Here's mine. If you don't know how to do it, just get to your desktop, press "Print Screen" on your keyboard ( It might be abbreviated to Prnt Scrn or something. ), go into paint, press CTRL+V, save it as a JPEG, go to, upload it, and give us the thumbnail link.
What the hell, why not. Here's the image I use straight from the site:
I actually use YoD'm 3D, so I've got four desktops. My favorite, Desktop 0 Desktop 1, which got bumped down from 0 when I got the TARDIS/Delorean one Desktop 2, Female warrior And well, Desktop 3... I'll spoiler this one, just in case. It's an anime panty shot. Spoiler [img=] There's also the background that autosets for my Flashdrive, but I don't have that on me. Also, I think I'm the only person who hides my desktop and toolbar. I like to do all my business from the Start menu instead of going to my desktop. Everything's just a Windows key away.
I'm working on making a Halo 3 desk top, but until then I'm using a Tiffa pic as a background. I'm too jazy to do all that stuff, so I'll just link to the image I use.
lol as long as your not an evil clone.... As for desktops- I have teh one that came with my computer.... a mountain and moon. I did have heaps of Buffy and Angel ones but I can't find the disk
My laptop died so I have yet to change the desktop that came with the desktop computer that my dad put together for me (he is actually good with computers. It actually works well, lol). I love looking for desktops, it is so much fun. The latest picture I put on my desktop was Alexandre Cabanel's The Birth of Venus: I love Greek and Roman Myths and Venus is my favorite goddess. (Not Aphrodite, though, she' actually a b****) Venus isn't as rude and indecent. Venus is one of my muses. She's quite sweet now that's she isn't one of the rulers of the world ~Natalie
I shall call me, miniadamant! For my Halo 3 back ground these ar ethe parts I'm using. I'm getting my Master Chief from this: Link My Background is from Concept art for Halo Wars, but the site where I got the original pic appears to be having trouble now (Good thing I already got it ) I'm also looking for an arbiter pic to splice in at some point.
Wow, I certainly didn't expect that particular response, lol. I am glad I'm apparently funny, though. ~Natalie
Mark- Mac users ftw! Though, you shouldn't have the MSN disk image there, you need to eject it Mine- ETA: Too big, direct link-
Oh man, you have Leopard! How is that working for you? Do you like it more than Tiger? I really need to put out the money to get it, but I just can't seem to find it in my checking account. :\ I know I should eject it, haha.
I'm sorry... it's just, we spent most of our honors world lit class reading translated Odyssey, and to hear you say that about Aphrodite is just... perfect! I almost fell out of my chair!
I don't know why, it's just a pet peeve of mine, I believe in tidy, organised computers Love Leopard so far Only got this computer two weeks ago, it's a black Macbook, replacing the previous Macbook which I had a white version of. I like it more than Tiger, I think Time Machine's a great addition, though seems to be a bit buggy, and I love the upgrade in RAM and memory, but that's just due to getting the black one and modding it Also love the new layout and design, it's very retro. Anyway yeah, I'd recommend it, it was worth the money.
I can't get photobucket to log me on and I don't have an imageshack account so lets see if this works...
That sounds really nice. I'm using a white Macbook I bought in 2006 that has: 2 GHz Core 2 Duo 2 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 80 gig HDD ( :\ ) It works for everything I need it to do. I'm going to keep using this computer until it falls apart, then I'll buy a Macbook Pro.
it was changed when i dressed as lara croft at halloween, also good luck for me as i met my boyfriend on that day too.