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  1. Misstikal

    Misstikal Banned

    Feb 22, 2007
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    the pits of hell

    my final post

    Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Misstikal, May 28, 2007.

    ahhh we meet for the last time

    i see the last post was deleted...nice work. doesnt make everything ok though..also i probably should have added in the last post that i wasnt directing it at all forum members..i think those whom were written about know who they are. those of you who know what it is to be a considerate, understanding and fair team member, i apologize for the post. well not needed to be said.

    still there is no excuse for the behavior of some certain members here, and more sadly some of the long termers have joined in with the hype......
    maia..i dont know who died and made you queen. yes we know your a mother of a healthy brood and youve been around for longer than most of us. things have changed since your era, get used to it..this world is only going to continue to change, and we dont need you complaining about it every post. you might have some fantastic mothering skills up your sleeve, but that does not mean the sun is shining out of your arse. i dont know whats gotten into you lately, shooting people down like the godfather, but i think you should take some strong sedatives and have a lie down...


    spartan...oh how the thought of you makes my blood boil..what exactly is a writing forum to you?what do you think it means to be a member here? i dont know why you joined, i know i joined to share my work, recieve constructive feedback, and offer my own opinions on other peoples work. whereas you seem to think the rest of us are only here to kiss your arrogant arse..not true buddy.


    lets face it, we all need to take a step back and look at what were doing here..are we honestly doing any good? by laughing budding writers out of the room, by dampening their hopes and dreams..who are you to take that away from them?
    if you dont like someones work, sure tell them you didnt like it,tell them why, but offer some ways in which they can improve...rather than tell them they suck and to just give up. i know not all of you do it, and kudos to those of you who do try and help. those of you who arent damn well know who you are..does it honestly help you sleep at night? does crushing young writers spiriits make you feel better?


    open your eyes and see them for who they are.

    instead of intimidating them, share your knowledge with them

    nikki aka
    misstikal aka
    poetryliberates aka
    angel aka
    eyeofthetiger aka
  2. pyrox91992

    pyrox91992 New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    a place known only to those as dark as i
    i agree with u totally mon bel ange
    i dare anyone to say ur wrong
  3. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    Agreed. The recent goings on in this forum sucks. Yes, we shouldn't mollycoddle or whatever, but there is a line between being helpfully constructive in our crits and being plain nasty. Have a look at what you comment on. Are you being nasty or constructive? Help each other to better our work, not critisise.

    So I agree with you Mistikal/Nikki etc.
  4. The Reaper

    The Reaper Banned

    Dec 10, 2006
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    In a house
    Another Final Post thread.
    oh well my 2 cents

    Have you considered going to Hulls Raven about these problems he's always been a fair and good moderator. amd always on the ball with everything. Remember he set up the rpg thread and poetry contests

    I think the conduct on here is appalling first off moderator ferret does nothing then posts swearing in threads thats not moderation behaviour at all. he dores nothing to aide peoples questions.

    Mamamaia guns you down more so now then does the preach oh i have lots of children. (Good For You)

    And just recently I've noticed with have the childish crazy ivan posting obscene posts and making stupid comments in others works.
    Did anyone read his post in jopint story ventrue before it went. It was so immature and nonsense everyone trying to work as a time and this idiot comes in and damn nearly ruins it for everyone. fool.
    this is a writing forum people.
  5. Night Haunter

    Night Haunter Banned

    Mar 14, 2007
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    United kingdom
    I read crazy ivans thread it was very childish insulting and obnoxious. Idiots like that should disapear.

    I agree about Ferret he's just not up to scratch does a shoddy job whatever it is he does do. and thinks its ok to opologies. Well lets hope he improves.

    Some of the mods are ok
    Hulls raven

    but the others seem very inactive these days. i don't really know this mamamaia but the dedication thread was a load of mumbo jumbo i read that.
    I liked posting in poetry but everyone just insults your work there they don't really offer good feedback they just rip it apart and then tel you your crap. So i don't post in there often. its a shame because this place was ok when i first came.
  6. Heather Louise

    Heather Louise Contributor Contributor

    Dec 10, 2006
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    i have to sort of agree with you all, it hasn't happened on any of my work, or at least for a while, but i see it often when other people have posted something. it takes guts and effort to write and post something for the public to read, and then they get shot down with no real reason why. what i hate is when you were told it was crap and you should scrap it all, even though you have worked months on it, and you are not given any real reason why. it is only a few who do this, and perhaps the do not realise that they are being so hard on people but it is not nice.
  7. Princes

    Princes Banned

    Dec 13, 2006
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    I also have to agree. when these things are reported Hulls raven posts up critique thread but everyone just ignores it. I used to post up all of my poetry but because most of it was gothic everyone just told me i was rubbish at writing poetry so i rarely post there too.
  8. Targaddon

    Targaddon Banned

    May 10, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    yeah i noticed alot of the feed back is very off putting and not very well done. some feed back is ok but most of this negative feed back ends with saying the poem is crap. I don't think thats very professional or amature
  9. Nadala

    Nadala Banned

    Dec 7, 2006
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    This might be a little daring of me to say but do you really think posting things like this will resolve the situation? All I’m trying to say is there is a wrong and a right way to go about this.
  10. Targaddon

    Targaddon Banned

    May 10, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    The thing is Nadala these things need addressing so we can move on as a forum.
  11. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    All in all, no mattter what happens, there will be people out there that will join, attempt to ruin this forum, destroy people's feelings and self worth and then there are people that are grown up and supportive and want to help and make this forum better.

    But what has been happening lately is rediculous. The flaming and the nastiness should stop.
  12. Nadala

    Nadala Banned

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Agreed, of course they need addressing I just don’t think publicly shaming people is a fair thing to do. Some of the comments people have claimed to be rude and unfair crit are not actually so. I think the general thing a writer should do when going into a critique area is to keep personal feelings to themselves and leave their boots of personal pride at the door. The more agro put into a matter like this means the more nasty comments and vicious attitudes maybe you could all do a partition and send it to a moderator with equal opinion or to LP spider like a zero tolerance type thing on crits that bully. I don’t think this is the answer you all know that this post will be deleted so really your feelings are going to waste this way
  13. Night Haunter

    Night Haunter Banned

    Mar 14, 2007
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    United kingdom
    Well it will only be deleted if insults start flying. Fact of the matter is We have some issues that keep coming up. and Misstikal aka poetryliberates aka angel has posted loads of these threads and i also remember draven posted up a goodbye months back and Ariella kept posting up goodbyes whats with that go or don't go but posting all this goodbye stuff is really annouying.
    Now this time I agree mistikal has a problem and its been festering around the forum for some time now. Moderator ferret did nothing to help the situation.
    I just think we need to have a stop put to all the nasty vindictive postings.
    And as for crazy ivan his post in the joint story was damn right vindictive and spiteful stuff like that will ruin it for everyone.
  14. The Reaper

    The Reaper Banned

    Dec 10, 2006
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    In a house
    Just to point out things are been done. Looks like the Mods have given crazy ivan a ban.

    and ferret did post up an opology though if he'd been doing his job then he'd not have had to post an opology.
    so credit were credits due some of the mods are doing there job.

    Misstikal stop posting goodbye threads it is irratating everytime i come to the lounge i see a goodbye thread. as for the naming members i see no wrong with letting everyone know who the bad apples are.
  15. Kit

    Kit Contributor Contributor

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Some very important thoughts have been raised in this thread, which is the main reason it hasn't yet been removed. We (the moderators) would like to see this thread run its course, and see some sort of solution come out of it.

    However, any insults and flaming in this thread are not going to be tolerated so I would suggest that you choose your comments carefully and respectfully. Don't make yourselves a part of the problem.
  16. Targaddon

    Targaddon Banned

    May 10, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    It looks to me much of the problem comes from the poetry section regarding feedback. I will say this if you feel you've had some unfair feedback please feel free to pm me with a link to your work and I'll read through it and give my honest feedback without the insulting. As a reviewer i deem that fair enough.
  17. Kit

    Kit Contributor Contributor

    Apr 14, 2007
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    I agree, feedback is becoming an increasing problem around here - especially in the poetry section.

    A lot of trouble does seem to stem from one person leaving unfair feedback in a bad criticism of somebody's work, and then the author (or someone else) responds... and not usually politely... and then you're both as bad for flaming. I do understand that it's not always easy to ignore, and authors will wish to stand up for their work... but in that case the problem could be solved by initially reporting the post.

    Hopefully this would simply discourage people from posting these types of criticisms because they won't get the rise out of you that they wanted and their posts would simply be deleted.

    Obviously though, this isn't the only problem, nor is it the only solution. I'd really welcome everyone else's thoughts and ideas on this matter.
  18. Targaddon

    Targaddon Banned

    May 10, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    I think we reviewers should critique more of the work i believe thats what we are for. the others except Torana agree with me. (Personally i don't understand why she seems worried about been banned for some reason.:confused:)
  19. Kit

    Kit Contributor Contributor

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Well yes, that is why you have the status but i'm not completely heartless and I do realise you have other commitments - as do I. You can't review everything - it's too much of a task.

    I do believe that you can set a good example, which you all do really. You all leave quality reviews... and hopefully more people will start to see the benefits in doing so.

    It has been suggested to me that ONLY reviewers (with the name in green) should be allowed to leave feedback... and I thought now might be a good time to address that this isn't what these forums are about. The point is that we shouldn't really need to censor things if people went about this in the right way. Also, if we did this then the authors would lose valuable feedback and insights into their work, the reviewers would have too much work and other members would be less involved in reading any bodies work but their own.

    ((Oh and btw... us mods don't just ban people for the fun of it, or do we? :p You're safe for now Torana... but i'll be watching you closely!))

    Edit: I would also like to point out that again, its the minority ruining things for the majority. I'm not accusing everyone of being the same. I know that the majority of you are decent people, and I really want for this to be a real friendly community where we don't have to fear posting our work. The majority of you want the same... lets not give the minority what they want.

    Stand up for yourselves, without resorting to their level - you don't have to. There are more of us than there are of them... now lets show them what a real writing forum is about.
  20. Night Haunter

    Night Haunter Banned

    Mar 14, 2007
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    United kingdom
    Thats a mystery i thought they only banned as a last resort be fair the mods do give plenty of warnings here regarding bans and the mods are usually pretty good with the exception of one or two. But we know who they are now.
  21. The Reaper

    The Reaper Banned

    Dec 10, 2006
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    In a house
    This isn't just about torana though its about the bad feedback and i don't mean the negative.
    I've noticed users like spartan can be rather insulting and an old member named rob was very insulting glad to see he's not around crazy ivan was also insulting and Ferret was also insulting in these matters.

    I can't understand what the thing is with torana she's alsways given good enough crit.
  22. Night Haunter

    Night Haunter Banned

    Mar 14, 2007
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    United kingdom
    I think the point is that the matter looks to be resolving just need to weed out the bad lot. if the mods know who they are then they can be monitored.
  23. Targaddon

    Targaddon Banned

    May 10, 2007
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    United Kingdom
    Well Im happy to give feedback so if you want some honest feed back the rest of us reviewers are happy to oblige especially myself. Just send me a pm. and i'll oblige it will be honest and not insulting but it will be honest.
  24. Kit

    Kit Contributor Contributor

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Lol... I wouldn't ban anybody that didn't deserve it, but you're right banning is only a last resort really.

    I hope you weren't refering to me when you said "we know who they are now." lol... it was just a joke when I said i'd be watching Torana :p
  25. Night Haunter

    Night Haunter Banned

    Mar 14, 2007
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    United kingdom
    Id hope so never had an issue with the green lady though i think you need to watch your fellow Moderator ferret he's not been on the ball really has he. with the opology and all. Its not good when the pink go off the rails and even post abusive laungauge themselves.
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