Hello! I am Daria Stemate and I like calling myself an artist - a writer. I have only 19 years old but I've been writing my whole life. Most of all, I love creating new characters, giving them life and then..I just let them to choose their own road -I let them go. I've been asking myself a lot why or how am i do that: the reason why I can leave them alone is told by the title..I am writer without writers: I am surrounded by people - only people, not by persons that I can share an idea with...and you know how much we like to talk about our work, our art. It's almost paintful to see a whole world around you with no one to understand what's so magic about a word or about an emty sheet of paper - and i love the emty composition notebooks! So, here I am, trying to bring another character to life: talking about this, my favourite one is Felicia..and I never let her go.
Hello and Welcome! I love creating characters and getting to know them really well too. Everyone around here is pretty friendly so I'm sure you're going to have a good time here. I'm being a bit nosey here but do you have any works or ideas on going or is it just characters with no home?