1. Daria Stemate

    Daria Stemate New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Hi! I'm a writer without writers

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Daria Stemate, Jun 13, 2016.

    Hello! I am Daria Stemate and I like calling myself an artist - a writer. I have only 19 years old but I've been writing my whole life. Most of all, I love creating new characters, giving them life and then..I just let them to choose their own road -I let them go. I've been asking myself a lot why or how am i do that: the reason why I can leave them alone is told by the title..I am writer without writers: I am surrounded by people - only people, not by persons that I can share an idea with...and you know how much we like to talk about our work, our art. It's almost paintful to see a whole world around you with no one to understand what's so magic about a word or about an emty sheet of paper - and i love the emty composition notebooks!
    So, here I am, trying to bring another character to life: talking about this, my favourite one is Felicia..and I never let her go.
  2. I.A. By the Barn

    I.A. By the Barn A very lost time traveller Contributor

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Hello and Welcome! I love creating characters and getting to know them really well too. Everyone around here is pretty friendly so I'm sure you're going to have a good time here. I'm being a bit nosey here but do you have any works or ideas on going or is it just characters with no home?
  3. Daria Stemate

    Daria Stemate New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    they are characters with a completely created backround.

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