If the lie became tangible the monet you said them then there wouldn't be much a point in lying now would there They would look like comic bubbles with dialogue inside though
They would be chocolate filled with anchovies - sweet and seductive on the outside, repugnant on the inside (unless you're one of those 'lucky' few that like anchovies, there must be some out there).
I agree with Wishing, I think they would look seductive...beguiling. Just when you're close enough that your over taken by the facade...you can see just how horribly foul it really is...
or maybe pot, cocaine and melap and stuff, which just provides you an escapade. Making lies seem so true.
Most anything in life is an escape though. Drugs are a more destructive escape, but they're still an escape nonetheless.
An escape which gives pleasure to stick needles into you're wrist and spoil one's pretty nose snorting the stuff.
Yeah, maybe if you're shooting up on heroin or snorting cocaine. There's nothing wrong with more natural drugs, like marijuana though. I'm sick of it being illegal for no good reason. Alcohol is far more destructive, and that's legal. People keep calling pot a gateway drug, but the sort of people that would abuse cocaine in the first place would do that with or without marijuana.
Marijuana's not all that harmless either, and its intoxicating effects stay in your body a lot longer than alcohol.
And marijuana, being a drug, is as addictive as it comes. And addiction is never good. I admit though I'm a net-addict.
Marijuana is worse than alcohol, in my opinion; purely because of all this misinformation about it being "harmless". People know alcohol can be dangerous, but an increasing number don't know the same is true of weed. And this is starting to stray off topic (admittedly off a fairly abstract topic). If you want to chat about drugs, search out the drugs thread and do it there.
right topic. Lies= black and white. No colors, no tangiblity. Once the colors start coming in, things go haywire, worse than before.