I see more people my size not in relationship than I do any other size person. I had a guy say to me once, "I'd rather have a girl with meat on her bones becuase I know when I hug her I ain't gonna break her and she is so much more cuddly. You skinny girls, it's like hugging a broom stick. Where's the comfort in that aye?" A lot of guys I know think skinny females are great to look at, but that is it. Most of the females I know think the same about guys. Skinny may be appealing to some peoples eyes, but it is just eye candy, and nothing more to them.
My Hunny has a big cuddly belly like a teddy bear. I have never dated a skinny dude. I like cuddling a guy with a little padding. The funny thing is, I still want to be a size 2. I know Steve thought I was hot when I was I weighed 135. He found me hot when I weighed 105. He finds me hot now at 120. I know that I was happiest between 110 and 115. So...with cutting out some of the junk and getting back into an excercise program, I think I can get back to it.
In my experience the weight that guys really like us to drop is that of extra clothing. All clothing, in fact. (Well, ok, so I've only observed ONE guy over a matter of years but this has been consistently true...) Please don't smack me, mods...I meant it in fun...:redface:
I grew up in southern CA til i was about 14yrs. and I always used to look at those magazines about all the stars I was interested in and how they lived their lives. Now that I am older I realized that I was misdirected in how I percieved what beauty really is...it's about what is on the inside not the outside. All those stars are either dead or forgotten. It just reinforces that fact that beauty only lasts so long and only goes so far. Their size is unimportant and therefore so is ours what does it matter? I exercise for me and only to stay healthy. The only other question I have is what is healthy?
If you want to gain weight, I suggest keeping a very detailed diary of how much you eat, and what you eat. Obese people often underestimate the amout of food they eat, while slim people often overestimate the amount of food they eat. From there, you want to increase the amount of calories you eat by focusing on eating more lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Try eating lots of small meals, all the time - it's healthier for you, anyway. Keep the diary, and ratchet up the amount of calories - if you normally eat 1800 calories a day, go up by 200 for the first week. Next week, 2200 and so on. At the same time, take up an exercise routine. It should involve cardio (swimming, running, or something similar) and some weight lifting. The combination of regular exercise and eating more will have you gaining healthy muscle weight in no time. Alternate exercise days and rest days to give yourself time to build up. Eat plenty of protein shortly after exercising. Note: If you're a vegetarian, you'll have to make some hard choices. Vegetables are great for you, but the sheer amount of calories that you can get in animal protein is hard to beat. Dairy based products and protein shakes are one way around this, though.
I'm really happy with my body. I have great genes and do not have to worry about getting fat at all. Although, I have to admit I wouldn't mind having a little more curves on my body but it's extremely hard for me to put on weight and I'm not even a very physically active person... I've actually put on a lot of weight since a year and half ago. I use to weigh 105 lbs and now weight 120. A lot of people still don't believe me when I tell them how much I weigh...they think I weigh a lot less than that...
I am two steps away from going vegetarian it seems the only way to lose. At work, sometimes I go all week without eating any meat (just frozen vegetables) but by the time the weekend comes around I blow it and eat anything.
Actually, yes I do. What gets me is how the media and half the lasses and women I know rant and rave on about the media and skinny people. "it's unhealthy" they say, "It doesn't look attractive", "They are making themselves ill" blah blah blah. Sorry, is it just me or have people forgotten than being overweight kills too, and in this country, myuch more than anorexia and the likes kills. It is reckoned that in a few years time, 90% of children will be overweight. And the parents sort of go, "Well they'll be happy". Will they, with diabetes and heart diseases and various other medical conditions related to and caused by obesity. My mam is overweight right, and for her New Years Resolution she said she wanted to be happy with the weight she was, and that being overweight is part of who she is. It took all my effort not to laugh at that because yes, by happy with who you are is a good thing, and I wish I could just accepy myself for myself more often, but your weight is not part of your personality. If you are chunky, you are not friendlier, or better in bed, or anything or the other crap people have come out with before. And then people have the gaul to say that it is the media promoting anorexia. Constantly I open magazines aimed at women, slagging off the skinny people. Someone who is slim, whether naturally or not, the magazines don't have a good word to say about them. And then, they have interviews with people who are obese, saying "oh look at them, not caring what people think, go them". It is ridiculous, encouraging people to be overweight and not care that they are killing themselves. There was an interview with some morbidly overweight woman a few weeks back in this one magazine, and it had some statistics about her. The one I remember was that the width of one of her legs was the same a the trunk of a tree. And the interview and article was done in an encouraging tone, saying that this woman was good for fighting the skiiny image. She was told by the doctors she needed to loose weight or she would die, I fail to see how this is a good thing. I don't beleive that being underweight and worrying too much about looking skinny is a good thing, but I do not think that peopl shuold just accept it if they are overweight. We should all try and be a healthy weight, and keep ourelves busy. We should not just sit back and say it is fine to be obese. Sorry for blagging on anyways, it is just something I really do feel strongly about.
I am in total agreement with Heather. I am currently studying Advertising at University, and the amount of times a (and always female) student will pipe up with a comment on how the "media" is making young girls have eating disorders and the like just really boils my blood. Obviously I am no teenage girl, so I could not fully comment on how the media does affect them, but as Heather was touching on - it is far from true. "Full-figured" women are "so hot right now". Constantly, at least in Australian media, skinny is slandered and fat is celebrated. From trash women's gossip magazines to international TV shows (ie. How to look good ... (not sure if I'm allowed to post the actual name)), fat is celebrated. Being overweight is hazardous to your health. And obesity related illnesses / diseases are some of the biggest killers in my country. The problem is this backlash that fat is fine, and that big is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so there is no definative answer to this forum. But in other definitions of beautiful, fat and "big" is far from beauty. The package in which the fat is wrapped may be attractive, but what lies under the skin is hazardous, biological waste. [Image belongs to 'http://www.roadtransport.com/blogs/2007/07/truck-drivers-get-a-spare-tyre.html'] That is human fat, that is what being big is. Having that inside your body. Now obviously the sad reality of my post will offend some people, but it is not an insult, it is fact. The other point that accompanies these issues is 'being happy with who you are'. I ask, why not be happy with who you are now - but still want to improve? I have fat, I have a "pot-belly". The typical male fat. I am very happy how I look, I am comfortable with my body. But I am constantly trying to improve it. I know what I am carrying around in excess fat, and I don't like "that" aspect of my body. It is like an athlete who just won their event. They are happy how they performed, but next time would like to improve. They would like to break 10 seconds, or hit another home-run etc. Be happy with who you are. But be realistic and always strive to improve. Those who say they are comfortable with how they look and that's that is just laziness. It bothers me that people think that because they are comfortable with how they look means they don't have to change. Onto eating disorders. Eating disorders are a rare minority. And I mean minority. The average Australian / American is overweight, so being fit and healthy alone makes you a minority. Being big is an eating disorder - you are eating more than you are exercising off. Dieting: Laziness. Eat whatever you like, hell I eat whatever, whenever and believe me I don't have a high metabolism or other bodily quality that makes it easier to handle. I just know that what I eat has to be lost. So if I indulge, I know that for me to stay the same weight (and size), I must then exercise off what I gained. It's simple. There are those people who use the ol' "I don't have time to exercise", that is just another excuse for laziness. Healthy exercise for an average days intake is 30 minutes. Throughout a day. That is the difference between getting up at 7 rather than 7:30 and going for a walk or jog. Going to bed at 11 instead of 10:30 and doing some weights or sit-ups. It isn't hard if you really want to to find the time in a day of 48 half hours to do some exercise. It just requires effort. So to those that say big is ok, grow up, and be realistic. Big is NOT ok. It is unhealthy. My argument is not based on a fascist "fat is ugly or just plain wrong" philosophy, it is on facts produced through medical science and our increasingly in-depth knowledge of the human body and its functions. I try to stress to people everyday - Be happy with how you look. But don't give up on it. You can still look glamorous, sexy and attractive as any size if you have the self-confidence and belief to express your beauty. But do not be contempt with being overweight just because. As to an actual opinion on this topic, I too do not find the overly skinny attractive, nor the overweight. I prefer women with a healthy shape and size.
It's a cautionary tale for sure. Sometime in May, I think. I haven't been to a doc yet (long boring story re: stubbornness and $$ ).
GenericBox, you're talking crap. That hazardous biological waste you're talking about is essential to a healthy life. Fat is needed to store energy, and as much as the world might not want to accept it, it's essential. I don't really know how society's image of overweight has been corrupted so much, that now if you aren't ridiculously skinny you're overweight. It's complete bull****. And I don't believe that every girl wants to be some stick thin supermodel, and even if they did, then it wouldn't make that right. I applaud your turning to medicine rather than a subjective idea of beauty, but you have rather corrupted it. Obesity isn't healthy, I'll give you that, but everyone seems to have some ridiculous idea of what constitutes obese, to the point where it's become a witchhunt against fat! And who are you to decide that you have to be ultra-fit to be any use? Why does someone who isn't the media's idea of perfect have anything less to offer? I'd like to think as writers that we could understand that there is more to people that their physical state. I certainly believe that an individual is more about the person who they are, rather than what they look like, and that happiness is more than being able to run a marathon. But what do I know? I probably secretly wanna be a skeleton.
On reflection, this thread seems wholly counterproductive. It is only going to offend more people, and cause more bitter argument, and I don't want to see that here. I feel it's best to end it here, before it leads to resentment and ill feeling. I apologise if my comments caused any offence to anyone, I was a little incensed by this issue, thus my impassioned response. But this thread is not going anywhere helpful, and I think will lead to more argumentative posts like my own, so I have decided to close it here and now.