Hello there! I am now a member of this site as of three minutes ago! I look forward to your help on some of my work as well helping as much as i can with yours as well. I'm here for a learning experience. I am not fishing for compliments like a high school girl, and I am not afraid of ruthless critique. I want opinions that well help me though. It is useless to me if you make a complaint with no advice on how I should go about fixing that mistake. I hope I can learn a lot from everyone here. Ahh... Almost forgot the introduction. My name's Alex. I am junior at the University of Iowa. Though my major is not writing, I have always had an interest of conveying emotion through stories and words. I have written around four short stories; all of which are unfinished... For the longest time I have been avoiding continuing them because of a fear that it would not live up to my expectations due to my inexperience as a writer, but I recently have been reminded that if you're not moving forward, your life will be full of regrets. So here I am. My pen name has been Tenin since the 9th grade. It will remain that way for the time being, but I would like to explain how it came to be. 手人. Although this (Tenin) is not how you properly would say it, these Japanese kanji mean Hand Man. Simple enough explanation. Anyways, I'll will be posting a cut of a chapter of my novel shortly. I hope to see a few comments by at least next week. Thank you. -Tenin
Welcome around Tenin. 2 weeks waiting period before you can post any work of your own, though. In the meantime, get to know others and give others critique that that need "Do onto others..."