I'm honestly not sure there's a set "standard". I've seen first chapters that are one page long, and others that are twenty. As long as the first chapter grabs the reader's attention and thrusts them into the story, that's what matters
i agree, I don't thnk there are any rules for that. As for my personal preferences I like somewhat short 1 chapters, say, around 5-6 pages, but I repeat that is only my preference. I think a too long first chapter will make the story feel a little heavy.. but then again everybody is different. As long as it contains the essential information it can be however long it has to be, it's all up to you, actually.
ditto all of the above... there's no 'should' or 'right/wrong' in re chapter length other than in re 'as long as it needs to be'....
You should never set a page limit for any of your chapters. Doing so will take away the uniqueness that is your novel. Write your story according to what you feel is write and it should go smoothly. Good luck!
To build on what other people have said, there is no set length. However, you want to entice your reader to keep reading into chapter 2, so I'd recommend leaving them on some juicy cliffhanger. The length of your first chapter should be however long it takes to get to that cliffhanger.