This is just a tired, late-night musing for now, but I'm just wondering if it's any harder for a Brit to get a book published in the US? Or does the postal system and the internet make this less of an issue? (I'm about to start a PhD in American History (I will be based in Britain although I will make a few trips to New England over the next 3 years) and so I am very much in an American historical novel mindset right now.) Is it worth writing a book that will appeal almost entirely to Americans, or would it be better to, say, try and get published in the UK first before trying across the Pond? Anyone got any idea?
The only factor that is likely to be problematic is that an an American publisher will expect you to follow American standards with respect to spelling and punctuation.
Stubeard, My publisher is U.S. based but has published two Australian authors and one who lived in the U.K. but now resides in Denmark (I think), and my publisher is a small one, so I would imagine that if they do it, many others can and do as well. You might go to some of the websites of publishers who you think would be likely to publish your work and see where their authors reside. Terry
only if the book is set in the us and peopled by an all-america cast, cog... if set in gb with british characters, uk spelling would be expected and acceptable... decent publishing houses that've been around for a while won't mind the 'odd' spelling and punctuation if the story is a great one and the writing good enough to be marketable... that's what they have all those low-level staff editors for... the bottom line is that us publishers take on works from any part of the world, when they think they'll sell well... and us agents will rep them, for the same reason...