Greetings Y'all! Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Looking for an old world name, something that can be shortened if need be. A name you don't hear every day. A name you would give your gritty old mountain man.
Is that 'gritty old mountain man' as in the old American west? Who comes from an English-speaking background? You can't go wrong with Biblical names from the old testament, in that kind of scenario. Moses. Aaron. Jeremiah. Etc. I'm not very familiar with the Bible, but lots of men (and women) were named after characters in the Bible. Here's a link, if that helps:
No, gritty old mountain man as in a 30 something man hiding for at the moment unknown reasons from the rest of the world, in present day. I will check out the link. Thanks!
I agree with @jannert, go Biblical. Gideon, Jedidiah, Zachariah, Ahab, etc. Or the Greeks and Romans. Demetrius, Theophilus, Julius, Marcus...
he is in his late 30's and no as the crow flies that is not old. but he is an old soul and as such deserves a fitting name.
Are we in a fantasy or modern setting? How about Garion? Rowan? Umm... something harsh and rugged sounding, with G's and R's. Raddock. I dunno, mountain man reminds me of dwarf names ._.