When I am numbering pages to print with hopes of publishing the writing how should I number the pages. My choices on microsoft word are: 1 pg. 1 page 1 of 1 places for one of the choices are either top left, top right, bottom left, or bottom right. What should I choose? Thanks, Josh
When you look up a publisher, you can usually look up a list of what to include in your envolop before sending it off to them in the FAQs. Obviously, if they decide to publish your novel they will format it how they want it to be printed and displayed, so they will also take care of the page numbers, but for the sake them just reading it. They aren't going to ask for your whole manuscript right up front. They'll ask for about 10 pages or three chapters (Also way any how-to get published books will suggest introducing the major conflict within the first 3 chapters). As far as number those pages, I'd say they aren't needed in the first mail out. And if/when they request the entire manuscript, just go to their website and find out how they want it. Some want it bound in binders, some want it digitally, some want it a box with no binding...Just don't include your picture or homemade bookmark.
The industry standard, I believe, is to put it at the top right-hand corner as a header in the following format: Author's Name/MS Name/Page Number For example: Smith/A Novel/56 This means it is Novel by Smith, p.56. But check out the agent's or publisher's own site for specific guidelines and always follow their instructions.
yes, that's how and where... it's easiest for editors to flip through to find a certain page that way, as most will be right-handed... but leave a space on either side of the virgules for easier reading... and you don't put the full title, if it's more than a couple of short words... just the key 1-2 words is all that's needed...