So... if you manage to drag yourself away from the addictive second home that is also known as the forums then what do you intend to do for the day?
Go to bed soon after phoning my Mom. Its only 7:40 but I woke up early and I'm tired. Edit: I think Lemex wins the award for most interesting plan so far.
Ooohhh fun fun, got a spare ticket? Lol. I'm going to work at 1pm and then i'll be home at about 5.30pm and after that... i'll probably sit with too much comfort food (inevitably getting fatter) and watch a DVD. Oh and i'll be busy procrastinating 'coz I have mountains of homework. I'm tired too *confused*
writing essay on AIDS in Africa, then reading books for tutorial tomorrow, then going to martial arts show tonight with old flatmates from last year, then coming back and hopefully doing some more essay. Martial arts show should be good, but i'd just like to spend one day lying in front of the TV watching and of course spend some time writing
i will take a shower and maybe go out with some mates if i can be bothered with their happy smiley faces. (i'm in a let me curl up and die mood).
Study for my university enterance exams.. Eat some lunche-o and study some more. Man, my life excites me out of my skin.
Lmao. My new plans for the day: I'm in the office on my own.... so sit on the forums till a call comes through
My Plans eat tea finish my Compilation MiniDisc and then settle back for some CSI Miami from season 2 box set I haven't watched them in a while. Nothing exciting today.
Today I have started the day off with taking my puppies out to do their buisness, and now I am drinking coffee making my rounds at the forum, and facebook. Then I plan on cleaning the house. The I will feed my daughter lunch and take her to preschool.....I will then be...FREEEEE AS A BIRD. lol I most likely will come home and wash my floors because I have new puppies and I am a sad. Anyways at 3 I will pick my daughter up and proceed to go and get some groceries. I will contact my friend after that whilst making dinner, and confirm she is going to my MonaVie meeting. Then I will wait till my bf comes home so I can leave to the meeting at 7:30 then I will be at the meeting till about 8:30, and go out for tea afterwards until about 10:30. i will then come home and find my daughter awak stil because my bf is a push over when it comes to his daughter and put her to sleep and give the puppies their medicine and food, and take them out again to do some buisness. then I will jump in the shower-get ready for bed. Do a round at the forum, and walla go to sleep. Not exciting, and not filled with any lovely concerts, but my life is great because I get to be a stay at home mom and NOT work woohoo cheers
Umm.. I have to catch the bus in 30 minutes in order to get to the music school on time. Dad'll pick me up at 5:45 pm. Man.. I've been out of the house since 7 this morning. I'm flipping tired. *yaaaaaawn*
nah, my scheduale has been pretty much boring at the moment. i have a week off school so not much to do excpet lounge around, sleep and go out.