I'm aware that it seems like a strange question. Think of me what you may I enjoy romance novels, as long as they are still good stories. Partially because I think everyone can relate to romance and all the hardships and connotations it brings with it. But I'm not here to explain myself. I haven't come across any awe inspiring books in quite a while, I was wondering if there was any guys out there who could recommend any romance Novels to me? I'm trusting so I won't ask you to explain the entire story, but if you gave me the Title and told me why you liked it I'd be very grateful.
Lol, sue me. To boost my masculinity I'll close with this manly acclamation AT LEAST I HAD THE BALLS TO ADMIT IT!
The Frog King by Adam Davies. It's one of my favourite novels, and pretty much the only contemporary guy-centred love story I can think of. It doesn't really have any hugely interesting plot--young guy in New York dealing with love and becoming an adult and all that--but its super charming, really funny just well written. It's also supposed to be being turned into a movie with a script by Bret Easton Ellis and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but I haven't really heard anything about its development.
I rather enjoyed The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen. It's listed on Amazon as religious fiction, but I don't remember a particularly strong religious element to it, but it's been over a year since I read it. I think that's the only one I can really recommend, I don't think you'd be interested in some of my other suggestions :redface:
Norwegian Wood, I forget the authors name. My girlfriend bought it not long ago, and I seen her copy well worn on her bedside table one day. I asked about it, and when she finished it I read it, it was fantastic!
It's Haruki Murakami, and yeah, he's another author who writes great love stories. South of the Border, West of the Sun is my favourite by him.
Only indirectly related to the topic, for some reason as I read the title I thought about that sleeping beauty novel from Anne Rice (IIRC).
Gervaise Phinn is wonderful - he meets his wife during his stories, not sure they are romance as such but definitely as accesible to men as they are to women.
If you can take political low renaissance age fantasy with a lot of sex is would say "Kushiels dart" by Jacqueline Carey. It is about a courtesan falling in love with a warrior priest sworn to celibacy. Heartwretching, sexy and intellectually captivating. The description of the book might not give it a way, but Carey is one of the fantasy writers that really can write, her work got a lyrical quality when it comes to language and beautifully many layered political plots and characters.
Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter novels are read by men and women of all ages, dispositions and career paths. They're popular among guys and the characters are well rounded and real. (Ironic, because most of them are immortal warriors, shape shifters, and demons or gods.)