1. Sriliko

    Sriliko New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Pacific North West.

    A Multi Dementional Planet.

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by Sriliko, Jul 6, 2013.

    My Story takes place on a different planet 8 times the size of the earth. The planet itself is connected to two differnt dimensions that both simultaneously effect the planet. There are many different species of sentient life co-exsisting here. The Natives of the planet, all their evolutonary steps have been here on this planet. Humans Who have come from Space and are now in the process of Integrating themselves. Aether and Void beings that Come from the other dimensions. Am also thinking about a few other "off world" species but undecided on them yet.

    Aether Dimension
    - The Natives understand is as the dimension where the planets' Conciseness Comes from. A place where the Life of the planet Flows from to the physical world. Because life is said to originate from the Aether, many natives goal is to become a being able to traverse the Aether, and many achieve their goal in doing so. The Aether is said to be the Enlightened Energy realm where one can find a peace of sorts, but only inner peace is achievable this way. Energy from the Aether is said to be Spiritual, but needs a conduit to be released from.

    Void Dimension - Natives Consider it the Sub-Consciousness of the planet, Quietly leaving is destructive mark on the world. The natives have a understanding that the void is a Sacred place that only few may traverse. They gave the ones allowed in the place of the Void the Term " Mythwalkers" because so few of they have ever existed. The knowledge gained by the Mythwalkers has changed the way the world is preconceived and they way their technology is Created. Each time a new Mythwalker appears the Status of the planet jumps forward 800 years of Physical Technology based on the Architect of the Mythwalkers Experiance. Forms of life seep out of the void, though the life is simple at first the beings from the void experience adaptation at an alarming rate. Evolution, according to the natives, begins in the void and ultimately End is the Aether.

    The Physical Dimension - the Natives call it the Physical Consciousness of the planet or the "The Manipulated Realm" because in this world all inhabitants change the world in one way or another, be it small scale or grand scale the path is considered Sacred. It is The Reality people live, Breath, and die in. All events from the Aether and the Void effect the Physical realm. It is a place between the Void, and the Aether and is the portal to either. It is also the Arch-Dimension of the 3, The Aether/Void could not exist without it. Because of this the planet has scars from the Void and Aether scattered across the planet. The weather is effected by them, and the Inhabitants Are also effected by them, giving born inhabitants a bond between the two. This bond augments the Inhabitant with a form of spectral abilities. Each event that effects the planet is this realm effects the Aether and Void Realms Equivalently. The Planet itself also has a physical embodiment in this Dimension so it can observe its planetary self with the eyes of a inhabitant.

    For instance if a Volcano erupted in the Manipulable realm it would have consequences in all 3 Realms, therefore applying all 3 consequences of the volcano eruption differently in each realm that ultimately effects the Manipulable realm

    The Story is to take place on this planet and all that it entails.
  2. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe
    Reminiscent of many of the settings in Clive Barker's work. This isn't a bad thing. Everything is reminiscent of something else. He often makes use of worlds connecting to other world or hidden within worlds or even within objects (Weaveworld). If you've not read his stuff, it might worth a skim just to see how someone else handles a similar setting. ;) I would recommend Imajica.
  3. maskedhero

    maskedhero Active Member

    May 4, 2013
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    The planet is huge. Does it have similar gravity? Are all three dimensions similarly huge? Is a single place in the Aether connected to a similar place in the other two realms? Will all the humans work together, and be from the same nation/place? Will the nations of this world be unified? Sounds like an interesting concept, though obviously any disaster has massive multiplicative values.
  4. Sriliko

    Sriliko New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Pacific North West.
    Will certainly check out Imajica.
    What I've been thinking is to have the Humans originally come from earth. They left earth as a Survivalist Colony, and for four/five generations Traveled Space. The vessel they traveled on was in design, build to help the humans Start over on a new planet. Part of the Process of migrating planets was modification of human DNA to Naturally Adapt at Faster speeds. Being able to change to the planet in one /two generations. The story takes place 60 years after landing, The aether and the Voide now effecting the Humans in Similar ways as it effects the Natives. There is a start of breed mixing between Humans and Natives that are kill on sight in some cases(but that's a secret why) But Not sure how I am going to Unite Nations of natives yet, been playing with a tribe system so there is honorable war but not sure yet. Maybe a Guild system similar to Martial art schools. not sure xD.

    All 3 Dimensions are Similarly huge but do not Mirror each other. Each Aether and Void has their own ""world space"" Different from each other, but they Over lap the Manipulable Realm. This has a Enchanting effect on the Weather, Inhabitants, Animals, . I've got some Ideas about Gravity Storms, Rips in the Realms and some other Weather effects it would have. And There are Scared Lands where the Void or Aether have Ripped a hole and Left a scar on the land changing the environment in different ways, changing the Wildlife, and Delivering some of its own creations. Some of these Places have had temples erected at them as a Portal to the other realms.

  5. maskedhero

    maskedhero Active Member

    May 4, 2013
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    With such an ambitious project, you want to make sure the whole system is internally consistent, and works on its own. The more aspects you can flesh out, the better. Of course, given all this potential work, you hopefully will do more than a short story with this realm...
  6. Sriliko

    Sriliko New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Pacific North West.
    Well I Want to Write A lot with it, But its Still In Development :D. Cant Decide what i want to do with the Plot at this point.
  7. Mckk

    Mckk Member Supporter Contributor

    Dec 30, 2010
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    Sounds great, love the term Mythwalkers btw.

    However, what's your question? :confused:
  8. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I think your world and setting are great. But you need an equally great plot. I find that having a mix of mystery, suspense, romance and politics usually does the trick in settings such as this one. Very earthly plot to contrast the new realm. Good luck with the novel :)
  9. Sriliko

    Sriliko New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Pacific North West.
    Well I guess I didn't have much of a question other than what do you think xD, been thinking about it for a wile and just wanted some feedback on the setting.
  10. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    A story concept means nothing. What matters is how you write it: the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it.

    There's absolutely no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..."

    If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it.

    Please read What is Plot Creation and Development?
  11. Sriliko

    Sriliko New Member

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Pacific North West.
    I disagree I think other peoples input can help develop an idea very well. For instance; Maybe they have a question that you have not previous thought of, therefore Furthering the idea with questions. For me it helps with the brainstorm of the idea to have questions asked.
  12. maskedhero

    maskedhero Active Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Brainstorming when world building can help you with the finer details that you may not have conceptualized yet. When you finally get around to making your story, it'll be up to you. When working out the details of the world you're in, you may want, and gain, from collaboration.

    Whatever helps you create something great.

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