I'm not new but I still am. It seems I keep forgetting this forums exists till very random moments of me going about my life. Does anyone miss me? Probably not I never interacted much. So yes I'm still new even though I'm 3 years into this account here. I need to bookmark this website *mutters*. Greetings People of the Internet... Again.
Hello again afresh, random friend of the interwebs. Have you still been writing this whole time, or does that come and go as well?
I've been writing small chunks of my Novel. I'm more or less waiting for November to start writing again.
Ha, it happens, Dresden. I've tried to sign up to forums only to be told my account already exists and I'm like, "What the....?"
Oh yeah, the NaNoWriMo. I did that last year and felt really accomplished until I read what I wrote. > < Oh well, I definitely still learned from it. Will you be working on your existing novel or bringing a new one into the light?
Existing. Hopefully I can finish it either during the month or if I still have loose ends to clean up I'll finish it by the end of Dec early Jan. I've been screwing around with it for 2 1/2 years I want it to be over so I can start the next one XD
Why wait? I tried NaNoWriMo almost 2 years ago. For three weeks I had a couple false starts but not much else. Then in the last week I cranked out 45K words. The end of the month came, I didn't have 50K words. It didn't matter. I kept writing. In a month I had 134K words that made up a very rough draft of a sci-fi duology and I'm now about 3/4 through with an almost final draft of the 1st of the two novels. And I have a 3rd non-fiction book in my head. Hooray for NaNoWriMo! But is the idea just to crank out the words, and in particular, crank them out in a certain time frame? Or is the idea to use the month to motivate idle or new writers to write? Why not create your own NaOctWriMo event?
I have a big issue with making things perfect. I spent 2 months before I found NanoWriMo on one paragraph trying to make it perfect. Before that I got to 10k words in two other stories before I threw them through a window and stopped. Nano gave me a reason to shoot my OCD in the foot and write with reckless abandon. I made it to 50k words in that month but after it was over I fell back into the rut of wanting to make my work perfect. I can never be an author with my issues but I'm more or less trying to finish the first book before I stop writing and focus on my major.
I never let 'not perfect' stop me. I just pass the section up and come back to it later. Sometimes, if I'm really struggling I'll add a note in brackets what needs to be in the section and change the font color so I know I left an unfinished section in the text. [Verita shows a softer side to Brin] I had bigger problems with story structure, so I just wrote the chapters and about midway through the book I settled on how I would include some important backstory. But I didn't let the problem stop my progress.
I'm basically holding a loaded that's aiming at my novel. I can write what I think is some of my best material one month then come back the next and think its the cheesiest storytelling I've ever seen. I'll be posting an excerpt either tonight or Tom of a flashback from my drafts. To me its borderline cheesy but I can't figure if I should make it shorter to the point or longer with more detail but not long enough to make it overbearing. *Flails in despair*
"Stop flailing," the mousy little girl said, hoping to get through to Dresden. "Stop obsessing. You sound like you want to fail. There's nothing wrong with writing cheesy unless you think it's wrong to be anyone but Mr Perfect." The mousy little girl looked at the first draft of her novel. Definitely cheesy. Then she looked at her latest chapter. Yep, I have grown out of cheesy and now I'm at, 'I believe I can'. "Post the excerpt, write the things you don't think are ready for prime time. All that matters is not being afraid to grow." And with that, the mousy little girl smiled at Dresden and went back to her corner of the room. Either Dresden would quit obsessing or he wouldn't. She'd said all she could at the moment.
Muttering darkly Dresden drops the gun and looks at the computer. "Failure is always an option. Success is mandatory. I suppose I'll play your game little one... For better or for worse."