Our latest story prompt, the Afterlife short topic, is now open for voting! Read over the entries and vote for the one that you think is the best here! Thanks for your time! Also, there's a new writing prompt up, the Relative short topic, so if you want to enter and be voted on, please enter!
Be sure to vote for "Myst". You ask, "why?" .............Well, because he is....uhm... UBERCOOL. ...............and damn straight that's a valid reason.
I'll read them all tomorrow and vote accordingly. Of course no one else has to do that. Just vote for Domoviye. Please. I have money.
Or does he? He's just using some kinda second-hand voodoo psychology. I have badgers. And damnit, you must be a loon to not want a badger.
You're good, Mr. Domoviye, you're good. But I bet you didn't expect the circumstance wherein... my badgers steal your head. Which they just did. You are now headless, Mr. Domoviye. Think yourself smart now? .........oops, yeah, you can't think. FREAKY HEADLESS MAN.
I keep my brains in my but. So losing my head doesn't matter. So everyone vote for Headless Domoviye. Nearly Headless Nick does.
more like the effectiveness of a rock against a tank. After all, you did notice. Myst, go ask those Palestinian kids how far they got throwing rocks at tanks. lol, I'm not taking sides