Hi there, My name is Damian, as I'm sure you've probably gathered. I share a common interest in both cinema and writing so, naturally, I've become very interested in screenwriting. However, I also do everything from short stories to film reviews. I may not put up any of my work right away, as I'm not only very picky, but very nervous to share it. But, in the meantime, I look forward to good conversation!
Hello mate. Welcome to WF. There's plenty to sink your teeth into to whet your appetite and get a feel for the site.
Well welcome to Wf and I do hope you post something soon. Hope ya enjoy everything ya read in the meantime.
Welcome to the best of the writing Forums. You've chosen a good time to join the site is very rapidly growing making this forum bigger and bigger. Welcome. If you want a Cookie for joining I hear Indianajoan is still giving them out. ~Raven.