... or, Don't Bring Me Your Drama From Somewhere Else. It's happened more than once across the years and it's an inevitable facet of interconnected online communities. Drama happens somewhere else, the involved parties leave that other place for a new place and start talking about their past drama without realizing that there is bound to be member overlap. This invites their would-be foes... Often screen names are the same for all involved from one place to the next... All of this culminates in a brawl that started out in the street rolling up into my saloon in a ball of stinking leather chaps and exchange of gunfire. As the one charged with keeping the peace here, I don't care what happened in the street, over at the feed store, or down in the canyon three miles yonder. I'm not going to go hunting and try to parse out who started it, who's at fault, or if in fact there are any clean hands to be seen at all. I haven't the time, the patience, or the will. I'm going to whip out the double-barreled ban hammer that I keep behind the bar and I'm going to escort everyone involved back out into the street. I care only about this place right here. If you are genuinely seeking refuge from shit happening somewhere else on the internet, be smart about it. Don't use the same screen name, and for ffs, don't start holding forth in detail about what happened over there. Not a good idea. You're just asking for the drama to follow you here and under no circumstances are we obligated to host your drama. ETA: Yes, there was an incident but, no, you won't find it because I deleted all trace of that mess.
I tend to slaughter my enemies, then drink their blood, hump their corspes, and use their polished skulls for doorstops use the ignore function if someone is being a tw*t , this cuts down sharply on the potential for repeat action
This works, but only if you use it. My experience. I love this idea - the idea of starting over, starting fresh. I'll do my best to abide by it. One reason I love journaling. BUT, what I really wanted to say is how much I like the marquis tab thingy at the top of the page. Really cool. Got my attention!
Put it there, theoriginalmonsterman. I coudn't agree more! Where's the love people? seriously, where is it
If anyone ever has a discussion about using italics for thoughts while in Vegas, please share it with us.
I use italics for thoughts, or if there is a flash back scene, I might use it there as well. Other people might think differently on this, but I think I use in these areas because I have read books that have set it out this way. For me, it clearly states what the author is trying to get across, hence why I use it. I hope this is was what you were after thirdwind?
I'm confused by this thread to be honest. There's been drama on WF and I missed it? I admit, I've been in dramas in the past elsewhere and I've seen how poisonous dramas can get and kill a site. I think the key is not really the members but the Mods themselves upholding integrity. I'm rather glad this forum has excellent mods that don't get over personal and take sides in heated arguments. You can always tell when that happens and I think that is the first step for me to losing respect on a site. Members start to misbehave and push once the mods start getting questionable. So as long as mods are able to be impartial then all is good. But I waffle! Now what is this about thoughts being italics?! I love my direct thoughts in italics and yes, this is definitely something I picked up from one of my favorite authors before I even started writing. As a reader, it naturally just sunk in and was seamless reading for me. I won't change it for direct thoughts! Never, never, never!
Yes, there was. Both players wanted to play the finger pointing game with me. Against my better judgement I did go looking to where the drama had actually started (not here) and all I found was a big bag of steaming-hot mess that made me post this thread. I removed all trace of the metastasized issue (I can think of no better term) so you won't find any of it. Basically, that mess wasn't our mess and I wasn't going to let it become our mess. It's happened before, and sadly it will happen again. I thought it best to make my stance on this clear.
Yes!!! I've been on a few forums now, and no mod team compares to the mod team WF has. They really are awesome people.
Well you know that if anyone steps out of line Wreybies will kick some serious ass. I would as well, but my turf is the poetry section; so as long as you don't start anything up in there you'll be safe from me. Of course anywhere else you're still get destroyed by one Mod or another. Point being just abide the rules. They're not even that hard to follow.
Umm... monsterman, why am I suddenly scared of you? hehe I promise I won't do anything terrible in the poetry section other than write 'bad' poetry!!!
You should be. Besides that though another forum I'm a member on has an awful staff run by this idiotic public relations guy who's a jerk to just about everyone. He may be in charge, but no one respects him as an admin, but no one bothers to confront him since they're all afraid of him. This forum has probably one of the best staff teams I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because I am a staff member
I agree. I really like how this forum is very careful with mod selection. On this other forum I am always playing on, I can see they are not so... In fact, I'd say quite a few staff people are flaky... It's the nature of the site unfortunately, there's a underlying culture of drama that must be fed I suspect. And I've also got ZERO faith in their respect of member privacy via PMs. I don't feel any of those things here. In my mind, this place has integrity and a respect of their Members, even if we don't always agree on everything. So this is my longest running forum home and the place I will always come back for sound writing advice.
I have the rule I won't use it for any one incident unless it's illegal. I have yet to find someone annoying enough and repeated enough that it's worth it. Would much rather hear them out. Anyone can be annoying once, especially seeing as we're always gonna be biased to think someone arguing against is behaving terribly.
To be fair the only time ive used it long term here is the instance of 180 plus threads asking us to write his book by comittee but not taking any of the advice given - I could just tell was going to wind up telling him to 'go forth an multiply' otherwise I also used it briefly in the instance of "krav maga's not a real martial art" when it bacame clear that he was only here to troll
The ignore function is most useful with respect to people who aren't interested in dialogue, but just want a one-way street on the forums. That can be a result of approaching the forum from a mindset of all taking, no giving (e.g. posting constantly for help, but not really listening to advice and instead arguing with it, and at the same time not contributing responses to others who want help) or by approaches to argument and discussion about various issues. Those types of people will appear on any forum from time to time and the overall experience on the forum is greatly improved by identifying them and adding them to the ignore list. That said, I rarely use the ignore function. I've used it once here. On my other forum, I'm a moderator so of course I can't employ the ignore function with respect to anyone, but have at times advised others to do so when a problematic member isn't really breaking any forum rules but at the same time isn't contributing usefully to the forum.
Aye, same here. The one privilege afforded to regular members that mods and admins do not enjoy. But... this conversation is getting a little off track. The tenor of this thread is about cross-forum drama.
You have more on your plate here, due to the traffic this site gets. We've got a bit over 4,100 members and only a handful of times a year do we really have issues. I don't know how you all keep up with this place
It's a handful, to be sure. This is why I'm simply not up for dealing with shit that actually took place somewhere else. Firstly, I have enough on my plate; foreign drama is not my drama to deal with. Secondly, wasn't the point of leaving that other location to leave that drama behind? Why drum it up here? As of late, this kind of event has tended to have its source originate from locations where the forum is a supplemental part of a larger dynamic and not the main destination itself. It seems that such locations either lack moderation or are poorly moderated and allow rather vicious interaction between members. I can only assume this is because they set up said forums as an afterthought and not as their main goal. I won't name names (of forums), and I ask that others also not name names as this is bad forum decorum. And when I say ask, I mean don't. Edgelords, be warned.
Having moderated on a few other forums (not writing - but you havent seen trouble til you've dealt with the really contentious issues of our times.....like which model of log burner is best fitted in a narrow boat) , I suspect that the point of leaving the other place was to gather reinforcements before returning for a rematch like leaving a bar to get your 36 harley riding mates to come and 'reason' with the big bloke who's looking at your girl
Be that the case - and I can defo see intuitive logic on what you're saying - the answer is still no. (pronounced "where's my ban-hammer?")