Hey there, the name is Slaynoir. Or Ally if you prefer, whichever suits your taste. So basically I'm a shut in that is basically a nervous wreck of a human being that somehow manages to survive in human situations. So with that being said, I'm quirky and highly interested in how humans connect to one another in all sorts of ways. I talk like I'm not one of them ha! But seriously, I'm looking merely for approval and interest. I won't get to heavy on the details, but my life has been one flop after another and I'm pretty lame in that sense. However, I love thinking way too much and my social awkwardness doesn't get me in to much issue (mostly) when I'm behind a screen. You wouldn't even know I suffer from such silly issues honestly.
Welcome to the forums, Ally! What do you like writing, what sort of genres are you into? I think you'll find most folks around here will end up being far more interested in that aspect of you than any RL problems you have. All that silly stuff that happens outside under that disgustingly bright thing called the Scareball is for other forums! heh
Socially awkward but interested in people? Sounds like you were born to be a writer. Welcome to the club!
Welcome to the forum Ally, hopefully you'll find this place to your liking. Good luck and happy writing.