Laughter Fading A Gaia Online username (That's where I first made it up, for my brother.) eBay - Marillion Clutching at Straws CD..."it is not an actual track, it merely consits of someone crying "Help!" then echoing muffled laughter fading off into silence." The Morning After lyrics by Faith No More..."Yesterday's forgotten, the morning after I can taste you, I can hear your laughter Fading in the distance Recollections drifting Bl oodstains on my tattered..." In This Sign - A Highly Acclaimed Novel of a... - Google Books Result "At last they could only sit gasping and clutching their sides, the laughter fading and being reawakened without anyone really knowing why. Then it was over." It continues along like that for a while, getting less and less accurate.
- My profile - Someone's Facebook Account - Marloy Inc. Costa Mesa California - The History Facts of the Marloy Family - Virtual Tourist member - Ramey Marloy (co.) Albany Georgia - German Shepherd Marloy vom Lehnhof - Someone on Dublin Forums ... and a lot more things of the type.
Charisma Carpenter is an actress, best known for her role as Cordelia Chase in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
Huh. I got something about wedding dresses, a bar in NYC, a learning center, a race for thoroughbred horses, and some beauty tips. None of that has anything to do with me. Quite the opposite, actually, for most of 'em...
Many European surnames are from family professions: Smith, Cooper, Carpenter, Brewer, Fisher, Farmer, Miller, Wright... I'm assuming that covers your question...
I get the Gannon University in Pennsylvania And Gannon Oils - a lubricants company A mixed bag therefore.
I get my posts on youtube and mobango! However, if I add a space between 'lt' (short for lieutenant) and 'telra' (short for telra), I get a character from a play and a computer workstation.
I've got my own Wikipedia page- I'm a submarine maneuver! I swear to God I did not know that when I chose this username. EDIT: Dude! And it was in Firefly! Aw man, no way, that's just too cool.
I get Emily Dickinson. The Emily the Strange line of clothing. Emily MAgazine (SAWEET!) Emily's List...some thing for democrats.
I got four results - one of which was my profile on here, one was my topic on here, and the other two were not me, but a Lunar_Eclipse123 on two different sites.
So the first bunch of entries were all me (me on TVTropes, me on Math Stack Exchange, me on Youtube, me on, me on PersonaltyCafe), but the bottom of the first page is a guy on the RPG website MythWeavers who uses my username I don't remember when it was the first time I Googled "Simpson17866" and found out that somebody else used it too, but I remember feeling very disconcerted. BTW: if you're reading this Other-Simpson, [SARCASM]I'm sorry I stole your idea for sarcasm tags.[/SARCASM]
From Google search, I get some African people and one Aussie who are all far more interesting than me. @Simpson17866 It is pretty weird for someone else to use that exact number—any reason (that you wouldn't mind sharing) you chose it?
Brucea is a genus of plant in family Simaroubaceae, apparently. And there are about a million entries on this. It is a medicinal plant with cancer fighting properties.
Yes, I do mind Still, law of large numbers and all of that. Let's say there are 5-10 billion usernames on the internet...
Apparently Xoic is the name of a nasty Dos attack system. It's some kind of computer virus that infects computers. as I was looking at a site about it, I got attacked by a virus that kept infinitely opening windows and telling me my computer was vulnerable, and they just need some information from me to fix it...
The Wikipedia article The Britannica online article A Deutsche Welle article about the 140th anniversary of his birth And, a very comprehensive site which is apparently the work of a lone, dedicated Musil superfan. I feel weirdly loved and appreciated despite not actually being Robert Musil, who died 79 years ago yesterday (April 15, 1942).