah man dat suks lol slap dat b*tch lol" or what?
I agree with M. Kirk. If you don't want our opinions, then why ask? Personally, I haven't read the entire thread. I read your original post and found it quite childish. So what! I've been out of high school long enough to know that NOTHING I did in the academics mattered. Nothing. Zilch. So, wait a few years, and you'll look back on this and say, "Why did I care about that again?"
I have to admit i was ticked because i asked and it didn't do were i wanted it to. I didn't do anything besides ask. Sorry for getting on you mammamaia. My apologies.