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  1. Barry G

    Barry G New Member

    Mar 23, 2010
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    Wales UK

    A library of publications by unpublished authors

    Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Barry G, Jun 14, 2010.


    Suggestions have been invited. In my computer I may have the foundation of several books and four at least I could easily make up from the writings I have created over recent years. It is not now my intention to seek their production by what now must be viewed as a Book Publishing Industry under threat. Firstly the monopoly of Amazon, then IT in general and now Apple are going to throttle the existing Printed Book Industry, which is an industry already constricted by trade unionism.

    It is an anachronism that my work is classifiable as being ’published’ because WForg and another horse orientated forum have printed extracts which have been read by a few hundred surfers of the net.

    Various organisations are looking at creating on-line libraries and I am wondering whether could be one of those - either as part of the existing format or as a new but linked venture.

    Within this organisation exists the ability to vet and indeed improve acceptable literature and to bring almost acceptable writing into readability.

    I suspect that within this organisation there is the ability to present electronic ‘books’ in an enhanced format with the help of specialist software . Yes, this would entail input from the existing management but the load could be lightened by co-opting members of the Forum.

    The authors would then have the opportunity to go further than merely posting text on a sub forum.

    The opening already exists for WForg to create an online library of work (including books) by unpublished authors.

    Most of we amateurs gave up the idea of ever earning from writing and I for one am running out of time. But even I see that it would be nice to think that some of my writing will be accessible to the curious in years to come.

    Of course I do not know, neither do I really care, about how WForg currently generates its income, I am merely pleased that to me ‘The Club’ comes free of charge. I do know that I have joined up with a multinational organisation of similarly minded thinkers and that within just a few short months your very existence has altered, (my wife would say not for the better), my daily routine. And it all costs me little other than my time, of which I have hours to spare.

    Had you ever thought of going further into electronic publishing?

    Barry G
  2. Etan Isar

    Etan Isar Contributor Contributor

    Nov 4, 2007
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    It's unlinkely that such a thing will occur on this site. But it's the work of a few hours to design your own site for the purpose.
  3. HeinleinFan

    HeinleinFan Banned

    Jan 6, 2007
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    There already exists a number of programs which allow writers to convert their work into a format e-readers can use. And Amazon dot com has a huge list of such e-readable works which authors have put there, free for anyone to sample. The list doesn't get everything, but it's a decent start, and will lead to increased exposure for the authors who go that route. Plus, if you have a few free stories available and they get good reviews, there's nothing stopping you from putting a few more stories up and charging for them -- like, 50 cents or a dollar. You might only sell a few dozen stories a year, but it's something at least, and a steady income no matter how small is nothing to sneer at.

    And of course there's livejournal and other sites dedicated to letting amateur and rising writers put their work online for people to see.
  4. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    The problem is that offering a free online publishing service (and that is what it is), doesn't attract active members. It only attracts people seeking exposure of their writing, irrespective of quality.

    It adds a maintenance and content burden on the site without adding significant value to the community who are looking for ways to improve their writing.

    There are initiatives we are looking into to better serve writers who are focused on improving their craft. Suggestions in that regard are especially welcome, although obviously we have to take into account implementation and maintenance ussues.
  5. Barry G

    Barry G New Member

    Mar 23, 2010
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    Wales UK
    Why On line libraries.

    I don't buy hard back books anymore from a book shop because I refuse to go through the misery of getting to a decent book shop in my part of Britain. It is easier to buy over the internet but then I can't flip through the book before buy it. Anyway I have more than a thousand books already and I need another bookcase.

    I want to 'file' my writings somewhere they can be accessed after I am dead and I am 72 now. This laptop will be junked once my lights are turned out
    and my work will be lost unless I take steps to file it in the ether. Then along comes Apple with a 'tablet' and Microsoft says all data will be stored in the ether within a decade and it is their policy to promote that concept.

    So if I want to read a book, I can dial one up and download it onto a tablet or a more powerful laptop. I can then read it from my armchair - or hospital bed as the case maybe. My brother in France can also read it.

    To have published 'Joe goes Classical' or 'The Happy Hacker' in hardbook format would have cost me say$15000 after paying the publisher and I would have to have produced 500 copies. Maybe I could have done a deal with my local printer and produced fewer for $1500 but then I would have to have sold the books myself.

    Professional critiques cost a fortune and I am not going to bother. I don't intend to modify my style of writing - either it appeals or it is not read.
    Which do you drink white wine or red wine?

    If I can 'file' my work in some format on an Online library then anyone can read my work - but I doubt if they will pay me. But I don't expect to be paid for playing with horses why should I expect to be paid for writing about them. Already since much of my work has been posted on internet forums
    the copy is regarded as already having been published. The cartels and monopolies have always been strong in the printing industry. They are determined to protect their monopoly.

    It is my intention to find a usable publishing software which will help me with layouts and photos. I will try to learn how to use it from my armchair.
    I will 'file' it with one of the exisiting online libraries - if I am really pushed, then with Create - reluctantly.
    Then I can tell people how they can access my work and maybe a few of them might tell others. Who knows.
    Payment - I don't expect any but at least, publication won't cost me much.

    Cynical - yes. Perhaps even wearily cynical. A problem in life is that to get paid for doing what one likes to do is always more difficult than doing something one can be paid to do so that one has the money to do what one wants to do.
  6. OvershadowedGuy

    OvershadowedGuy New Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    who wants to spend time digging through a library of unpublished work. 95% of unpublished material lacks quality or relevance.

    The publishing industry is not going anywhere, if anything e-books will make it easier for new authors to get discovered.
  7. Tamsin

    Tamsin New Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    I have to agree. Who would actually read the pieces of work on this site when they can just read books by actual writers?

    I can't see the appeal other than it would serve as an online vanity press. If you are genuinely interested in pursuing a career in writing then seek to improve first, then seek a publisher, not just publish regardless of quality.

    There is plenty of web space dedicated to unpublished writers...blogs. Most are unread, as would be the same of a library's worth of them.
  8. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    And that pretty much covers the topic.
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