I’m interested in obtaining ideas for ways in which writers within a particular community might be able to present their work* to be read by other people within that same community - people reading for their own private enjoyment. Note I said “read by”, not “read to”. (*I’m thinking here of essays, short stories, observations, fables, parodies, anecdotes, humorous writing, short non-fiction, etc.) All your suggestions for ways this might be achieved are most welcome. Thank you.
... Could you contact a local library? They may be willing to distribute some work. Or is there a local newpaper/magazine? Some small time local papers are always looking for something to print. Maybe you could write a persuasive essay one how they should start a "Local Writers" section where anyone local can submit work?
Library was the first thing that went through me head. Have about 5 libraries in my local area, half of which will accept written material for critique. Have you searched up you're local area to find if you have any Critique groups? (Local neighbourhood centre or something?) Note - Inoticed you're and Aussie (Wonders were bouts)
I suppose it depends on the community. Here, there's a few local organisations, including newspapers, newsletters, and websites, that will publish anything simply because there's a lack of news. But if there's nothing like that, then a library would work.
Self publish in small leaflets or booklets, after you convince the local bookshops and newspaper-magazine shops to sell what you bring them. I've seen it happen in islands and small communities, and they sold well. Of course, it always helps when your writing is somehow about the community. I've seen poerty, cooking recipes, history books, memoirs, stories, a lot of things really.
i don't see how getting others to do public readings of your work will work... who'd want to do that, who'd want to provide a place to do it in, and who'd want to hear it? the usual thing is for the author to read his/her own work... so why try to do the highly undoable?
For "other people within that same community," read readers - people who read for their own personal enjoyment. In other words, in the same way they'd take a book down off a shelf and read it. Now does it make sense?
I'm participate with the New South Wales Writers centre where there is probably around 5,000 registered members. It offers hundred of activities to do, and there are dozens of writing grou[s (want-to-be like me) who get together 7 days/nights a week and do what Oz is after. (to a degree i guess) And the questions you ask, would depend on what you want, and what you're after. But with 5,000 members there are always a handful of people who fit together.
At my local Barnes and Noble they have a writer's group where people can come and present their work and have it critiqued by peers.