This is my first post, I'm sorry if its not in the right section. I'm writing a story about two brothers, that are slightly like vampires, set in an Epic Fantasy layout. However, they aren't the cliche vampire that has been popping up everywhere. They are both generals in a Roman-esque military society. Is it too played out if I call them Strigoï? It is Latin for vampire, and their regiments are the 1st and 2nd Regiment of the Strigoi. I just don't want the characters to be associated with usual vampires. Thank you for your opinions.
I think it's fairly safe to call them Strigoi, as long as you let the reader know that it's Latin for vampire in some way and they have some characteristic(s) of vampires. Also one possible way of keeping them from being associated with the cliche' vampire would be to have them hate being stereotyped. Maybe have a character or two that stereotypes them and have them comment on how they are different and why they hate it so on and so forth. Kudos to you though for steering away from you typical vampire. (and from the sparkly ones as well.) Cheers!
Strigoi sounds like an excellent name. And you can give them whatever characteristics you need for the story-- whether vampire-like or something completely different. If you write it well, your audience might just thank you for providing them with a nice twist on an old concept.
Thank you very much for your replies, so now I know what to call them. Now just for linking it all together.