Hello hello everyone, my name is Cari and I am living in S. Florida. I have always enjoyed writing, mainly short stories, and would like to continue developing and improving it. Figured this would be a good start.
Hey! I used to live in South Florida. I've missed it ever since! Welcome, Cariangel! I like your quote!
I have not written much. I have one in particular that I have been writing for the past year probably. I add to it every now and then or change something all together. I am stuck with it though and have not been able to take the story anywhere. I know where I want it to go, just still trying to find my way there. But to answer your question, the majority of what i find myself writing focuses a lot on the working of peoples minds. Honestly, a lot of descriptive writing with a lot coming from my feelings and mental state. Be them either of full and complete elation or a low and hopeless desperation. We shall see what time brings