Hi! Before we start rewriting the fan fiction we are working on into an original story, my co-writer and I are making up an contract. Unfortunately neither of us has the money to go to an attorney and let him make a contract. Though we both agree as soon was we are able to, we will go to one. So for the time being a self made contract should have to do. I was wondering is there anything else that surely should be included beside deadlines, what happens when someone wants to leave the collaboration, payment, decision making, expenses and who writes what. Has someone got any tips on how you can settle something plotwise when you cannot agree on something?
Well...considering it's a fan fiction, I don't really know what you mean by "payment?" If it's a fan fiction, you're not going to be making any money off of it...unless, of course, you've been given express permission by the original author/writer/designer to sell work based off of their original piece for profit... Otherwise, you could get into some serious legal issues.
We are going to rewrite it into an original story, so we cut away the fan fiction stuff (which were only characters).
Well, whatever the case may be... I don't remember where I found this link (possibly somewhere here on this site), but, ironically, I'm working on co-writing a novel with a friend, as well, and when I found this link, I saved it. perhaps it will help you. http://hollylisle.com/how-to-collaborate-and-how-not-to/
you can email me for a good collaboration agreement i use that's based on the wga's... maia3maia@hotmail.com
Yeah, WGA is good. Get that and modify it according to the terms you are agreeing on. Make sure the choice of law provisions reflect the jurisdiction you are in.
Well I have to translate the contract nonetheless since I don't live in an English speaking country and probably look up the laws here.