If you haven't seen it by now, you've been missing out. It's not my favorite Pixar film, I save that for Finding Nemo, but it's definitely up there. I think the thing I love about it the most is that they used a bunch of tropes that are almost universally considered a bad idea, and they made an excellent film out of it. Start the movie with twenty minutes of backstory montage? Green light. Make the adult the competent one in a child's movie? Go ahead. It just proves to me that storytelling trumps technique any day of the week.
I wanted to see that! But no, Forest and Steve made me go see Terminator Salvation instead. They never do anything I wanna do. Hey guys, let's go to the beach! No, Mal, that's stupid. Hey guys, let's go swing dancing! No, Mal, that's stupid. Hey guys, let's go see Up instead of Terminator! No, Mal, that's stupid.
I'm sorry, Mal. Go see it with more fun people. I loved it, too. I didn't know an animated movie could keep me on the edge of my seat like that!
I wanted to see that so bad, but my friends saw it the day I was sick when they were s'posed to wait until Friday. *sigh* I'll see it eventually. Heard it was quite good.
Just go see it alone. That's what I ended up doing. It was actually quite nice. No having to worry about finding enough seats to sit together. No having to convince your friends to get there with enough time to sit down and enjoy the trailers. I love the trailers. They're like bonus mini-movies. I say the more of them the better, as long as they're movie trailers and not tv advertisements. That's lame. I wonder why they can't do a simultanious world-wide release now days. It's not like we don't have the technology. Is it logistical or greedical? I'll never know, unless someone here knows and wants to tell me.
I heard a few people say Up was better than Wall-e. I find that hard to believe. * Wall-e* I need to do some investigating of my own...