Has anyone heard anything about the Energy Shift (I don't know why I feel like that should be capitalized) which is supposed to complete on September 28th, and has been going on all through the month? I'm curious and I want to be educated. Here's what I've gathered so far: Crazy extreme Christians believe the world is ending on September 28th, because of the completed cycle of the Blood Moons, falling on Jewish holidays Buddhists/spiritualists/mystics/etc. believe that in fact, we're all going to "ascend" so to speak, into our fullest potential for life on earth, and that the energy shift that's taking place will be the harbinger of the ascension Am I a Crazy Christian Extremist, or a Buddhist/Spiritualist/Mystic/Etc.? No. However, I am very intrigued by the idea that without even meaning to, the two very different subcultures have aligned into a somewhat similar opinion, of their own accord and without influencing one another. So, tell me your thoughts if you have them. And if they're as simple as "it's bullshit," don't even bother; those thoughts I sympathize with -- I'm looking for new ones to entertain.
Things like this creep me out. I'm a fairly normal Christian, and I don't buy into things like that. However, when multiple cultures say that there's something like this happening that don't have any connections with each other, I'm naturally inclined to think that something is going to happen. What that is, I don't know. Why is it called an energy shift? Is there something being aligned in the cosmos the 28th?
I'll let you know. The 28th happens 16-17 hours earlier here than it does in the US, so if anything weird happens I can post and you have 16-17 hours to prepare. Personally, I think it's a load of hogwash, repeatedly trotted out over the millennia by people looking to a higher power to solve their problems and make everything alright -- for free.
So, the reason that I asked on here is because I'm hoping that someone who isn't donning a tinfoil hat can answer that very question in laymen's terms. Everything I'm reading is written from the understanding that the reader is also a Buddhist/Spiritualist/Mystic/Etc. Which I'm not. So they throw out all of these super convoluted terms like, "vibration frequency" and "awakening" along with some actual sciencey stuff, and I have no freaking clue what's going on. I originally heard about all of this from a coworker. My salon owner, and both of her daughters who work there are very much into all of that hoodoo voodoo business, and talk about it to me as if I am too. It makes me really uncomfortable to discuss it in person with management, when I don't know what they're talking about, and I want it to end as quickly as possible, so every time they start talking like that, I'm all -- until it stops. Lol. But from what I have been able to piece together, there is a scientist named Dr. Simon Atkins who studies electromagnetism, and he predicted a small tsunami off the Atlantic a few years ago, and it did actually happen. So, he's predicted another wave of electromagnetic energy, much bigger than the last that would start to wash over the earth around the 23rd (today) and reach us completely by the 28th, the day where there will be the first total lunar eclipse and blood moon with a super moon, which will all coincidentally (or not?) fall on a Jewish holiday, like the 3 we've had over the last few months. So the moons will complete an entire cycle, over the period of just a few short months, which is also apparently super duper rare, or something. Anyway, he's predicted quite the whopper with this one, and people among the aforementioned circles (this is where it gets super hoodoo) believe that it is an ascension shift, or consciousness shift wherein those who are awakened will upgrade to a new frequency vibration, and become essentially whole and complete, starting the next process in evolution. They believe also, that this is what Christians refer to as the rapture. Phew. Deep breath. I haven't listened to this yet, but here is a link to the radio interview with Dr. Simon Atikins if you're interested/curious/want a good laugh/what have you. http://truthfrequencyradio.com/phoenix-rising-radio-51579/
If they're using the terms "vibration frequency" and it is not specifically about a physical object that is vibrating, that isn't actually any science stuff. Smile and nod, nothing they are talking about is based on fact.
That's where I said it gets hoodoo. I was referring to electromagnetism as the sciencey bits which are sprinkled into the weird shit. Hence why all the hoodoo terms are in italics or quotation marks. Do note that I never said that I bought into any of this, on the contrary, in fact. I'm not easily duped, and I do know the difference between science and fiction, and science fiction, for that matter. But people deeply interest me. Their thoughts, their actions, their motives -- especially when it involves groupthink. So I want to know what these people are thinking, and why. I am fascinated by the concept of trying to understand people and where they are coming from. To completely shut people out when they say something that makes you feel uncomfortable, or something that sounds wrong or different from your world view? Now that mentality is one I don't care to understand.
Oh. Well there's no lunar eclipse (visible) here, so you guys have to look out for it yourselves. My vibrational energy observations will be useless for you. Good luck!!
There are creatures on this planet who are blind, as a species, that live fulfilling lives, eating and sexing and dying as most life forms do. I wonder if we would have so much religious bunkum in our history if we were all blind.
Could I just say - "crazy Christian extremists" is a ridiculous phrase to use. The Christians who brought up this did not say that the world would end (or anything stupid like that), merely that some sort of event marking God's presence would take place, i.e. the last few times this has happened there have been stock market crashes. Whether that's coincidence, we don't know. Those claiming the world will end a) aren't Christians and b) aren't educated on the topic.
Pretty much the exact same thing happened with 2012 (along with most of the other non-events predicted throughout history). People from all cultures and belief systems latched onto that day and tried to claim it as their own, and we had all sorts of contradicting predictions. Everything from Timewave Zero, to Planet X, to various stellar phenomenon, to the supernatural and occult, to all sorts of religions. They said the same thing. "Hey, with all these completely different theories all pointing to the same day, they can't all be bullshit, right? It's not like they're all just jumping on the bandwagon. Surely they came up with it independently, and not just feeding off of each other, right? Surely something out of the ordinary is going to happen on this day, right?" Spoiler: For anyone who is yet to check their calendar. Nothing! Not a god damn thing. 2012 was a load of bullshit. I understand it might feel as if I'm dismissing people's beliefs, and that's probably because I am, but I don't see why I should humor such foolishness. This new date is bullshit, just like all the other failed predictions since the dawn of time. If I'm wrong you can have every penny to my name, every possession in my home. You can flay me alive and cover me with salt. But that won't happen, because nothing of note will happen on the 28th. When the 29th rolls around, you can officially add this to the pile with all the other ones. The only plausible thing that is likely to happen will be somewhat of a self full filling prophecy, but unlike the others, I don't know if this will be widespread enough to do much. When you have hoards of people believing the world will end, you have hoards of people who act as if the world will end. This in and of itself can cause various problems for society, which is partially why I don't feel bad about hurting people's feelings if they insist on spreading such bullshit. And of course, assuming this thread isn't deleted or this site doesn't go arse up, to all you future people reading this years later, you are welcome to link your own contemporary wave of doomsayers to this thread, and let them know that their superstitious nonsense is also bullshit. The world is always a couple of years away from ending, and in a couple of years time, it'll still be a couple of years from ending.
On a related note, wasn't the world supposed to end via asteroid strike this very week, last Monday, on the 21st? I seem to remember finding out about it on the 22nd, and laughing about the fact that I completely missed the end of the world.
I always just wonder if the world doesn't end, would the crazy Christians finally realise it's all a load of nonsense? One would think, eh.
As a pagan and spiritual person, I've seen this energy shift a lot, but nothing I've seen has mentioned "the end of the world." Many New Agers believe in vibrations (AKA energy or frequency). Every living thing has one. If you're happy and in control, you have a high vibration. If you're unhappy and reckless, you have a low vibration. And these vibrations can affect our lives. I'm sure most people have heard of positive affirmations. They're statements that people say daily (I am beautiful inside and out, I am strong and in control, etc etc) in an attempt to raise their vibration. Karma works off of vibrations. Because like attracts like. If you do bad things (lower your vibration), bad things will happen to you (attract other lower vibrations). So if you have a negative outlook on life, negative things will continue to happen because your low vibration is attracting other low vibrations. So in those weeks when everything just seems to be going wrong, it's believed to be because of your vibration. The shift in September is about new vibrations. Since many New Agers believe the moon and planet cycles can alter vibrations (look up Mercury Retrograde), this month is supposed to bring in a lot of different, positive vibrations. There's a blood/super moon eclipse, a solar eclipse, and movement of some "key" planets. Each of those events is seen as powerful enough, but with all three of them together in one month, it's guessed to bring a high amount of energy to the planet. From foreverconscious.com: So as far as I've seen, it's less of an "the world is going to end" and more of a consciousness shift. People will become more aware, psychics will become stronger, people in general will be happier, more positive, ascending (which is a different subject all together that I'm not getting into right now). So I've seen it as a good thing. Not something to be feared. I guess every culture is different though. ETA: Also from foreverconscious.com:
End of the World Predictions (incomplete list) You might be referring to this nonsense: NASA Confirms 2.5 Mile Wide Comet expected September 15-28, 2015 It's completely untrue, by the way, but it shows how easy it is for anyone to post nonsense online that some people take seriously. They've even implied a real emergency preparedness exercise that occurred last April was going on currently, using the wording: "NASA has launched its ’Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario’". The 2015 PDC Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario PDC stands for Planetary Defense Conference not exercise. It was a discussion at a conference, not an exercise that was "launched". This one's hilarious: Earth To Be Destroyed Sept. 27-28, 2015. From Erasmus Of America – Exclusive Details – March 16, 2015 – 3:58 Pm The guy must be worried, he typed the whole thing in all caps. I'm sorry people, but you can't be serious. First wave of the Global Mass Ascension, a frequency shift? Me thinks you've all been reading too many apocalypse stories.
We know from physics that there are fundamental frequencies at which objects vibrate, harmonic frequencies based off them, and so on. This is true of particles in liquids and solids, in electromagnetism, and on micro and macro scales. If you believe string theory, the frequency is important to determining properties of the particle. So this is all stuff that has been talked about in various forms for centuries.
The question asked was "Why is it called an energy shift?" So I answered according to the information I've seen. It's called an energy shift because of the energies coming into play in September. That's all I know. I didn't create these answers -- I'm regurgitating the information I've read. Yet somehow, I become the butt of the joke.
That's really interesting. If you'd like to expand on your comment, I'd love to learn. What do you think is going to happen? Do you believe all that?
Now I've been practicing not going off on big tangent feel good speeches, so I will not burden us all with the headache of it! But Lea, ya can't let stuff like that (if its like negative) dig under your skin and most of all more so when its just some text from someone you in all likely hood will never meet in person. Not to say you cant be hurt or angered by it of course but at least you got to express your opinion of your pagan beliefs and ya know? Even though I don't agree with it (I am somewhat of a skeptic on most things regarding the supernatural though oddly enough am also a Christian, I do love to be ironic.), it was a joy to read. I and I'm sure others on here love hearing about others spiritual beliefs. Yours are quite fascinating and do not hesitate to share them in the future as well like I said its interesting. But yeah don't let it bug ya to much, follow the path of the chicken wing ya know? Ain't no thang but a chicken wing duuuuuuuude-et Alright that wasn't to long, now I shall end it despite wanting to saaaaaay more (TO TRY AND CHEER YOU UP and to not hate the forum and all) but remember! Don't let it dig under your skin! REMEMBER THE CHICKEN WING! Spoiler: REMEMBER So whenever you are sad and down about things on here (like about some kinda forum drama) remember that it is equal to but not greater then the chicken wing. Now I know the last bits of this don't make any sense really. which it shouldn't but at the very least hope that it either got a smile going (and a laugh) or made you hungry. Making no sense and rambling makes me hungry. I shall now go buy chicken wings. And hope you cheer up missy!
In the energy shift? I'm not really sure. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I do and don't believe in. I guess I can get on board with vibrations and like-attracts-like idea. I've experienced first hand having one bad thing happen after another, things that are completely out of my control. So I try to focus on being more positive and things turn around pretty quickly. But everything else, I don't really know. I think with things like the Energy Shift and Mercury Retrograde, people seek out events in an attempt to "prove" that it's real. During the Retrograde, people who believe in it will blame every bad thing on it instead of trying to figure out how they caused the bad thing to happen. It's automatically the Retrograde's fault. And I think the Shift will be the same. People will start seeing natural disasters and say it's because of the Shift. But really, we have natural disasters happen all the time. But, if people can use the Shift as an excuse to be kinder and more peaceful people, then I'm all for that. I'll have to wait until after to form a better opinion I suppose. Because I tend to base my beliefs on experience. I've experienced the effects of Mercury Retrograde, so I know what's possible. But I've never experienced an Energy Shift. If I notice an affect, great! I'll happily jump on board. But personally, I don't think anything dramatic is going to happen. I think a lot of really powerful events are happening all at one time and people are getting their hopes up. But that's all.