Well the title is pretty self explanatory. Talk about the game Talk about the mysteries with each other. Post CS's.
Name: David Stanfield Age: 24 Bio: David is the second eldest of the Stanfield family and like his other family members is not struggling to to make ends meat. He's man who puts the needs of machines before people and ever since a very young age has always liked fiddling with technology. As a child he also was always seen as pair with his twin sister Stella. But as time went on that faded. He's never been to close with his parents but has always kept in touch with them. Which is something very few of the Stanfield children can say. Seeing as his life was primarily based around fixing things or taking things apart he never really learned to behave properly with other people. In short he has very bad social skills and is all around anti social normally. Despite this he's managed to have quite a few friends. The only person in the family he's actually at all close to nowadays is his younger sister Ruthie. As for people that David dislikes that's simple his older brother Lester. Hearing the news of his father's murder left a very bad taste in David's mouth and shock in his head but as they weren't close no tears were shed. Occupation: He holds a high place in the company that makes Bots. He's the head of the manufacturing department. Personality: Calm normally but can pushed over the edge one put in tight situations. He's quiet but he's never really found talking to normal people all that interesting. He's very kind mainly to his sisters and friends buy he's always respectful no matter what. He tends to be shy around women and just people he's never met in general. Though if you ever need a shoulder to cry on then he'll be there. Appearance: He's a bit taller then his sister and looks a bit more manly of course. But other then that the two are spitting images of each other. Though of course he keeps his hair slicked back brown hair with a sheen to it that is normally covered by fedora. He dresses like most men do. In dress suits or another matter of formal wear. His sapphire eyes tend to look almost tired on even when he's not. Relationship to the Stanfield family: Well he's in it. He's the second eldest brother. Other:
Anyway looks like this game is already filling up nicely. And I'm sure there shall be more. So far now I await to see your characters.
@Asune: You should probably go with just one or two characters for starters. As I said Episode 1-3 need to be handled with extreme care.
hmmm... i've never tried a pure mystery... gimme soem time and i think ill make a male character for this one... though his "cliche" will be a bit hard to detect if i pick a good one...
I've already got a fun character in mind based off my uncle. I'll send a character sheet at lunch break.