Hey guys, I'm in the process of developing a plot which is set in a fantasy world, but the protagonist is an old villain whose past catches up to her. I'm not really worried about the story, what I want to ask you all is, what is a different 'villain occupations' can you think of rather than the norm assassin who is just very good at hiding, fighting and killing. I've considered a poisons master, magician and such but I'm a bit stumped about more. Suggestions?
Thief Pirate Robber Swindler Mercenary Children abuser Kid/woman/slave dealer Former soldier who made nasty things in the past Former mage who tried to become a Dark Lord and rule the World but failed
Accountants, lawyers, schoolteacher. Economic and political councillor to a magistrate. Doing what is good for money is not always what you love, but it does grow on you.
What does the villain do in his/her job, or what is his/her normal crimes, their MOs and motivations? This can help determine what skills they would be good at for coming after the MC.
Vintner – a maker/merchant of wines Innkeeper or Tavern-keeper Gravedigger Fortune-teller Prestidigitator – stage magician baker Herbalist Bookbinder Interpreter of different languages
Smuggler Unicorn poacher (or whatever creature is appropriate) Spy/saboteur Highway man Necromancer Narcotics dealer Illegal gnome boxing fight organiser.
Teacher, medical doctor, gardener, used-car salesman and graphical designer are few of the more villainous occupations I can think of Seriously: the less expected the character's background is, the more interesting his story might be. I mean, there are so many assassins and magicians that are killing innocents and enjoying it like all other good psychopaths - imagine if they were bloggers or seamstresses!!
Hows about: Musician Photographer Construction Worker Programmer Medical/any (0 to +5 in self sufficiency when wounded depending on field) Artist Televangelist, or Talk/Game Show Host Lawyer (pretty evil) 'Bad' Cop Office Drone Barista Interior Decorator/Fashion Designer Corrupt Politician (evil +10) Ah hell! Can be a Hamster Rancher (+10 Humor) There is a world full of endless types of 'normal' jobs (though I would love reading about the: Hamster Rancher by day, but by night he is a stealthy stone cold killer). Just find something that fits his personality.
Will never look at Starbuck workers the same again... Anyway... A librarian! That's just my 2 cents. x3
Most wise. Never can tell who is making your coffee. Muahahaha! Well I doubt the average Starbucks employee is really that evil. May never know their coffee is not all that great any way. Let me know if you feel dodgy the next time you order a latte.
In the OP "villain occupations" was between quotation marks so I interpreted it with some freedom as "what kind of dark past could someone have that catches up to her?" To the OP : as she is your protagonist, you may want to make the reader relate to her. Keep in mind that there could be things that were not bad at the time when she did it, but now it is considered as such. If 20 years ago she became wealthy by trading with a neighboring country that is now the biggest enemy of your fantasy realm, than this could cast a shadow on her.