As my name might suggests, I'm quite large. You might be wondering if I'm actual size or built to scale, and I can safely say with some degree of guesstimation that I am at least 1/10 the scale of the actual Boss Fearless, patent pending. But seriously, I'm here. I exist nowz. I write things and sometimes, very rarely, those things are not porn. When those not-porns accumulate, I hope to bind them into one of those thingamajiggers that the young hip crowd refer to as "novels."
Welcome to the forum. Please have a look through the Forum Rules, and the FAQ as a start. We've an active Erotica forum for when your writing is porny and you'd like some feedback. Have fun! Wrey
Trust me, when my work turns pornalicious, it should not be consumed in any form by anyone with a weak stomach. It's like those anime pictures where everyone is pooping out of their eye-nipples. There's one person out there who is *very* aroused, and everyone else is vomiting.
Hey, It's your prose, friend. "When in doubt, write what you like -- that is the pillar of good fiction!" That's how I feel, anyhow. To hell with the social norm. The whole point is bringing things into existence; too create! By all means, express yourself.
So, how long do I have to wait before I can make use of the workshop section? I've been giving some critiques so far but I'm keen to post a bit of my own work.