Hello, fellow writers! Hm..not sure how to begin this. I haven't been part of an online forum in quite awhile. I'f I'm awkward at this, at least I gave fair warning! Well, I'm a writer(heh, duh). Have been for years, since before I even knew I was one back in elementary school. The seed was planted long ago, when I stole my parents encyclopedias and taught myself how to read when I was three. True story. But, don't worry. I'm enough of a dunce that you wouldn't even guess. Anyways, I hope you and I are not here for the same reason. For me, writing has become a severe love-hate relationship. It's an addiction that I've tried to wean myself of, but came crawling back--and have continued to for years. And this has been going on for a long time, because by now I'm too old to be considered a child anymore...though I'm too young to be considered old, either. Writing and I, we are trying to make it work. We are. This is my effort to save the painful thing we've got going. I was lurking for awhile here, but I figured I may as well become a member and get some interaction going. I've been writing alone for so long, in and out of real-life writer groups (ending up disappointed), and I figured may as well try the site here, since I've been around in the background. I'm hoping I can learn from you all! Feel free to try and tell me what I'm doing wrong, lol. Anyways, I hope I can help others out, too. If anyone needs information, I have a lot of facts locked away in my brain (for career and other reasons) in the dental, physical, mental, and spiritual health fields. Feel free to ask, if you need info for your story. Hope to interact with you here!
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you'll fit right in. I hope you'll find what you're looking for here. Also, here's our New Member Guide to get you properly started. Explore, participate, and have fun! -Kat
Welcome to the forum! Fair warning: this place is mildly addicting. Mildy might not be the right word. Highly? Yeah. Highly is better. As for the love/hate relationship with writing, I totally sympathize. I've been "trying" to write for years. Trying. If nothing else this is a wonderful place to toss around ideas and read about everything related to the writing process; from character development, grammar mishaps, all the way to publishing! Pull up a chair and grab a snack. You're home.
@Wrizzy ! Hai ;3 But... you taught YOURSELF you read? :O That's an awesome achievement! (Achievement get: Teach yourself to read at the age of 3) And... you have just seen my more... flamboyant(?)... side. D: *curls into a ball and closes eyes* You can't see me! >:3 I'll be leaving now...
Welcome, Wrizzy. Don't worry. We're all (mostly) dunces. And 'making it' in fiction writing is mostly about landing that right idea, the agent who can spot that idea and then hitting the right market at the exact right time, so I say just make it about the writing and enjoyment than about 'making it work.' Because if you try to make it work solely for the commercial success--likely it won't. Of course, you could just shoot for the moon like some and pitch something on Vampire Unicorns from the 12th dimension of the planet Falloopa and see what happens . In fact, I might offer to co-author that stroke of genius. But what were we talking about? Oh yes. Welcome and hi!
Thanks. Yeah, I think I found what I'd been missing in my life. Maybe an addiction to the site will help balance my love/hate for writing, lol.
Haha, I always thought of the reading thing as a serious flaw for a long time, heh. (Me, from 3 to 16 years old, hiding in my room, reading encyclopedias--didn't begin admitting it until I took a break from reading for awhile.) I guess it wouldn't be a huge surprise that one of the first coherent things I spoke when I was little was, "ME do it." I'm a DIY gal. And flamboyant sides are fun.
Now how did you know what my current project was? Yeah, I have recently come to realize that publicity fears were seriously hindering things, when it comes to my writing. If I tell myself that, yeah, likelihood of publishing is basically zilch...well, it actually makes me feel much better. Haha. So thanks...?
Thanks for the welcoming, everyone! I've already been wondering why I hadn't joined the site sooner. Hope to see everyone around!
Haha! I know, right? I sit at my computer and one day I'm crying, the next I'm cheering....and a few hours after I don't even want to look at the thing... Glad to find I'm in good company.