I've written a children's Picture Book geared towards the higher reading levels found within the 4-8 yr old range. My MC is 9 years old. Do you think this is an acceptable age -- still relatable, identifiable for the reader? Or should I squeeze him through a time machine and knock 1-2 years off? I appreciate your help! Thanks a bunch. . .
it's not your target market's reading 'age' that you must consider when writing a pb story, but their 'experiential' age... and 4 yr olds may not be able to relate to a kid that much older, or to the things s/he can do, that they can't... also, there's a great big gap in reading ability between even the very best of beginning readers of 4 and those of 8... consider that the harry potter books' 'official' age range begins at 8! and 4 year olds are still read-to, while 7 and 8's seldom are...