Anyone seen this? Daaaaaamn. Oh no he di'n't.
Haha...well, if you read On Writing, you wouldn't be surprised that he bashed other writers in an interview (he bashed Dean Koontz and James Patterson, too, if I remember the article). I forgot who he bashed in On Writing. I think it was the writer of Hart's War and a romance writer. He's arrogrant and mean, but still a great writer, imo.
Hehe. But this won't stop the countless girls I know to continue to think that Twilight is better than anything that has ever existed =/. Sometimes fandoms are very annoying.
I hope this doesn't just become another boring thread bashing the woman who sold 22 million books last year. That other thread got closed for it. I think the more interesting point is or question should be: What do you think about a successful writer publicly criticizing another writer? I think it's boorish and shows a lack of character.
This is a very unfair comparision but if Wagner or Beethoven were still alive, wouldn't they be justified in criticizing Coldplay?
Oooh, how I love Stephen King! I completely agree - tried reading "Twilight" - couldn't. It read like bad fanfiction to me. Of course, I've disliked some of King's work too. But he's written some obvious classics, so I can forgive that.
Does the critic have merit? If it does, I wouldn't mind. How come criticizing is wrong, but praising is not? They're both faces of the same coin. You deem one as wrong, you deem both. Not really, no. They were great at what they did, but they didn't compose or perform rock. If they were criticizing contemporaneous classical music, then they'd be justified, but the gap between the two is too big. Also, didn't Wagner compose operas?
Well, I don't really care for Stephen King's writing style either myself, but I do agree that Twilight is a horribly written book. I couldn't get past the first few chapters because the writing was so bad.
Half of them probably dont even know who he is. Does he have the right? I personally hate the twiloght series (i cant get into the fantasy section of book stores now which just is wrong). Id prefer him to write a decent book again, rather then be saying whats good and whats not.......because i havent liked anything of his for years now.....
But he's not known as a professional book critic, he's a writer. So criticizing a writer who made it big on a teen fantasy tale seems all kinds of bullyishness (I know, it's a made up word ).
Oops, sorry I meant critic as in the singular of criticism which is obviously wrong, that's why I referred to it as it. I mixed up my languages >.<.
No problem. I think I understand what you're asking. And so, yeah, I'm not saying we shouldn't have a thread in which some people criticize a writer, I'm saying the largest thread in this section was CLOSED by Cogito because it became only that. It's a pretty over done topic by now. The article, though, gives good chance to talk about novelists bashing other novelists. Is it cool for them to do that? Make your argument, LD style.
Isn't that the truth. It still peeves me the way he thrust his middle finger at his fans in the epilogue of the final Dark Tower book. He basically said that he was done writing and for his fans leave him the hell alone. Ironically enough, everything he's published for years now has been self-serving drivel and trunk novels. He has a right to his own opinion of course, but calling out anyone for poor writing is the pot calling the kettle black imo.
I think we all need to remeber that this is simply the man's opinion. And that's all. But, King's last couple of books (From Dreamcater onwards - I rather enjoyed Dreamcater) Have made better toilet paper than liturature. But it is again, just my opinion. And who really listens to literary critics anyway?
Personally, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. IMO, I agree with Stephen I didn't think Twilight was well written, but this isn't about Twilight. This is about is it right for someone to bash a author or writer. As I said before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If he didn't like it, he didn't like it. [lol! Reminds me of a Robot Chicken skit, where Stephen King runs over a writer and claims his car is haunted, lol!]
I saw some of the comments on that article. Someone actually wrote something like "WHo is he? What has he ever done?" My God. Kids these days.
That's just plain rude. Admittedly, my comments about her were not exactly respectful but that was within a select group of people (us) where Meyer will never hear it. I'm also not a celebrity and can't suffer professionally from it. Regardless, he could have said that in a far better way, e.g. point out why it's struck a cord with a certain audience and then say that in his opinion, it was poorly written and perhaps have some specific reasons for that opinion.
Lol 'bashed stephenie meyer' I just got an image of stephen king actually bashing her with a handbag at an awards evening or something.
I doubt King's opinion matters to anyone but King fans. His comments will not adversely effect the sales of any author's books. In fact, the controversy might even improve sales as curious people buy the book to see what all the fuss is about. In my opinion, King suffers from the same giant-ego syndrome that is displayed by many writers and artists. Musicians are known for such back stabbing. In writers, it usually takes form as arrogance, although it may manifest itself in other ways such as public criticism of fellow authors who are deemed "inferior" and not deserving. Nasty comments usually harm the person delivering the message, not the person targeted.
I wonder if they'll do a Stephen King V S myer clay deathmatch, like they did with King and Rowling's That would be some pretty funny watching. I'll just say watch this space, hopefully it's not the end, and ther women fights back. Its not her fault she became popular culture.... (i had a sleep and think she probably does deserve a chance).
True, it probably won't hurt his or anyone else's book sales. Realistically, though, comments like that are very unprofessional, and many authors don't like him and this won't help. He is the only professional I've ever seen say something negative about a book without giving a concrete reason.